Question 1: Based on Chapters 1 and 2 (Analysis of two different scientific approaches for assessment in Psychology )
Question 2: Based on Chapters 3 and 5(Evaluation of case studies based on assessment process )
Question 3: Based on Chapters 4 and 8 (Evaluation of case studies based on the necessity of reliable information source)
Question 4: Based on Chapter 6 (overview of self report depression scales)
Details for each chapter is given.
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This article has been drafted with the aim of providing a detailed study of different aspects of Psychology Training required at diploma level. This report aims at systematically including a brief overview of case studies provided and evaluating solutions based on systematic evaluation of role of psychology at a diploma graduate level.
Question 1: Analysis of two different scientific approaches for assessment in Psychology
It can be observed from the two approaches stated in the journals that a systematic and scientific approach is required for a scientific approach made by trainee physiologists for diagnosis of the disease. The first approach as stated in Stritzke (2015) can be understood as a systematic and evaluated approach for assessment of disease. This method includes assessing the disease based on research case study and detection of symptoms. This research includes evaluating and gaining knowledge about the disease based on previous knowledge. This approach includes treatment based on gathered knowledge and systematic assessment based on scientific knowledge.
Second approach stated in Suhr (2015) it can be understood that this approach is based on an inquisitive assessment based on instincts and scientific analysis. This method can be understood as a detective approach for assessment of disease. This approach considers a systematic assessment of the symptoms and the attributes of sickness with the help of a detective ideology. This approach is often referred to an approach based on medical detective approach. Treatment procedure of this approach is based on gathered information of the case and a systematic evaluation of all the aspects relating to any case study which is very similar to detective work style.
Question 2: Evaluation of case studies based on assessment process
Case study 1
In this case study, the patient being referred to is a child who is facing an acute case of aggression and anger. This case study suggests
1. A proper evaluation of the child's mental phycology.
2. A proper evaluation of the social background relating to the child.
3. A proper checkup of the family culture of the child.
4. Evaluating exposure of the child towards internet usage.
These factors are very important for proper assessment of the girl child. Social culture is very important for developing and picking up social habits. For proper assessment of the case, it is very important to assess the family background as it can be often seen that family background is a very significant cause for overall development of the child's behavioral attributes.
Case study 2
In the case study provided it is very important that a complete assessment of all the attributes relating to the case study is taken into account. For proper evaluation and assessment of this case, it is very important to understand the cultural background of the wife and also the cultural background of the ex-wife's boyfriend. It is very important to understand the scenario of the night being referred to in this case. It has been often observed that people get carried away under strong emotional circumstances and their reactions may be irrelevant to the context of making an overall impression about the person.
Case study 3
In the case study provided it is very important to have a complete and systematic evaluation and understanding the inside atmosphere of the old age home. It is also important to conduct a separate physiological test for Betty and her husband for understanding the mentality gap and assessing the problem area.
Case study 1
The case study provided has been attributed to work and sleep disorder of lee. In the case study provided proper information about the existing reasons for discomfort for leaving the house has not been stated. The patient statement only states the problem any related or probable reason is not stated clearly. It is very important for accessing the related attributes of the work culture and the social setup of the locality. Incomplete briefing about the reason for the problem is very troublesome in understanding and assessing the related cause.
Case study 2
The case study provided refers to a mother who has reported having a very favorable and suitable mind frame for giving birth to her child. The information provided in this case study is not matching with the mental health of the mother. This misinformation can pose serious issue for child's birth. Proper evaluation of the present living standard and a proper evaluation of the mother's mental health is important for revealing the reason for underlying stress factors for Kelly.
Case study 3
In the case study provided it can be seen that the girl is facing trouble with her morning routine and has a prevailing complaint about headache and body ache. The information provided does not give any information about the girl's mental growth and stress factors. It is very important to conduct a thorough medical check-up relating to the girl's mental as well as physical health. Clear and systematic evaluation of the girl's parenting is needed to understand and identify any relating stress factor.
Question 4: overview of self report depression scales
DASS the test and re test depends on totally subject or the patient’s ability to perform with the doctor. This test specially is done on older people age ranging between 60 to 70 years old. This test gives the older people stress depression and anxiety.
HADS the internal consistency reliability is done specially on women. More of the women do not share their stress and anxiety or they can not differentiate between them.
CES-D the subject is provided with 100 question and this is done to the elderly people. Where as they can only answer the 30 questions through which doctor can say the subject is mildly depressed or in stress.
This can be concluded from the above report that proper diagnosis of disease is the first step towards understanding the role of psychology training at a graduate diploma level. It can be concluded from the above research study that proper diagnosis is very important along with proper assessment of the relating factors which may affect the case scenario. This study incorporates a brief overview relating to all the attributes of a graduate level Psychology training course.
Page, A. C., & Stritzke, W. G. (2014). Clinical psychology for trainees. Cambridge University Press.
Suhr, J. A. (2015). Psychological assessment: A problem-solving approach. Guilford Publications.