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Need to analyse the case study of carla.
The case study depicts the characters of few peoples.
C a divorcee woman, was raised by her aunt, when young. She had an early marriage and two children were born out of the wedlock, and her husband is visualised as the person who went out of marriage and tried hard to find a consistent employment. Finally, C’s husband suffered depression due to some accident at the workplace and was looked after by C. C’s children was not good in studies, and both left the town where their mother lived for employment. Her daughter started living with her boyfriend and fell pregnant, but was hard in finding a sound livelihood and subsequently, her boyfriend thought of quitting his school to support the upcoming family.
The household incomes, of the family was not at par and rather below average. C struggled hard, while her kids were young and maintained her family by sharing the responsibilities of child minding along with her neighbours. But, when the children grew older, it was difficult for her to maintain the job she was into. Due to the problem with the mine, people also changing locality and as a result of which the other business started to fall off. Under similarly situated circumstances, her daughter along with her boyfriend was struggling hard to have a sound income and sustain the family. So, far the housing is concerned, C’s daughter was living in a one room apartment, with no other possible means to relocate.
The social determinants of health are essentially linked with the economic as well as the social conditions, and when these conditions get distributed, then that cause to influence and cause differences in the status of health . So, these social determinants are directly proportionate to the promoting factors of health, which is actually depended on the way how one is living their livelihood in their individual working conditions . But, the way the social determinants get distributed, is also dependable on the public policies and often reflects the ideologies based on the politics, with the specified jurisdictions . According to WHO , the unequal distribution must not be understood as the natural phenomena but should be observed as the result which combined the poor social policies with the arrangements which economically unfair.
The most specific social determinants that is applicable to this particular case study is that of stress . Behaviours in individual’s health reflects those physical endowments, which are combined together with the circumstances as well as experiences which ultimately unfolds when drawn closer to other contexts, and this combination then predominantly becomes the social determinants of the individual’s health conditions. As it is prominent that, the behaviours of health reflect the wellbeing of the individuals . So, attribution by the individuals becomes less responsible than compared to those organisations, which develop the inequalities with the societal structures with illogical ideologies which then in turn, create a massive impact not only on the psychological factors but also on the biological factors .
Again, there is evidence as put forth by Australian Bureau of Statistics , that a certain percentage of those who are within the socioeconomic area in the lowest category, were on the higher side for experiencing diabetes and also chronic heart diseases. On the other hand, National Health Performance Authority , indicates that, people who lives within the socioeconomic area in the lowest category, survived three years less than those people who are not in the same areas. Mallett , on another view suggested that, living in overcrowded situations and in a poor-quality environment results into worsening of both mental and physical health. Similarly, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare , found, highest mortality rates in those lowest strata of socioeconomic area. Low birthweight is also recorded in lowest strata of socioeconomic area compared to those in higher status . Similarly, unemployed people were evidenced to be consuming more illicit drugs than those people who are having employment .
In order to foster the promotion of the health resources, and also for reducing the risk which damages health, both psychological as well as social factors needs a huge shake so that the early intervention can be benefitted by the concerned individual. In order to make the policies effective, healthy behaviours must be distinguished from the risky behaviours. In so doing if the access to the health providers are increased, then there will be lesser health disparities with higher quality of health services. Expenditures regarding health could also be controlled if the links between the health care providers and the healthy activities can be established .
Based on the case study, the two strategies which could be implemented are as follows:
If the health and safety at work can be governed with the strictest policies, then the contraction of the diseases from the work place will be disproportionate so as to upheld the safe working conditions. If this practice could be incorporated irrespective of any discrimination, then work place injuries could be lessened. So, if an administrative body passes an enforcing regulation and enshrines the safety conditions and also strengthens the idea of maintaining the illness records, then the strict mandate to stay in compliance will definitely help to reduce the work place unsafety tactics .
Secondly, if the policies could be enabled so that the individuals can deal with the respective families in the periods of challenges arising due to the multifarious life events, then the joblessness will be buffered and the temporary period of needs will be met. So, if the compensation could be provided, so that the critical care patients’ family could benefit by way of incentives or through the expansion of the insurance concerning unemployment, then things might turn out to be less difficult.
The health professionals can play a major role, in the addressing the issue of social determinants, and in so doing they can involve the coordination of regulatory policies for the reduction of the inequalities and thereby challenging the status quo of the lower socioeconomic strata. Most importantly, persistent commitment with structured planning and maintaining the extensive collaboration in to the cross- sectoral environments will in obvious manner will lead to maintenance of proper equity in health . On the other hand, the inequalities must be addressed along with the social determinants by incorporating clear and straight forward objectives relating to equity. So, identification of specific set of legislations is important for the development of causing a support towards the implementation of it at both the national as well as the state levels. Promotion of respect culturally, along with the anti- discrimination strategies will help to achieve highest equity concerning health. Inputs from the community must also be encouraged so that a supporting hand can help in promoting the healthy activities. Specific behaviours of the individuals can also be focussed, so that they can by themselves exacerbate the already prevailing inequalities. But, fore mostly an individual must be equipped in such a way that they can integrate the initiatives so taken and then can evaluate the possible impacts of the inequalities concerning health .
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