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Wellness And Prevention Programs In Assisted Living Facility And Occupational Therapist
Wellness tends to be evolving process with greater self-direction. The process targets the full potential which encompasses the mental along with the spiritual wellbeing pertaining to the environment. The lifestyle too is a crucial factor. The various dimensions that signify wellness constitute occupational, physical, spiritual, emotional, social and intellectual (Borcich, J. A., Ramos, R. F., & Wong, T. S., 2016; Zimmerman, S., Greene, A., Sloane, P. D., Mitchell, M., Giuliani, C., Nyrop, K., & Walsh, E., 2017). With the significance brought out by the occupational dimension constituting the personal satisfaction along with the enrichment taking place through work. With the spiritual dimension, the purpose pertaining to human existence is defined.
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The intellectual including the activities relating to stimulating mental activities and the emotional including the awareness along with the acceptance of feelings (Cook, T., & Mendonca, R., 2017; Ballantyne-Rice, M., Chopp, K., Evans, L., Ho, V., Hsiung, W. P., Simon, M. A & Donnelly, T. T., 2016). The assisted living facility with the setting pertaining to the long term nursing provisioned with the occupational therapy is crucial. The determination with respect to the wellness needs in the community basis the interviewing of the residents can be well determined. The various exercises that form part of the occupational therapy too govern the opportunity provisioned to the older adults while addressing the emotional along with the social wellness.
Identifying the development based on the occupational intervention in addressing the concerns has been enhanced over the years. The evidence based practice pertaining to the determination of unmet needs basis wellness has a crucial role to play (Cook, T., & Mendonca, R., 2017; Ballantyne-Rice, M., Chopp, K., Evans, L., Ho, V., Hsiung, W. P., Simon, M. A.& Donnelly, T. T., 2016). The opportunities existing in the arena of emotional along with social wellness are rare and subject to these conditions the development for the program tends to hold necessary.
Occupational therapy arena with the identification basis the difficulties and the limitations pertaining to the activities with respect to daily living need the engagement of wellness. The expansion to the crucial role played with regards to occupational therapy is basis the various dimensions constituting the wellness. The wellness with respect to the older adults aids in the increasing of the holistic values (Shubert, T. E., Smith, M. L., Goto, L., Jiang, L., & Ory, M. G., 2017; Diwan, S., Perdue, M., Lee, S. E., & Grossman, B. R., 2016). The community wellness programs with the assisted living facility target the care provisioned for the long term. The practitioners tend to team up to provide the collective support and regular exercises are being arranged. As part of the program with successful intervention, the implementation takes place at various levels with the functionality needed.
It is crucial that the feedback of the clients s also ascertained which aids in the well deployment of wellness in the occupational therapies and the assisted living facility. The determination of needs have to be synchronized with the implementation of wellness program (Shubert, T. E., Smith, M. L., Goto, L., Jiang, L., & Ory, M. G., 2017; Diwan, S., Perdue, M., Lee, S. E., & Grossman, B. R., 2016). the various dimensions can be focused with the occupational, spiritual and emotional dimensions. the social aspect including the contribution to the environment also forms an essential part. With the efforts put in basis the implementation, it is the strength with the balance and the focus on exercise for the patients.
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Ballantyne-Rice, M., Chopp, K., Evans, L., Ho, V., Hsiung, W. P., Simon, M. A., ... & Donnelly, T. T. (2016). A Client-Centered Community Engagement Project: Improving the Health and Wellness of Older Adults in an Assisted Living Facility. Journal of gerontological nursing, 42(8), 44-51.
Borcich, J. A., Ramos, R. F., & Wong, T. S. (2016). Preventing and Reducing Falls in Assisted Living Facilities: An Educational Intervention.
Cook, T., & Mendonca, R. (2017). The Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Home Health Program for Functional Independence of Older Adults in the Home. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4_Supplement_1), 7111515219p1-7111515219p1.
Diwan, S., Perdue, M., Lee, S. E., & Grossman, B. R. (2016). Health promotion practice and interprofessional education in aging: Senior wellness fairs. Gerontology & geriatrics education, 37(2), 145-166.
Shubert, T. E., Smith, M. L., Goto, L., Jiang, L., & Ory, M. G. (2017). Otago Exercise Program in the United States: Comparison of 2 Implementation Models. Physical therapy, 97(2), 187-197.
Zimmerman, S., Greene, A., Sloane, P. D., Mitchell, M., Giuliani, C., Nyrop, K., & Walsh, E. (2017). Preventing falls in assisted living: Results of a quality improvement pilot study. Geriatric nursing, 38(3), 185-191.