write a research review paper based on the topic "Organizational Culture (Values, drivers, and diversity).
This research study is based on the topic "Organizational Culture (Values, drivers, and diversity)." The main motive of this research paper is to find the answer to the determined research question which is "to investigate the challenges faced by the organizations in bringing cultural changes within the companies in UAE." The research study is conducted with the sole aim to determine the challenges associated with bringing change in cultural aspects like diversity, value, and drivers as well. This research is conducted through the use of both the primary and secondary research method. The combination of both research methods will enhance its significance in the eyes of target audiences and readers who are interested in the same field. This study will prove very significant for the target audience. It is because with the help of this study they can get significant information about the challenges associated with organizational change implementation. With this knowledge, they can improve their present as well as future business career. The primary source that is used here is a questionnaire. The target population for the primary research is 100 in numbers, and they are people from different corporate houses. On the other hand, secondary research is conducted by use of literature review. It is performed through conducting the study of different previous research findings. On the basis of primary and secondary research, it is identified that the UAE organizations influence largely due to the challenges associated with change implementation. It becomes essential for them to prepare an advance plan to implement organizational culture change in an effective manner.
Research Problem
Generally, it is believed that an organization's culture is highly associated with the system and is therefore extremely difficult to change. It is considered one of the major leadership challenge that faced by top leaders of the organizations. It is believed that a large number of UAE organizations turn into failure due to their inefficiency to change organizational culture. These organizations mainly contain Apparel Manufacturing, Brokerage companies, and various others. The main reason behind the failure of these organizations is their old organizational culture which spread dissatisfaction among employees. Therefore, it becomes mandatory for the organizations to analyze the different challenges associated with organizational culture improvement and resolve them to plan future growth. The effective resolution of identified organizational culture implementation challenges will help them to survive in belonging market for a long time and create satisfied employees as well as customers.
Research Aim
The research aim serves as a guideline for the whole study. The research aim determined for this study is “to investigate the challenges faced by the UAE organizations in bringing cultural changes."
Research Objective
The research objective of the study is following:
The first and foremost objective is to study the role of organizational culture within the growth of corporate sectors.
The second and important objective is to identify the challenges faced by UAE organizations in implementation of cultural changes
Research Questions
The following are research questions determined for the study:
What is the role of organizational culture in the growth of the corporate sectors?
What are the challenges associated with organizational culture change implementation within the internal environment of UAE organizations?
Research Significance
The research study has great importance in the eyes of target audiences and readers. It is because the study is delivering the best knowledge with which target audience can avoid the organizational culture implementation challenges and secure effective working of their business processes. In sum, the culture of an organization develops its uniqueness, complex face, and character within the existing environment. Therefore, with the help of this study, the UAE corporate houses and others can understand the importance and role of organizational culture in determining future growth. On the other hand, they can also get significant information about the future initiatives that need to carry out to avoid identified challenges and accomplish determined goals. So, it is right to say that the study has great importance for each individual whether it is a corporate house or local individual. The next section is discussed the literature review which covered the answer to each research question. It is prepared through the use of secondary research sources.
Literature Review
The literature review is covered two different sections. Its section is designed as per the determined research questions. It is developed through the use of previous research findings.
Role of Organizational culture (Value, Drivers, and Diversity) in growth of Corporate Sectors
Alvesson (2015) described an organization as a common platform where different individuals work together and share their life experiences also. Each organization has a different working style which represents its culture and internal organization. The value, drivers, beliefs, and diversity is important forms of their organizational culture. All these cultural aspects control the way employees behave amongst themselves as well as with people outside the organization. Knapp (2015) said that the organizational culture is important to decide the way of employee’s interaction at their concerned workplace. On the other hand, the organizational culture also represents the predefined policies in reference to company value, diversity management ways, and key drivers which guide the employees in a right direction and give them the sense to work in a particular environment. Naranjo-Valencia (2016) depicted that the key elements of organizational culture include; value, growth drivers, and diversity. The perfect management of these key elements ensures long-term growth of an organization within existing market. The role of these key elements in the growth of corporate sectors can easily understand with below-mentioned points:
Wick (2015) defined the value as an informal term that determines the well-being and health of an organization in a long run situation. The organizational values are necessary to run on a particular path and plan the long-term success of the existing market. Williams (2014) said that the value is considered an important part of an organizational culture because it helps the organizations in determining their distinctiveness among other available alternative firms. On the other hand, it is also said that the value helps the organizations in determining their personal involvement and alignment. On the basis of such alignment, they can perform the effective use of available resources and establish competitive advantage within existing market. Moreover, Sok, J. (2014) concludes that the value of an organization plays an important role in determining the overall behavior of the concerned organization. It is because the value gives significant information about the aim and objectives of the company for which it is performing regular efforts (Naranjo-Valencia, 2016). Therefore, it is right to say that the value serves as a track without which companies become failure in getting success and accomplishing their ultimate objectives.
Key Drivers
Mills (2017) defined the key business drivers as a thing which largely influences the performance of an organization. It is a combination of a whole range of internal and external factors that have potential to influence working scenario of an organization. Fullan (2014) said that the key business drivers are necessary to manage the performance of an organization in a required direction. It is the business drivers that enable the different firms to put a control over their performances and take important initiatives towards the maintenance of their organizational culture. The key drivers mainly include; strategy, business plan, funding, mergers, and acquisition. All these key drivers lead an organization in a right direction to plan completion of their determined objectives in an effective manner. Feldman (2017) said that the key drivers serve as a change factor that plans organizational growth in the current and future scenario.
