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Illustrate the theories of leadership, power and conflict resolution as applied to the workplace setting. A study of Conflict Management Strategies of ADNOC Group.
A company which has major challenges in terms of conflict be it internally or externally can turn out to be a major hiccup in growing a company. Reading about previous conflict issues, analyzing it in depth through researches online & from reports helped in translating into a live example to resolve the current conflict management issues & mark it as learning for the future courses of action. Key strategy was devised which was mapped as per the conflicts levels. For the external issues, professional opinions & expert committees were recommended & for internal conflict issues with the support of management, staff & other factors attributed into streamlining strategies to resolve current conflict issues. The research questions to approach this hypothesis focused on the following main themes:
Issues of conflict management in a workplace
Solutions to conflict management problems
Strategies used in conflict management strategies
What recommendations can be issued for a resolvement issues highlighted in conflict management?
This report summarizes conflicts that occur internally & externally operating in ADNOC Company, ways to tackle it and understanding ways to deal it. All the key topics are bifurcated into five chapters which comes helpful in learning & concluding conflict issues. First, it highlights the key topic covered in an introduction. The next section includes literature review & then it covers research methodology used to analyze Conflict Management & issues. Chapter 4, explains the discussion & findings of conflicts & finally Chapter 5 explains conclusion drawn which will help in understanding issues ,flaws in handling conflicts & devise a plan to improve it.
The background research was bifurcated in the case studies, short term consultancies, individuals & organizations. We read online researches, took professional opinions from key experts in conflicts, went through reports in the conflict management comprehensive issues & highlighted issues which could help in resolving shortcomings in the plan. For understanding of ADNOC conflicts management issues, key strategies were devised in order to control it which could attribute to company success. For this, we referred to annual reports, read magazines & websites analyzed them then concluded in a final writing along with references.
This project is designed to derive proper methologies, understand management flaws, key strategies & provide appropriate directions to the conflict originations. On an in-depth analysis & understanding issues in terms of conflict management comprehensive issues ,highlighted resolvement shortcomings in workplace, solutions to conflict problems, strategizing in conflict issues implications; and/or other organizational resource implications etc. we did research, gathered data, heard professional opinions & stayed in touch with the experts who could discuss conflict issues in ADNOC. First, we devised a strategy to conduct research analysis, went in-depth through online searches, personal guidance from professional experts to understand drawbacks in issues in management, conflict issues & how to overcome them ethically. Secondly, we conducted survey for a group of 20 random people working at different levels within the organization who could throw lights on various conflict parameters & ways to resolve them.
Interviews and Fieldwork The team researched & identified potential candidates to be interviewed through secondary data research, Internet research, personal contacts and cold calls. Few experts gave a fair viewpoints & clarity. Experts were recommended by other expert referrals.
Case studies were used to read significant & understand all the key perspectives which could help in drawing reference about conflict management strategies.
Limitations Workplace ethics is a complex process to assess because of standard & substantive methologies to measure the shortcomings, flaws in policies & judgment parameters.
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is UAE state owned (Koyler, 2011) which globally operates 7th largest in reserves & 11th largest in production in Abu Dhabi.
Balancing the power, ethically treating the company & managing key resources are all the strong forces which drives a company. ADNOC operates globally & has various divisions, sub division to manage. If it poorly manages & has a friction among the various groups or divisions it will result in the slow operation, losing of client’s, stakeholders & finally great losses. Some of the key strategies used by ADNOC is as follows-:
Some of the conflicts can be due to the cultural differences in implementation & execution. Related to infrastructure, key utilization of resources, alternative strategies changes etc. or any discussion between top management to lower can result to conflicts & barriers in communication.
Poorly managed resources, clients, staff, resources, inefficient employee or just avoiding the core problems can result in friction & lack of sustainability within the ADNOC Company.
Venturing into a new place, expanding through divisions, sub divisions, managing new recruit, staff, allocating & diversifying funds all can be core issues while collaborating or experimenting with new initiatives.
ADNOC top management to lower management, differences in various divisions, sub divisions or may be conflicts at an individual levels then at company all should work towards one key company goals. Hence sometimes compromise if the solution to let go things for better future.
It should be a win-win strategy applicable to internal or whether competing with external forces. ADNOC management should strategies & always come with an alternative plans while deciding the planning part.
Reforms & Laws
Changes in the government policies, reforms, laws etc. & adapting to new perspective be it through negotiating deals or changing strategy can give arise between internal ADNOC with the external factors.
ADNOC comes 7th in terms of reserves & 11th globally in terms of production. It has two oil refineries & has a numerous subsidiary operations in various divisions, levels & sectors of the petroleum industry. From producing offshore, onshore, LNG, to producing electricity, water utilities, petrochemicals plants etc.it has diversified to each & every sector.
ADNOC works adjacently with the corporate governance & with the Supreme Petroleum Council. Hence power rest with ADNOC but only after getting a formal approvals from the Supreme Petroleum Council.
ADNOC main conflict arises due to the internal management staff giving different directions to subordinates, staff which leads to confusions & changes in time path. Secondly, it was observed due to the lack of leadership skills in streamlining of process & methologies it again results in conflits.
Balancing, planning, using effective alternative strategies to maintain decorum is some of the key factors to adapt at various levels, sectors, management & drive the ADNOC Company. Equality at all levels, properly managing, utilising the resources optimally should all be the prime focus areas & routine discussion pints to avoid conflicts internally & externally in ADNOC.
Establishing guidelines & directions-: ADNOC before setting up meetings at any levels should have an agenda, give direction to individuals at various levels, and maintain proper protocols to be adhered, streamlining the process, procedures etc. should all be formally documented to be used at later stages.
Keep the communication open & act decisively. Since conflicts can arise at any levels, among various divisions, sectors etc. hence management should open doors to all & proactively provide decisions. Be it at lower levels of staff to clients, stakeholders, issues with the external, ADNOC should listen to all, formally document changes, strategies & then provide a resolutions.
In order to accelerate success of a Global company like ADNOC all the individual goals, should sync in with the company goals to have a one focus & vision. Another recommendation is to have a strong leadership presence because of which one could look up for guidance & immediate resolutions.
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