This assessment is designed to help you identify and develop responsible leadership skills. As a team of consultants, your group will
be working together to (a) research and explore a business organisation and (b) propose a social innovation based approach to enact
responsible leadership in the selected organisation.
You will produce a report containing a powerful and convincing argument for your selected organisation to adopt a social innovation
initiative demonstrating responsible leadership action.
In groups of 45, you will apply social innovation to a real business organisation and one of its leaders. The sources for this project
will include media reports, interviews and other secondary data publicly available on organisations and leaders. The report must
contain the following sections:
1. A brief description of the member contributions to the report.
2. A brief introduction outlining the key facts of the selected business organisation and its leader.
3. A description of your social innovation based responsible leadership initiative.
4. Application of social innovation consisting of;
a) a definition of social innovation,
b) an explanation on how your organisation could ‘enact’ the key elements of this definition through responsible leadership, and
c) a description of the measurable targets of your social innovation initiative in terms of quantity and quality.
5. Recommendations to the organisation’s top management to enhance responsible leadership through social innovation.
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The Circe is an American film released in year 2017 and that is being directed by James Ponsoldt which is based on the novel Eggers 2013. The film has been emphasizing on the main role of Emma Watson whose name is Mae in the movie which is hired to work with the most powerful technological and social media company. She joins the company as she sees it a lifetime opportunity to work with (Waldman & Balven, 2014). The company’s founder encourages her to be a part of “The Circle” so as to engage the experiments which can push up the boundaries of privacy, ethics and groundbreaking personal freedom. She has participated in the experiment and every decision which she makes affects the lives and future of her family and community as well. In the study, discussion has been included about the concept of responsible leadership and that is further supported by theoretical grounds.
The movie is all about the point of transparency which is being supported by the audience to keep things reported. The movie gives response about the way of managing disclosure of everything in the public. Chief focus of the movie has been laid on role of Mae who sees her work as an opportunity to do something good and new (Doh & Quigley, 2014). There is an introduction of SeeChange wherein small cameras are installed anywhere to provide real-time video. At work, Mae rises in the circle for the purpose of embracing social networking. She keeps herself engaged in showing different pictures to record everything in the camera. However, there was a time when Mae and the company experienced critique as well from open transparency of everything. Hence, in the film chief role is being played by Mae.
A leader is someone who has the potential of leading people; however the person also needs to have the capability to develop new practices and processes in the organization. In the present film, lead role is being played by Mae since she was the person who took initiative for the new project SeeChange. This was all about maintaining transparency in the society about everything. In the case, Mae used the opportunity test to suggest that transparency can be a good force for community (Sroufe et al. 2015). The program was implemented so that to find anyone by quickly locating the place. However, the role of leader is also associated with risk aspects in which the person must have the ability to know about the risks and other challenges which might occur. In this film also, it has been observed that Mae was a responsible and determined person and this is the reason she suggested the point of transparency to the management (Pearce, Wassenaar & Manz, 2014).
Leader must have the capability to explain each and every thing to the followers and Mae had all such skills. In order to become a leader, it is essential for the person to have specific skills and capabilities so that followers can follow all the standards being determined. In the contemporary scenario, it is vital for the organizations to have appropriate leadership so that to get the work done successfully (Guthey, 2016). In the movie also, Mae indirectly played the role of a leader by showing all her skills and ability of initiation. For a leader, it is vital to emphasize on the impact of work on others; hence this is being shown in the present movie. Leadership is one such act through which leaders can create new dimensions in the organization and this can also strengthen the way tasks and projects are being managed (Stokes et al. 2016).
In the film, Mae played the role of participate leader wherein she involved each and every member of the organization in her project and idea. This helped her to gain support from everyone present out in the organization (Kempster, Gregory & Watton, 2016). Participative leadership style holds crucial importance because it is essential for team work and it can also aid in developing appropriate environment in the team. Likewise the style of leadership, smart leaders leverages their platforms to lift others which are prominently shown in the movie. Being genius is not necessary all the time; however a leader needs to have the capabilities to increase the participation of people through providing them accurate and adequate information about any project coming in the organization.
