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Prepare a report analysing the leadership in the company.
The dynamic technological environment is the solution which can help in facilitating resolution in a static manner. The dynamic technological environment is helpful in generating the cutting edge aspects and the most appropriate output are also generated simultaneously. The dynamic technological environment is not only helpful in providing a suitable solution to the major happened issues, but the new techniques are identified as an added advantage in the process of improvement. The organization selected for the discussion is identified as the most advanced and highly circulated newspaper named as the American Express. The American express is identified as the most unique and highly appreciated newspaper, which is helpful in exchanging the views with the viewers at different levels.
The technological environment is successful in providing different types of assistance in all other respects of works and may also helpful in providing a systematic approach in all contrast. The American expresses also wish to expand their servicing system for the customers. Apart from providing the credit cards and other facilities to customers, the other services are also expanding with rapid speed. For making this aspect successful, the Hadoop technology is being used widely. This technology is helpful in providing strengthening support to the organization by importing different supporting tools on the database. Other than this, the additional part of services are also provided properly on the basis of the proper Hadoop platform (Morgan, 2014).
The execution of Hadoop technology is quite different in comparison to other access technologies. This technology is helpful in both social and mobile back end processing. By this technology, the suitable aspects are generated and these aspects can be used in any form to gather maximum information for processing. According to Druvasula, the senior executive of organization, the major target is to attract customers on a large scale and generate profit. Apart from this, the Sync platform is also identified as the new technology, which is helpful in disclosing the major reformation in the existing technology and also helpful in providing the appropriate assistance accordingly (Woods, 2010). The major purpose of creating this small report is to define the suitable analysis and strategies related to the leadership in an organization. By this, the appropriate output may also generate easily.
In implementing the dynamic technological environment in an organization, the leadership plays the most prominent or specific role. The most important aspect of implementing any new technique is the leadership design which flows in the organization. From higher escalation to the lower escalation, all the employees can be managed only through an appropriate leadership process. The American express is helpful in providing the suitable assistance for leadership. Hence, the growth initiatives are also getting higher. The specific patterns and styles which are adapted in leadership are also responsible for providing the specific approach for the improvement in existing organizations. The American express is identified as the most promising service providing organization. So, the selection of leadership strategy should also be identified in a right manner. The specific leadership analysis can be evaluated on the different ground or standards. To manage the aspects of specific leadership, it is essential that suitable evaluation of these standards should be done appropriately (Marino & Igarta, 2007). The standards are also helpful in managing a proper equilibrium in a better and an approachable manner.
In a general sense, the leadership can be identified into two sections which are named as the Applied analysis and Academic analysis. Both these aspects are individually useful in the organization to perform different tasks related to the leadership. The applied analysis is well suited for psychological aspects related to the organization and employees working in the organization. The academic analysis has its specific identity in managing the suitable perspectives in a definite manner and also covers the major aspects of the leadership aspects. In contrast to the organization, (i.e. American Express), the most suitable analysis is identified as the academic analysis. The trait theory and specific study of the character is helpful in sketching the appropriate leadership styles in the organization. The academic analysis is further categorized into various different types which are named as the Verbal categories, Motivation assessments, Trait assessment, conceptual complexity and many other aspects are also taken into consideration (EBA Team, 2016).
The verbal categories are assessed on the basis of suitable calculations and assumptions. These verbal categories identified with the qualifiers, negatives, retractors and explainers. By these verbal categories, the suitable assumptions and appropriate qualification can be done in all respects. The motivation assessment and trail assessments are helpful in providing the suitable assessment whether the feedback is in the form of which category. Whether it is excellent, bad or average feedback. The suitable evaluation will be helpful in providing the appropriate grading system in all respects. Other than this, the conceptual complexity and operational coding are also identified as the most suitable and well-defined approach by which analysis the suitable leadership can be done on the frequent level. These different standards of the academic analysis will be helpful in generating the suitable output in a possible manner. By this, the suitable output can also be obtained as per requirement. Apart from this, with the help of this leadership style the future chances of growth can also be analyzed.
