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Write about Should Teenage pregnancy be banned?.
The teenage pregnancy can be a great experience, mainly in the later years of teenage. The wide range of social and health outcomes are associated with the teenage pregnancy. Thus, the teenage pregnancy has become a social problem. Further, it gives rise to the problem of poverty and unemployment. The children of teenage mothers tend to become teenage parents themselves. Despite the availability of contraceptives and abortion facility, around 16 million teenage women give birth every year which is further being accounted for around 11 percent of all births and the Niger has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies. In order to eradicate teenage pregnancy, various approaches can be used like creating awareness among people about better sexual health services by implementing the programs of youth development.
Although, people talk about equality between both the genders but still women are being dominated by men. As women are forced to marry at the teenage, and they are forced to become pregnant as they live in a highly deprived areas and have lower educational achievements and doesn’t have adequate care homes. It has also been researched that the teenage pregnancy also has positive events for some women but to some extent only.
The teenage pregnancy is being conceived between the ages of 13-18. The rate of teenage pregnancy varies significantly between different countries and the social factors which are associated with the teenage pregnancy also varies accordingly (Phipps?Yonas, S. 1980). The teenage parents tend to access less antenatal and services which impact the social and health outcomes which further becomes the social issue (Whitaker et al., 2014). But from the past two years, the journals have started ignoring the major issue of teenage pregnancy, and they are focusing on other issues.
The cogent research question which I would like to answer is the social consequences of the teenage pregnancy and the various measures to reduce them. In my opinion, there are adverse consequences of the teenage pregnancy and it is also one of the barriers for underdeveloped countries (Cook et al., 2015). The teenage mothers are socially isolated. Whereas young fathers also have some outcomes, but there is no efficient data available on them. The children who are born to teenage mothers are mainly born in poverty and their health gets badly impacted (Hodgkinson et al., 2014). They don’t even get adequate nutrients. The young parents are not happy and unhappiness goes hand in hand with the adversity of situation and the disadvantage of material in their account. This situation further gives rise to conflicts and breakdown caused by violence. Young fathers are more violent and they lack of suitable and desired role models. Regardless of the adverse situation, some women still want to have baby at the very young age and look forward to look young when their baby gets older.
The formulation of some of the tentative hypothesis can be like economic and social background of the young parents how the cultural background impacts them to become young parents. The hypothesis can be people from a particular type of background are more likely to become young parents and also likely to have lower status in the later life. Motivation and career objectives of people. The hypothesis can be people who are more career-oriented to improve economic and social status are less likely to involve in early marriages. Social acceptability. The hypothesis can be society has some prejudices most likely to create barriers to economic and social development.
Therefore, the youth development programs and the childhood interventions can be the effective strategies in order to reduce the unintended rate of teenage pregnancy because it is adversely impacting the social and economic development of young parents. Moreover, the children who are born to the teenage parents are being more targeted by poverty and health issues.
Cook, S. M., & Cameron, S. T. (2015). Social issues of teenage pregnancy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, 25(9), 243-248.
The social issues have been taken from this article and how it further gives rise to poverty and unemployment and the increased number of teenage pregnancy globally. The social and economic issues which the young parents face because of the teenage pregnancy.
Hodgkinson, S., Beers, L., Southammakosane, C., & Lewin, A. (2014). Addressing the mental health needs of pregnant and parenting adolescents. Pediatrics, 133(1), 114-122.
The teenage pregnancy impacts the young parents to focus on their career goals, and they also become the barrier for economic and social development.
Phipps?Yonas, S. (1980). Teenage pregnancy and motherhood: A review of the literature. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 50(3), 403-431.
It has been understood from this article, the rate of teenage pregnancy varies significantly in various countries and the associated social factors also changes accordingly. And Niger has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy.
Whitaker, R., Hendry, M., Booth, A., Carter, B., Charles, J., Craine, N., & Rycroft-Malone, J. (2014). Intervention Now To Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT): a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, qualitative and realist synthesis of implementation factors and user engagement. BMJ open, 4(4), e004733.
It has been understood from this article; it is important to eradicate the issue of teenage pregnancy as because of this issue equal rights are not given to both the genders for the development of the country.