What Makes Advertising Effective.


What Makes Advertising Effective.



This literature review assesses the factors that lead to the effectiveness of advertising. In general, the advertising strategy considers four important areas while making decisions. These four elements are:

  1. -    People who are being targeted as the listener or the consumer of that particular advertising piece

  2. -    Concept or the product that is being sold or advertised.

  3. -    Platform that has been selected to advertise the product

  4. -    The message that needs to be propagated

Presence of these four elements is necessary in any advertising strategy and can be stated as fundamentals of advertising.  The purpose of advertising is to gain the attention of the audience and keep them interested to the product or the services. Moreover, it gives them the credibility which is required by the firm to move ahead. A proper advertising technique helps the organization create desire in the people for the products and the services being sold. Moreover, it motivates people to take action to purchase the stated product or avail the service being advertised. 

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According to Dan Hill, the author of The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising (2010), the emotional factors of the people can be effectively utilised to create an effective advertising. He states that engagement of multiple senses of the target audience increases the effectiveness of the message. Moreover, advertisements that reflect passion, purpose or personality are tending to be more effective than the other kinds of advertising. The author states that the audience defined as emotional are those who are looking into something that can help them express themselves, affirm on what they believe, and nurture their orientation. Along with that, a sense of interpersonal connection helps the advertising reach them more quickly and with effectiveness. 
The level of engagement reflected by an advertisement and the level of memorability of the same ensure the success. The other characteristics are whether the advertisement is likeable to the people, relevance to the listeners or viewers and the level of belief audience can reflect after watching the ad. The advertisements using effective persuasion techniques can help the companies lure customers effectively. Use of arguments and emotion (Dan Hill, 2010) helps in bringing the words to the consumers (Tellis, 2003). However, the latter always shined above than placements of arguments in the advertisements. People orient more towards the advertisements that reflect satisfaction to the customers. If the customers feel that the product being advertised is likely to being satisfaction to them, then it is most likely that they will prefer watching the ad and buying the product being advertised.

Effective Video Advertising

The advent of internet has seen flood of videos floating around looking for viewers. Beginning from small to big, all the existing companies are developing videos that can help them attract the customers. The sharing of videos has reached at extreme levels and the role of video sharing in the field of advertisement has become extremely important. Therefore, understanding the effective video advertising is imperative for anyone trying to understand what makes the advertising effective. 
The advent of internet and a broadband connection which is present everywhere has helped people get access to each other and companies to the customers easier and efficient. There are increasing numbers of audience and video provider in the advertising online space and the attention span of the people are decreasing gradually and has left on with less than 30 seconds (Park et al, 2008). Initially the effective advertising was defined from the eyes of advertisers and the performance of certain ad used to give the understanding to the organization. A recent study has allowed the idea that understanding the experiences associated with the users can help the advertisers in exploring the positive or negative impacts of the methods used in the advertisements. The inclusion of user experience allows the advertisers to see things from new perspective. Moreover, it has been found that the level of relevance and intrusiveness reflected by the video defines how the particular advertisement will be accepted by the user community. Intrusiveness is defined as interruption in middle of something the user is enjoying or are involved with and don’t want to engaged with something else. If an ad is more intrusive then it is possible that instead of liking the same, the users might start to hate the product and the brand as it leads to the creation of perception where the product is interfering into the life of the users. It has been observed that the ads that are less intrusive are perceived as something that adds value to the life of users and they tend to make more purchases of the products or the service being advertised. The customers do not take as the stated product or service is being forced upon them and they accept it pleased. 
On the other hand, if the advertisement is too pushy and is disturbing the normal course of life of the users, then it is most likely that the users will start hating the advertisements and anything that is being advertised. The second important factor is the relevance of the advertisement (Frazer et al, 2002. The users show interest only to those videos those reflect some relevance to the users. The level of association is important for the users to watch the video again and again. Any video, for that matter, be it from a service company or from some local store selling xyz, can be attractive to the users if the elements being shown reflect the personality of the users and they are relating to the same in any form.
There are various online platforms that allow the users and companies to share videos to everyone publicly. Some of them are Youtube, Metacafe, and others. Now the social media has also joined the race of video sharing and uploading. Popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter see numerous uploading and sharing of videos from all around the world. The few of the methods that are being used to advertise is using some other video and embedding the ad in the same (Zeff and Aronson, 1999). This method has been most popular among the advertisers for video platforms such as Youtube. 