After analysis of the strategies mentioned above, there are other types of strategies which are helpful in creating the positive impact on working aspects of the organization. The organization is implementing different types of leadership strategies in an appropriate and structured manner. In fact, it is quite clear that there is a suitable coordination between the leadership and strategy. This coordination can only be successful when proper skills and aspects are defined on an initial level. To get suitable success in the leadership strategies, the adaptation of suitable strategies would be helpful in generating an appropriate output in a framed and approachable manner. To leverage or implement the dynamic technological environment, the selection or framing of strategy is essential to be demonstrated. Apart from this, for managing the strategic approach the technological framework is important in a right manner.
Both radical and incremental type of leadership strategy are useful for the organization to operate in a suitable manner. These types of strategies are helpful in making the success of organizational changes in a definite manner. Other than this, the high technology environment will be helpful in providing the suitable assistance in a possible manner. In implementing the dynamic technological environment, these strategies help and act as a catalyst so that the proper results can be generated in a right direction.
The other type of leadership strategy which can be used is identified as the “Creative and operational leadership”. The creative and operational leadership basically possesses the specific and strengthened image by which the appropriate strategic aspects can be achieved in a possible direction. According to Makri and Scandura, the operational and creative leadership is helpful in creating a positive impact and the flow of process can also be observed in a correct direction.
The operational leadership will be helpful in focusing the new and developing technologies in the American express. The expansion of the latest products also need to execute a few specific plans. For implementing these plans, the new inventions and innovative sources are required. The operational leadership is helpful in fulfilling all these requirements and consequences appropriately. Other than this, the creative approach will be helpful in providing the suitable assistance for execution in a proper direction and may also be introduced by applying the innovative methods to introduce dynamic technological environment. This innovative approach may also helpful in transforming the existing phase of innovation and processing on a large scale (Dasgupta, 2009).
The implementation of the dynamic technological environment requires suitable assistance and positive direction for the expandable growth. To make it more successful and well defined, it is essential that the framed approach of operational aspects can be defined at an initial level. At secondary level, the resources and suitable steps should also be identified for the appropriate execution. The collection of resources, the implementation plan and calculation of financial and monetary aspects are also included in the process. This will be helpful in providing a rapid execution to the process (Edsosmwan, 2009).
In short, by summarizing the existing requirement of the dynamic technological environment, the key source identified should be approachable and appropriate. The strategic approach and specific timeline are identified as the most important tool for success and innovation of the existing process. So, it is essential that before implementing the dynamic technological environment, the blueprint should be prepared for the suitable assistance and smooth execution.
Dasgupta, M. (2009). Technological Innovation and Role of Technology Strategy: Towards Development of a Model. 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics, Management Development Institute. Retrieved from https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0SO8zR4JytY9kEAAktXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA21jYWZlZQRncHJpZANVQXhzaDh0cVMuT1JnWWl5RDlXTmFBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDMARxc3RybAMzOQRxdWVyeQNnY2JlLnVz
EBA Team. (2016). Authoritarian leadership. Authoritarian leadership: Use sparingly. Retrieved from http://www.educational-business-articles.com/authoritarian-leadership/
Edsosmwan, J. A. (2009). Strategic Leadership and Innovation in High Technology Firms. University of Miami. Retrieved from https://www.bus.miami.edu/_assets/files/executive-education/leadership-institute/strategic-leadership.pdf
Marino, M., & Igarta, D. (2007). American Express: The journey to becoming an organization of Situational Leaders! American Express. Retrieved from http://www.kenblanchard.com/img/pub/american_express_2007.pdf
Morgan, T. (2014, October 17). Why Hadoop Is The New Backbone Of American Express . Why Hadoop Is The New Backbone Of American Express . Retrieved from http://www.enterprisetech.com/2014/10/17/hadoop-new-backbone-american-express/
Woods, D. (2010, November 23). A ‘Dynamic’ Technological Environment. A ‘Dynamic’ Technological Environment. Retrieved from http://whartonmagazine.com/blogs/a-dynamic-technological-environment/