Public Speaking on banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide

Create a complete preparation outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech on Why banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide.

General Purpose

The general purpose of this is to persuade the audience or the readers that the use of cell phones should be banned nationwide or it is mandatory to ban the cell phones while driving.

Specific Purpose

The specific purpose is to make the audience aware of the potential danger of the usage of cell phones while driving and making them ready to accept the change without creating an issue to save the lives.

Central Idea

The central idea is that the use of cell phone while driving distracts the drivers from their main task which result in an accident. Some of the accidents take the lives, and till now millions of lives have been lost in such accidents. Such accidents can be prevented if we care little while driving. What we all need to do is to avoid cell phone while driving to prevent ourselves as well as others from the accidents. 


The world is a witness of millions of accidents which have occurred due to the usage of cell phones while driving.  Every day hundreds of accidents occurred which take many lives. Using cell phones is not the only danger to the user of a cell phone but for many other people who are driving or walking along with the roads. Such accidents can be prevented if we will be a little bit careful and aware of the danger of using a cell phone while driving. The government can/should formulate some legislation to deal with such drivers who use a cell phone while driving. There should be fine or penalty for the use of cell phones while driving. The usage of cell phones should be banned nationwide it should be supported by all the citizen of the nation for the betterment of the societies.  In a report, it has been found that more than 660000 drivers are using cell phones while they are behind the wheel of the automobiles. More than 330000 accidents take place each year due to the usage of cell phones while driving. In a survey, it has also been found that more than 94 % of the drivers are ready and support the ban on cell phones while driving.

Key Points 1

Cell phone has become the necessity of life, and everyone is reliant on cell phones. Not only a few individuals but the whole society is reliant on cell phones. Therefore, the cell phone is one of the most important parts of our lives nowadays.

Key Points 2

Here we need to understand how a driver distracts while he is driving. The cell phones play a very significant role in distracting the drivers during driving. 

Key Points 3

Why the States needs to enforce the laws or legislation against the use of cell phone during driving? 

Body of the Presentation 

Key Points 1

Societies are to a great extent reliant on cell phones. Cell phones are a necessary part of our daily life, and we cannot depart from home without cell phones. It is the best to way to communicate with the family, friends, and relatives from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. 
1.    Almost all the drivers use cell phones while driving and in a survey, more than 660000 drivers have accepted that they use a cell phone while driving. 
2.    Usage of cell phones while driving is as dangerous as drinking and driving and both the terms are compared to each other regarding a number of accidents (Teater, 2013).

Key Points 2

The cell phones play a very significant role in distracting the drivers during driving. As cell phone becomes the necessity, the drivers always use a cell phone for texting or calling while driving.
1.    The cell phones distract the drivers, or there are several modes of distraction such as auditory, cognitive, manual, and visual (Horrey, 2008). 
2.    The cell phones take the attention of the drivers from driving to something else (AAA Foundation).

Key Points 3

Why the States needs to enforce legislation or laws against the use of cell phones during driving?
1.    There is a high risk of loss of life in the accidents caused by cell phones (Alvarado, 2013).
2.    If the use of cell phones were banned nationwide, there would be a significant reduction in the rate of road accidents.

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Usage of cell phones while driving is very dangerous and every year thousands of roads accident is being registered. Therefore, it is very important to prevent such accident to save lives. One of the best ways to prevent such accidents is to make people aware of the danger of using cell phones while driving. As the people would be aware, they would also support the ban on cell phones while driving.

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