Write the case study about is: Burj Khalifa.
The entire project will revolve around the Burj Khalifa Project and it will be completely based on the post-project review via presenting the report. The success and the failure of the Burj Khalifa project will be divided into the time management, risk management, and the procurement management. Furthermore, the project will conclude by recommending so that the future projects should not make these mistakes. On the other hand, it can be said that the ability of the construction industry is getting worst day by day. Throwing light on the above-mentioned, it can be said that if the Burj Khalifa is built with regards to the same speed like the Empire State Building then it is estimated that it would have come into the existence 2 years earlier. The success factors of the Burj Khalifa are mainly their extremely skilled workforce, and their success rate is also measured by the iron triangle. The failure of the Burj Khalifa project included the increase in the total estimated cost amount because there was a change in the design and most importantly the project was also quite unsuccessful in meeting the budget as well as the schedule with regards to the internal project objectives.
Focus Area 1- Time management
The focus area in this segment is the time management of the Burj Khalifa project.
It has been observed in terms of the time that the original time that was estimated before for completing the entire project was 47 months but later on when the design of the structure was modified in a better way and it has been noticed that it took more 9 months that increased the costs, labor, and etcetera. From the personal point of view I want to clearly comment that the CEO with regards to the time management Burj Khalifa can be regarded as the failure as the engineers, on-site managers along with other people failed to work within the estimated timeframe it can be also because the timeframe was quite unrealistic in nature because of the remodified design the workers were unable to build it within the estimated time (Guo, Kwon and Kareem, 2015).
The decline in terms of the economic situation was also responsible for the delay in construction of Burj Khalifa. The failure is highlighted with regards to the time management mostly for the Burj Khalifa as it is one of the most challenging tasks ever for the workers that they faced during the time of the construction because it is regarded as one of the tallest human-made buildings in the entire world. Another main cause of the delay was the extreme temperature during the daytime.
It has been mainly learned that the scope and the size of the project were so big that some of the problems could not be handled in an effective way in terms of time. The entire time taken for completing the Burj Khalifa Project was near about 2,193 days as the average height that was built every day was 1 foot and 3 inches approximately. On the positive side, it has been observed that the speeding up of the Burj Khalifa project took place from the year 2005 and 2006 or else the time of the project could have been delayed more (Parker and Wood, 2013).
Focus Area 2- Risk management
The focus area in this part is the risk management of the Burj Khalifa.
It has been viewed that risk management plays a vital role in the construction industry to a great extent and it is also one of the biggest challenges for them especially when there is a huge project such as Burj Khalifa is involved. The risk is also one of the main components in the decision-making process.
In terms of failure with regards to the risk management, it has been observed that the raw materials that used in building the Burj Khalifa were also not of the high-quality and the team also overlooked to verify it with regards to the possible risks that were connected with it. The project almost took 6 years to get completed and after that, in terms of the post-project, there are a lot of problems aroused from the project, for instance, the electricity breakdown and also the issue related to the elevator in the project. One of the main risks that have been also identified was to design one of the tallest buildings and in this case, the height came as one of the potential risk factors for the construction (Kardes and et al, 2013).
It has been learned from this segment that there were a lot of risk factors when the construction of this particular project took place from the beginning such as the technological breakouts. In terms of the design phase the possible risks that were associated with the project were- effects of the sun on the workers, the location of the Burj Khalifa, and transport system within the Burj Khalifa (Chapman, 2016).
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Focus Area 3- Procurement management
The focus area of this segment if the procurement management
The entire procurement management process mainly consists of the main items that are purchased from the external suppliers. Furthermore, the entire procure management process of Burj Khalifa consists of the receipt, ordering approval and also the reviewing of the items from the suppliers.
From the procurement management point of view, the Burj Khalifa project was successful. Firstly, the construction team searched for the potential supplier's right from the beginning with regards to the needs of the purchasing. Secondly, the potential suppliers for the project were also identified in the most effective and efficient manner. Thirdly, in terms of the background review also the managers made sure that the warranties and the quality of the raw materials were good enough that has been received from the suppliers. Fourthly, negotiation phase of the Burj Khalifa in terms of agreeing with the deadline, price, and availability with the important suppliers also carried out in a peaceful manner. Fifthly, the initial raw materials were assessed as they were consumed and it also involved the ongoing support with regards to the each and every contract. Lastly, the potential future needs are assessed for extending the contract of Burj Khalifa when the old requirements of the project are met in a peaceful manner (Meredith and Kotronis, 2012).
It has been learnt from the entire procurement management phase of the Burj Khalifa is within the procurement management and the project management along with the contract management played one of the most vital parts as it determined the main needs of the project, for instance, which raw materials were most suitable for building the Burj Khalifa, and the variety of costs that are associated with this specific project and the deadline. In the deadline part, it has been already highlighted in the study that Burj Khalifa failed badly as they could not complete the project within the stipulated time. The procurement also played an important role for the Burj Khalifa project as they help them to secure the services that are external to the project in order to facilitate it. Moreover, it also included a process by which the accounting principles have been taken into account for maximizing the return on investment and also the issues related to the project for minimizing the risks. It has been also learned that the entire procurement process of the Burj Khalifa consisted of- gathering information, supplier contract, background review, maintenance, and disposal as well as the renewal (HAMDY and AL-HAJJ, 2014).
Conclusion and recommendation
In this portion the three focus areas success and the failure factors will be discussed and also recommendation will be given so that when the big projects such as Burj Khalifa is constructed in the future then they can avoid the problems.
In the focus area 1 in terms of the time management, it has been observed that Burj Khalifa has failed very badly because of the several factors. Firstly, the design was modified again when the construction work was ongoing so it took a lot of time. Secondly, the timeframe that was set by the engineers and also by the project managers of the Burj Khalifa was also not at all realistic in nature because it is one of the reasons why the goals could be achieved by the workers within a specific time period. Thirdly, it has been also observed that some workers were on strike in the year 2005 for increasing their pay because of the labor that is invested in the project for this reason also the project got delayed. It can be recommended for the future projects that the design should be fixed from the initial stage, the timeline should be realistic and the remuneration of the workers must be as per the labor they are investing in the project.
In the focus area 2 in terms of the risk management also the project Burj Khalifa to some extent failed because of certain reasons such as, the raw material quality was not at all good so it possessed a huge amount of risk and also the height of the building was so tall that it was also identified as one of the major risks. The recommendation for the future project is that the raw materials should be cross-checked and if the height of the building is quite tall then additional methods such as safety of the workers and other amenities must be provided.
In the focus area 3, the project Burj Khalifa was quite successful so there is no recommendation for the future similar type of projects in this segment as they can follow the strategies taken by the Burj Khalifa in this segment for being extremely successful.
Chapman, R. J. (2016). The rules of project risk management: Implementation guidelines for major projects. New York: Routledge.
Guo, Y., Kwon, D. K., and Kareem, A. (2015). Near-real-time hybrid system identification framework for civil structures with application to Burj Khalifa. Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(2), 04015132.
Kardes, I., Ozturk, A., Cavusgil, S. T., and Cavusgil, E. (2013). Managing global megaprojects: Complexity and risk management. International Business Review, 22(6), 905-917.
Meredith, N., and Kotronis, J. (2012). Self-detailing and self-documenting systems for wood fabrication: The Burj Khalifa. na.
Parker, D., and Wood, A. (Eds.). (2013). The Tall Buildings Reference Book. New York: Routledge.