Curiosity as an Effective Tool

One of the elements for an effective advertising defined by the researchers is Curiosity (Hewett, 1975). Curiosity is defined as something that motivates people to take a look into activities being conducted or taking place without any external force. The purpose of the advertisement, in general, is to pull the attention of the customers towards the product, educate them about the benefit of the products to them (Smith and Swinyard, 1988). However, the initial step in the advertising is always to put something in the advertisement that can attract the fickle attention span of the people (Stanford, 2005). Therefore, the advertisements those succeed in doing so, generally outperform even the most costly advertising strategies. Generation of interest and motivation is the challenging part for the advertisers. Moreover, the advent of internet and the related advertising requires the advertisers to create something that can grab the attention of the passive viewers or the visitors of the pages. The internet has changed the way the users used to interact with the advertisements. Earlier, being a passive audience was enough for an advertiser. However, the changing time has reflected the necessity that the users should reflect on the elements being advertised by interacting with them manually using various interactive buttons placed on the page and learn more about the product and its features. These expectations from the companies impress advertisers to come with ideas that can help attract the attention of the users in between the clutter. Concern of the advertisers on the limitation of the time and the limitation on the control of the content being advertised on the internet has brought more pressure and production of advertisements those are almost timeless. In earlier days, all the advertisement activities were in the hand of advertisers or the company and they could shut off any advertisement from running anytime they prefer (Maloney, 2000). However, the internet has given more power to the users and less power to the content providers. Now the content providers release the content and the fate of the content lies in the hand of the users. 
Citing some of the less clicks on multiple ads, several researchers asserts that offline advertisements will always be more effective than the online. Such orientation has not been approved by those who are proponent of the online advertisements and are capable enough to attract the consumers well within the stipulated time and cost, and that too with effectiveness and efficiency.

Educating Consumers and Advertisement Effectiveness

The purpose of advertisements has always been to attract the customers to purchase what the companies want to sell. However, the recent advancement in the technology has seen development of one of most important part of the advertisement function that is educating the consumers about the services and products of the company and also about the related areas. The related areas include teaching customers about the way they can effectively utilise the product and what alternative methods they can use for the conduction of their work. The companies are now using newspaper columns, radio shows, and online blogs, and video tutorials to teach people things related to the domain of the company (Spring, 2003). Such activity of spreading knowledge allows the company to attract knowledge seekers to them and in turn, the company gains more brand recognition (Batra and Ray, 1986). 
The process of educating consumers includes various subconscious activities such as to interact with the product of the company, start liking the brand and the company’s product and spread the knowledge to others referencing where they saw or learned that thing. Advertisements can be effectively used to attract the consumers to search for more knowledge. It allows increased level of interactivity with the brand and the company’s product. Dan Ariely (2000) states that the increase in the level of interactivity allows the consumers to selectively go about the knowledge and learn new things with regular interaction. The internet can be used as one of the tools to effectively advertise the products and services of the consumers with concentrated control and assessment. The need of control and assessment arises as the internet cannot be tamed by any particular advertiser and the message might distort in the middle and lose its significance and fail to complete the intended purpose (Loewenstein, 1994). The reason for the distortion and the failure is the openness of the internet. It has provided huge power to the users and people can comment or anti-comment on any advertisement or information being posted by any company. Therefore, to ward off the negative impression and to bring positive response, the company can continuously use internet as primary tools of effective advertising.

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Developing an effective advertisement is possible if the company relies on combining various factors such as curiosity, right target, concept, platform and the medium (preferably internet for changing times). These elements are likely help the company improve its advertisement effectiveness and reach as much target audience they want under the intended budget and timeframe. The power of internet and ability of an advertisement to create curiosity cannot be denied and more advancement in this field can be expected in the days to come. 


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