Knapp (2015) said that the diversity is very important now than ever before, as different cultural individuals are growing more ethnically and racially by the year. On the other hand, Helms Mills (2017) explained that the diversity is a double-edged sword in organizational theory. The inclusion and diversity both are considered critical and strategic to the success of an organization. Therefore, the diversity increment is essential for the organizations to gain long-term growth within the existing field and country. Durmusoglu (2014) said that the diversity plays an important role in generating more money for the business houses. For example, the Chang (2015) research has been found that companies in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity are 35% more likely to have above-average financial returns.
Therefore, it is right to say that the organizational culture is critical and important to plan long-term growth and effectively stability within the existing market.
Challenges associated with cultural changes implementation faced by UAE organizations
Andersen (2016) said that the UAE organizations are facing very difficult in the implementation of organizational culture changes. The effective implementation of cultural changes is necessary to keep the performance of the organizations on track and competitive. The first and foremost which the UAE organization faces in cultural change implementation is control management over internal scenario. Bortolotti (2015) said that the organization and its culture are interdependent and reciprocal with each other. Therefore, the change in existing organizational culture will influence overall working strategies, culture, and behavior as well. On the other hand, another challenge faced by the UAE organizations in change implementation is resistance from employees. Most of the employees within UAE organizations like to work in their comfort zone. Due to this, they do not like to perform any changes in their working behavior and scenario. This further raises the resistance of change implementation within their internal culture. Due to the high resistance of employees, it becomes difficult for the organizations to change the overall working scenario to improve their internal environment. Benn (2014) said that the most important challenge comes in front of the UAE organizations is generational differences. In that situation, it becomes difficult for the organization to promote the rule of equality at their workplaces to reduce the gap between different employees. The presence of generational differences discourages the UAE companies to survive within existing organizational culture and do not take any initiative towards significant cultural changes (Aier, 2014). All these challenges make it difficult for the UAE organizations to maintain their internal organizational culture and plan future growth. These challenges also limit their performance within the existing industry, and they lost their competitive advantage over competitors.
In the above-mentioned literature review, it has been evaluated that organizational culture plays an important role in accomplishing determined objectives and plan overall growth. On the other hand, generational differences, resistance, and dependency are some challenges that UAE organizations are facing in implementation of organizational change within their internal environment.
Research Methodology
Sources of Data Collection
The data necessary to answer the research questions are collected from both the primary and secondary research sources. The primary research sources are a combination of a wide range of tools and techniques. The primary research sources used in the study include; questionnaire, observation, and survey. All of these primary research sources facilitate a better understanding of the role of organizational culture in the growth of the corporate sector. Moreover, the questionnaire facilitates the data collection from the target audience and gives the significant knowledge about the challenges associated with organizational culture change implementation within the internal environment of UAE organizations. Thus, it is right to say that the primary research tool has significant potential to satisfy the research objectives. On the other hand, the secondary research sources are also used here to collect the necessary and required data. Generally, it can be said that the literature review supports the whole findings of the research. It is only prepared through the secondary research sources and combination of previous research findings. The main motive behind the use of secondary research sources is to focus on previous research findings to give the suitable answer to determined research questions. The secondary research tools that are used here include; magazines, online or offline articles, previous research papers and findings of different scholars. Therefore, it is right to say that the secondary research sources are a vibrant tool to collect the past data and integrate the research with previous findings. So, the use of both primary and secondary research is done to promote the research objective and find the suitable answer to determined research questions.
Research Population
The research population for this study is 100 in numbers. These people are from the UAE corporate sectors and play an important role in their success. For example, they may be top, middle, and low-level employees of UAE companies.
Discussion of Findings
The primary and secondary research comes with significant findings. The secondary research findings depicted that organizational culture plays an important role in the growth of the corporate sectors. The values, drivers, beliefs, and diversity elements together develop the organizational culture which supports the internal environment in the accomplishment of determined goals and objectives. The organizational culture spreads happiness and satisfaction among employees. Therefore, it is crucial for an organization to focus on and take continuous improvement initiatives for its maintenance. Moreover, the primary research findings indicate that UAE companies faced a lot of challenges in the implementation of challenges within the existing culture. These challenges are resistance, employee turnover, and existing traditions and belief system of employees. The presence of these challenges interrupts the overall culture change implementation process and hinders the ultimate progress of the company within the existing environment. So, it is identified that the organizational culture is a key element which serves as a competitive edge in favor of the organization.
On the basis of above-mentioned findings and literature review, it can be recommended to UAE organizations to strengthen their internal environment through promoting motivation and employee participation culture. The promotion of both will facilitate the UAE organizations in winning the employee's confidence, and they can effectively facilitate an organizational culture change whenever they feel it necessary. On the other hand, another recommendation is that UAE and other country organizations should focus more on organizational culture. It is because the organizational culture will enhance the capability of an organization to compete at international level and gain a competitive advantage over existing competitors.
After studying all this, it can be concluded that the organizational culture has a great importance in working scenario of a firm. It is the organizational culture which forms values, traditions, and working style of a corporate firm. So, it becomes essential to focus on these aspects and make significant amendments on a timely basis. Moreover, it can also conclude that UAE organizations are facing difficulty in implementation of organizational culture change. UAE organizations can effectively overcome this through the promotion of motivation and participation culture at the workplace. This will give an opportunity to avoid implementation barriers and plan effective change as per the demand of latest trend and technology.
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