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The objective of this assignment is to understand what is eGovernment and how it is related to eBusiness. You will develop this understanding by reading the “Digital Britain” report that describes how UK is using eGovernment concepts and then comparing contrasting it to the textbook by Laudon and Laudon that covers eBusiness in depth. For extra credit, you may also review other eGovt materials available on the UN Website.
Please download the “Digital Britain Final Report” posted on Moodle.
? Read the Digital Britain Report (IMPORTANT: The report is too long, the exec summary and ch. 8 of Digital Britain are especially useful, you can skip the rest).
? Analyze the Digital Britain report by comparing it to the key topic areas of the text suggested below. The suggested topics are indicated in the table below.
The British government has tried to collate numerous sites for the public needs together to help the people of the country find all the information from one place. Moreover, the government is highly optimistic about the future of technological growth and its positive implication on the country as a whole.
Sub-sections ahead consider various aspects of business and environment and tries to connect with the Digital Britain Report prepared by the central government.
As stated in the report, the utilization of information and communication technology is expected to aid in the strategies developed by the public departments and help private companies to orient more towards conducting better online businesses. Moreover, it can be stated that the new information technologies, if utilized efficiently, can improve the way strategies are implemented. The implementation of the strategies can become fast and will ensure that more services reach to the public in shorter time frame.
There are certain ethical issues that are associated with completely relying on technologies as stated in the report. There are various unsocial elements lurking around who can gain sensitive government and public data from the portals and use them for personal benefits. Moreover, the government personnel may involve in actions that should not be there such as selling sensitive online information to the third party (the reason is the simplicity with which the online data can be shared with anyone).
Enterprise Resource Planning helps the organizations utilize their resources more effectively. Moreover, the utilization of cutting edge technologies in ERP can help it integrate with the central system thus allowing access to all the concerned person of the data. This will allow all the stakeholders to access the important from anywhere and understand what is required and thus can work in the benefit of the organization.
The new technologies are gradually giving push to the artificial intelligence that allows more efficient use of time and resources. Moreover, the new technologies allow appreciable amount of information in making informed decision and also manages huge amount of knowledge from a single access point. These are possible due to new technologies currently being used sparingly by most of the big size private companies. The public organizations can also utilize the benefit of the same for better management of knowledge and harnessing those knowledge for strong decision formation.
The orientation of the government towards the new technologies has given way to development of the new systems in the public organizations. However, it should be noted that the systems get redundant quickly due to fast development in the technology. Therefore, the government has to ensure that the right system has been implemented in the government offices and are being upgraded periodically to prevent one time incur of heavy costs.
It is evident that the technology has moved faster than anything in the past few decades and it is still growing with leaps and bounds. The government is trying to acknowledge and acquire new technologies faster and improve the efficiency of the public organizations. It can only be possible if these organizations understand the way the technologies can help them bring out best output to the public and also the need to change with the changing environment.
It has been found that the public organizations are the ones with most durable laid back attitude that impacts the fast adoption of developing technologies. From the discussions above, it can be stated that the orientation of the government towards embracing the new technologies is appreciable. However, it must be ensured that the government has considered all the threats and weaknesses of such system. Some of the evident are redundancy of the technologies, online data theft from external unsocial elements, ethical threats from internal staffs, and others.
Weerakkody, V., & Dhillon, G. (2008). Moving from e-government to t-government: A study of process reengineering challenges in a UK local authority context. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 4(4), 1.
Irani, Z., Love, P. E., Elliman, T., Jones, S., & Themistocleous, M. (2005). Evaluating e?government: learning from the experiences of two UK local authorities. Information Systems Journal, 15(1), 61-82.
Weerakkody, V., & Choudrie, J. (2005). Exploring e-government in the UK: challenges, issues and complexities. Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2(2), 25-45.
Pardo, T. A., Nam, T., & Burke, G. B. (2011). E-government interoperability: Interaction of policy, management, and technology dimensions. Social Science Computer Review, 0894439310392184.
Evangelidis, A., Akomode, J., Taleb-Bendiab, A., & Taylor, M. (2002). Risk assessment & success factors for e-government in a UK establishment. In Electronic Government (pp. 395-402). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.