Responsible leadership theory involves the concept of doing right thing as per the requirements of work. The theory states that leader need to stand with the values especially when they are being tested; however if not, then such values cannot be considered as values and concepts. There are different ways through which the concept of leadership can be changed with diverse approaches that can assist the leader to create new things in roles and responsibilities (Turnbull & Williams, 2016). In the contemporary scenario, responsible leadership is all about creating new things according to modern time which also develops new sort of managing the work dimensions. The concept of responsible leadership is all about having the skill of responsibility in which new tasks and activities can be managed suitably.
Responsible leadership is not about the attribute of the individual leader but it must also undertake the entire system that takes into consideration the valid factors such as internal environment, process system and contextual environment. The theory of Responsible leadership for performance has been mainly developed by Lynham and Chermack in the year 2006 and the framework developed mainly highlights that leadership focuses on both responsibility and performance (Koh, 2014). Further, leadership is regarded as performance system of interacting input, process, output, boundaries and feedback where each and every variable has linked with one another.
Figure 1: The Theoretical Framework Model of RLP
Source: Koh, 2014
Unit 1- The input: Consideration of constituency
It has been stated that for the existence of leadership it must consist of the constituency that is the group of followers reside inside or outside the performance system may have high or low authority along with high and low potential impact on the performance. With the help of reviewing scenario, Mae took responsibility for her entire task and she was also called as the initiator of the project of transparency that leads to facilitate the success of SeeChange.
Responsible leadership is also about maintaining interest of shareholders such as workers, clients, suppliers, environment and the community. It is essential for the leader to focus more on sustainability development wherein simply the leader should seek the ways to promote organization’s economic and financial objectives. In this context, it is essential for the leader to recognize that the organization has been considering all important dimensions belong to corporate values. Leader also posses the capability to utilize all the resources in optimum manner so that it can be used in the most optimum manner (Jamali, Mohanna & Panossian, 2017). The main aim should not be limited to enhance the profit level; but it should include new leadership approach which is more responsible and inclusive. These way new aspects of leadership can be included in all domains.
Unit 2- The process: Framework of Responsibilities
The unit focuses on three framework and aspects that is effectiveness, ethics and endurance that support in attaining sustainability. With the help of enabling framework of responsibleness, it results in attaining the desired outcome.
Some films are made in such a way that it can portray behavior and messages of leaders for different contexts. The leaders perform their roles and duties after including all the important dimensions which can change the way of doing things. The theory states that prior leading, it is essential for the person to determine own effectiveness and skills which are inherited. This is yet another technique through which new opportunities and ways of managing things can be specified (Patzer, Voegtlin & Scherer, 2018). It also emphasizes on the concept of transformational leadership wherein new and different techniques should be adopted for the purpose of handling any specific situations.
Unit 3- The outputs: Domains of performance
With the help of reviewing the framework of Responsible Leadership for Performance (RLP), it has been stated that it results in arising domains of performance that is attaining system mission, an individual performer as well as work processes etc (Waldman & Balven, 2014). Therefore, Mae engaged in attaining domains of performance with the help of implementing participative leadership style.
On critical note, there is no perfect leadership style which can be applied in all situations. Thus, the situations should continually keep on changing so that appropriately the work can be managed systematically.
Leadership subsystem boundary
It is also crucial for the leader to align organizational aspects with environmental aspects so as to derive sustainability benefits. Responsible leadership is about making business decisions which is integrated with the interest of shareholders so that company standards can be maintained on all accounts. At the same time, leader should also keep several things into accounts by pulling out the surroundings (Kempster & Carroll, 2016). Business activities should be associated with environmental sustainability so that company can contribute in environmental development. In this context, leaders should also analyze systematic risks and challenges which can hamper the reputation of the business. Responsible leadership includes welfare of workforce in all contexts; hence leader is directly accountable for the same thing.
Workforces are the major resources of the organization since they help in carrying out each and every task; hence there must be huge provisions for human development. Leader should provide several benefits to the employees according to the work done by them and this also strengthens the way things are being managed (Stone-Johnson, 2014). Legal and other necessary aspects should also be focused from all dimensions so that ethics and responsibilities can be given equal importance respectively. As a new responsible leadership theory, it includes up the deficiencies of existing leadership theories and this can effectively balance the conflicting interests among stakeholders inside and outside the organization.
Responsible leadership theory has been adopted by Mae in which she took responsibility of her entire task and she was also called as the initiator of the project of transparency. She handled the way in which a leader manages everything and directs people accordingly. She was also the one in which she managed every task from her own risks (Stokes et al. 2016). She persuaded others as well to contribute with her in the project so that the success of SeeChange can be facilitated. It is also essential for the leader to stand with the point which he or she had made for the task. This will be beneficial for the purpose of improving the behavior of the leader. Followers always follow the directions of leader when they know the right areas where they should move forward.
