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Need to answer question Rockdale Electric, Inc. Case study.
Question 1: Critique the needs assessment approach taken by Chris Parker, Rockdale’s HR Director. If you “owned this problem,” describe the process you would have used.
Answer 1: Needs assessment are done in order to find how Chris Parker articulated and identified the development and training plan for the Rockdale. Firstly, Mr. Parker didn't clearly examine the goals of the organization and the required capability in order to reach the goals. He only focused on the issues which were related to the absenteeism, grievances and the decline in the productivity. Parker ignored the most important ‘hard data’ in the assessment of the needs and he even overlooked the various discrepancies of HRD. He didn't conduct the assessment adequately at the three levels. He focused more on individual analysis rather than the task and organizational analysis. And even after getting the hard data, he ignored the strategic analysis. Parker was also unable to identify the external factors which were included in the analysis of the person.
If I was at Parker's place, then I would have used different measures, and I would like to start from the very beginning. Initially, I will define and describe the starting point, and I will plan for organization's future goals depending on the present situation. Further, I will identify and examine the skills and expertise of the employees in order to reduce the issue of grievances, absenteeism, etc. I would try to make the training sessions interactive and interesting ones. I would conduct personal interviews in order to listen to the problems of the employees (Pollock et al., 2015). The need assessment would include organizational analysis at first level to visualize that which areas in the organization requires training and would be more benefited. Then the second level would include task analysis in order to determine which KASOCS and tasks should be included in the session of the training. Then I would do personal analysis at the third level of need assessment in order to improve it and I would focus on the external factors to understand that how they impact the personnel.
Question 2. Use the Model for Maximizing Learning (chapter 3, slide 5) to critique Parker’s approach to this particular problem. What would you have done differently? Does the Model help surface most of the problems? Having applied the Model to this situation, critique its general usefulness (i.e., What is it missing? What does it include, if anything, that may not be necessary?)
Answer 2: Parker decided to outsource the program of training and development for the reasons which were incorrect. Parker said that he visited the seminar of communication which was hosted by the TSI but that was not the correct way to assess the training program. The program named as winning with people was not at all in the same content and format which was attended by Parker. In my opinion, he only remembered the firm and he didn’t research on the other competitors in order to find the usage. Further, he described the problems and issues briefly and I would have conducted three-four meetings in order to discuss in detail and would conduct the brainstorming exercise as well. Rockdale spent the huge amount on the program of training, but it was of no use. Further, by using the model for maximizing learning, I would have identified the various attributes of the employees and would have the designed the training program accordingly, and the content of the training would have immediate relevance. The model for maximizing learning would be beneficial as it would help in identifying the characteristics of the individual and would help in knowing the perception of training in the minds of the employees and how much they are excited and motivated. I would use andragogy vs. pedagogy training design as it would be self- directed and people are more motivated in this training design. I would be using self- management strategies for the transfer of training in order to make personnel more effective and I would be using Weinstein and Mayer’s strategy of learning. Further, this model would help the company to encourage and motivate the employees and they would be trained according to the advanced technology.
Question 3 . At the conclusion of “Winning with People,” the Rockdale Electric Executive Committee will want to know whether the training was a success. Design the best possible evaluation approach for this training intervention.
Answer 3: The best possible approach for the evaluation of training intervention can be Kirkpatrick’s four-level training evaluation model. The first level is the reaction as this will help in identifying the reactions of the employees about the training as this will tell that how the training would be beneficial for them and how it can be improved in the future. The next level is learning as it will help in measuring what the trainees have learned. As it is very important to achieve the objectives of the training by providing training the employees adequately. The next level is behavior as it will help in measuring the impact of training on the employee’s behavior and how they apply those techniques in their desired tasks to accomplish them. The next level results as the final results of the training will be analyzed and it will include the desired outcomes that the company have determined for the benefit of the company and the employees (Salas et al., 2012).
Questioin 4. What additional information about Rockdale (if any) would have improved the quality of your recommendations? In other words, if you were able to spend an afternoon at Rockdale, what information would you ask for, whose input would be useful to you, etc.
Answer 4: The information which I would ask for at Rockdale would be related to dissatisfaction among the employees because they never disclose the reason because of the major issue i.e. confidentiality. I would also like to find the information related to the various types of cost like compensation, direct and development of the employees. I would use the simple design for evaluating the training program in order to assess how the knowledge gets transferred to various jobs. Further, the design of multiple baselines would help in identifying that how the employees get impacted by the training and development sessions (Elnaga et al., 2013).
Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013). The effect of training on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 137-147.
Pollock, R. V., Wick, C. W., & Jefferson, A. (2015). The six disciplines of breakthrough learning: How to turn training and development into business results. John Wiley & Sons.
Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S. I., Kraiger, K., & Smith-Jentsch, K. A. (2012). The science of training and development in organizations: What matters in practice. Psychological science in the public interest, 13(2), 74-101.