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Research and write a 3 page report on the unique analysis and design challenges that information systems’ professionals must overcome given the environment that the modern healthcare setting presents. Examples of challenges include, but are not limited to:
Requirements gathering
Vendor management
Now-a-days, the information systems are the backbone for almost all the organisations. Without the information systems, it has become impossible for the banks to process the payments; government cannot collect taxes from all the people, the patients cannot be traced in hospitals etc. The role of information system has become prominent in almost every sector including educational, manufacturing, financial, governmental, healthcare etc. But, the development of these information systems for effective functioning of the activities of any organisation is not an easy task. The professionals, who are involved in this, face difficulty on daily basis to design the systems, integrate all aspects and requirements in it and ensure its successful implementation. After implementation too, they have to take care of the upgradation of the systems as per the changing requirements of the organisations and they also have to maintain the security of the systems.
The purpose of this report is to determine the unique analysis and design challenges that information system’ professionals must overcome given the environment that the modern healthcare setting presents.
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In this phase, the information system professionals try to develop the models that help in establishing a communication between the users and the software developers of the information systems. In this phase, the unique challenge that the professionals face is related to the gathering of requirements for designing the systems. In the healthcare sector, there are continuous technological advancements that happen and accordingly, the systems have to be designed.
In this phase, the professionals develop two types of models. One, they have to derive a functional design model from the domain model. Though it is expressed in general modelling constructs, but it is still away from the specific implementation (World Health Organization, 2002). Basically, it captures the functionality of the information system. So, when the advancements in the healthcare happens and the new things have to be incorporated in the systems, the professional face a challenge regarding how they will gather the information related to those new advancements, their impact on the current functional design and the things that have to be incorporated in the functional design for changing it as per the requirements.
Second model is the implementation model in the design phase which is derived from the functional design model (Berg, 2001). Here the programming language has to be taken into account. This again has the challenge for professionals because the programming language has to be changed and for changing it, it has to be in line with the new requirements. So, they have to think that what all is required to be incorporated in the language.
Example: The data of patients is entered in the system manually in the individual hospitals and now it has to be automatic and linked among all the hospitals so that when data of one patient is entered in one system, it can be accessed by any hospital at any place. Thus, in this case, a new system has to be generated and the old systems in the hospitals have to be replaced. So, the domain model needs to change and for that the professionals have to gather the new data from all the places and the requirements that will be common in all the places. This is a challenging thing for them.
In this phase, the professionals try to gain an insight about the model that is made in the design phase and the information system that they implement. Here also, the professionals have to think about the ways of gathering the data because they have to ensure the validation of the data so that the model that has been designed correctly reflects the information system (Laudon, 2004). If they do not gather the requirements correctly, they mail fail the verification and the model may not be able to conform to the specifications. Then, they also have to explore the various states of the model that they have designed so that they can ensure that the desired properties hold in all the states. The experiments are also run by the professionals but they need to know that what all things have to be taken care during the implementation and for that they need to have to data.
It can therefore be concluded that the unique analysis and design challenge that information system’ professionals must overcome given the environment that the modern healthcare setting presents is the requirements gathering. It has to be taken care during both the phases.
Berg, M. (2001). Implementing information systems in health care organizations: myths and challenges. International journal of medical informatics, 64(2), 143-156.
Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2004). Management information systems: managing the digital firm. New Jersey, 8.
World Health Organization. (2000). Design and implementation of health information systems. Geneva: World Health Organization.