However, on a critical note, it can be said that the application of responsible theory is essential in contemporary scenario so that new things and different dimensions can be added accordingly. For instance- larger business organizations have been focusing on contextual leadership for the purpose of managing the roles and responsibilities in the most prominent manner (Waldman & Balven, 2014). The theory seems to affect the areas of business when it is being managed by a responsible leader. Relating it to the case, it can be said that the significant aspect of leadership can be described in the form where in proper outcomes from leader’s act can be derived. The major context of the film is to analyze the opportunity for lifetime for Mae where she could assist the director to include all the dimensions of managing the work profile (Pearce, Wassenaar & Manz, 2014).
In this case, it is also essential for the leader to take the risk on the demand of situation. Thus, relating it to the case, it can be said that Mae should also consider the risk involved in transparency project. She could also have analyzed the domains in which people may restrict for the same (Sroufe et al. 2015). This is also crucial for the purpose of changing the situation of business through leading the scenario. The concept of leadership has been adopted in all the organizations so that to get the work done and also to create differential aspects of success in account. This is also vital in undertaking better decisions at the organization with selected stakeholders. More association of the stakeholders more will be the appropriate outcomes. However, in many situations, it is being noted that leaders change the way of approaching merely to exclude the risks and challenges (Doh & Quigley, 2014). This is happened for the purpose of protecting the organization from legal problems. In order to solve any problem, it is vital for the leader to adopt necessary approach by integrating the interest of all stakeholders
Summing up the present research study, it can be said that role of leaders and followers have been changing around on higher extent and this is highly required in contemporary organizations. Relating with responsible theory, it can be said that business leader should combine necessary aspects which can benefit or affect the organisation as a whole. Moreover, in this context it is also essential for the leader to focus on the requirements of the situation for the purpose of setting up right dimensions for the work. Changes are also required to be facilitated in leadership style so that transforming patterns of leadership can be adopted. These way leaders will be able to create new philosophical dimensions for the organization and for followers both. Thus, it is evident that responsible leadership outcomes can be suitably attained through containing diversified methods of leading people and business.
Doh, J. P., & Quigley, N. R. (2014). Responsible leadership and stakeholder management: Influence pathways and organizational outcomes. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(3), 255-274.
Guthey, E. (2016). 11 Romanticism, antimodernism, and a pluralistic perspective on responsible leadership. Responsible Leadership: Realism and Romanticism, 4, 203.
Jamali, D., Mohanna, N., & Panossian, H. (2017). 3 Responsible Leadership in Times of Change. CSR, Sustainability, and Leadership, 5, 31.
Kempster, S., & Carroll, B. (Eds.). (2016). Responsible leadership: Realism and romanticism (Vol. 4). Routledge.
Kempster, S., Gregory, S., & Watton, E. (2016). Developing responsible leadership through discourse ethics. Responsible Leadership: Realism and Romanticism, 4, 163.
Patzer, M., Voegtlin, C., & Scherer, A. G. (2018). The Normative Justification of Integrative Stakeholder Engagement: A Habermasian View on Responsible Leadership. Business Ethics Quarterly, 1-30.
Pearce, C. L., Wassenaar, C. L., & Manz, C. C. (2014). Is shared leadership the key to responsible leadership?. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(3), 275-288.
Sroufe, R., Sivasubramaniam, N., Ramos, D., & Saiia, D. (2015). Aligning the PRME: How study abroad nurtures responsible leadership. Journal of Management Education, 39(2), 244-275.
Stokes, P., Stewart, J. A., Thurloway, L., Wilson, J., & Blakeley, K. (2016, July). Emergent Oppositions, Dialectics and Juxtapositions in the Literature in Relation to Business Schools and Responsible Leadership.
Stone-Johnson, C. (2014). Responsible leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 50(4), 645-674.
Turnbull, S., & Williams, S. C. (2016). Developing'next generation'globally responsible leadership: Gen Y perspectives on global responsibility, leadership, and integrity.
Waldman, D. A., & Balven, R. M. (2014). Responsible leadership: Theoretical issues and research directions. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(3), 224-234.
Koh, C. (2014). The Responsible Leadership for Performance framework.