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Augmented essay on the jury system
In this present paper, we will discuss the augmented essay on the topic ‘jury system provides the greater chance of a fair result in court’. The main argument is that the jury system has less chance of a fair result in court. The jury system consists of twelve members who are summoned for criminal trials in the crown court, and the offence is indictable that has been sent to the crown court for the examination which is being done by magistrates. The minimum member is nine in which the majority allowed 11-1, 9-1, 10-2 and 10-1 in the crown court. In the high court, the majority allows 11-1, 10-2, 10-1 ad 9-1. In the country court, the eight members are required, and minimum members are seven in which the majority allows 7-1. In coroner's court, the total members require seven and maximum eleven (Cockburn et al., 2014).
The main argument is that the jury system has less chance of fair results in courts because the jury members can make a decision in favour of the criminal party by taking a bribe. On acquittal there may be no retrial and believe of a jury is instant which results in wrongful acquittals. The main reason for supporting the argument is due to no enquiry into the deliberation of the jury after verdict even the racial is alleged by the jurors. The bias can be done by the jury because there is no investigation due to which the chances of fair results are very low. The insufficient intellect by the jurors and they dont follow the complicated tax and fraud issues (Allen-Bell et al., 2015). The jury system is inconsistent throughout the country due to which the unfair results can be done by the jurors according to the law of another country. The role of jury members is symbolic because to public involvement due to which the chances of fair results are very low. The members of the jury can have the convictions string which is not serious for disqualifying the jurors and disqualifies jurors can be enter by finding some way which may raise the issues of unfair results. The financial loss and inconvenience can be made to the jurors. The process of the jury system is very slow due to which the innocent can suffer a lot at the time of proceedings. The lack of research by the jurors in the case defies assessment which may results into unfair results by the jury system.
The vetting of a jury is the principle of random selection due to which the selection of jury members can be made on the basis of bias which reduces the chances of fair results in the criminal cases. The expenses of jury trial are very high and if the justified results have not been made by the jury members than the expenses go in vain. The system can be manipulated by the defendants due to whom the chances of fair results are very low. The innocents could be punished if the jury made a decision on the basis of bias. The verdict series of the miscarriage of justice can be wrongly returned by the juries which undermine the confidence (Fukurai et al., 2014). The quick verdict may be tempted by the jurors in order to finish the case as soon as possible. The law of jury secrecy can allow the innocent to become convict rather than making the investigation of case in-depth which allows rescuing the innocent from conviction. The jurors can be affected by the horrific cases which may result in unfair results. The assessment of horrifying evidence may impact on the life of jurors. In the justice system of criminals, the existence of juries may distract the jurors from actual problems which show that the functioning of CJ system is more effective than the jury system. The jury trial is not provided in some serious cases such as the case of drink and drive which may results into the unfair results (Yu et al., 2014). The burden of proofs may not be understood by the juries due to which unfair results can be made by the jurors.
The racial mix is not allowed at the time of selecting the juries due to which discrimination has been done in choosing the jury members. The registration of vote cannot be done by ethnic minorities because they are not considered as effective jurors. In the emotive cases, the local prejudice can become a problem in which Litchfield moved to Exeter. The jurors can be misleading by the barrister's techniques which act as a strength of evidence. The legal matters need to be explained by the judge to the jurors who take time, and the issue is explained according to the level of understanding by the judge. It may create a problem of understanding the legal issue by the jurors. When there is doubt the majority verdicts can convict which have been given to the defendant. The jurors can be easily influenced by the impressive barristers due to whom the chances of fair results are very low (Seaman et al., 2015). The main reason for unfair results can be unanswerable for the verdict by the jurors due to which the innocent can be convicted.
The jury system consists of twelve members who investigate the case and make final decisions on the basis of examination of the evidence presented related to the case. The jury system is not answerable to anyone due to which the decision can be unfair, and the innocent become a convict. The bias can be done the jurors who can drown unfair decision. The insufficient intellect by the jurors may also result in unfair results. The chances of unfair results are very high because of no enquiry after the verdict. The disqualified jurors can enter into the jury box easily after finding the way. The horrifying cases may impact on the life of jurors. The innocent can easily become convict after the bias done by the jurors which result in unfair decisions by the jurors. The existence of jurors may distract the jurors from actual problem which also proves that the CJ system is more effective than the jury system. At the time of selecting jurors, the racial mix is not allowed which results in the bias decision by the jurors. The legal matters need to be explained to the jurors by the judge which requires time to explain the case. The favourable decision can be drowned by the jurors because the investigation of jurors is not done which results in unfair decisions by the jurors. The jury vetting is done on the principle of random selection which may results into bias decision making by the jurors. The process of the jury system is very low due to which the innocent suffers a lot.
Cockburn, J.S. and Green, T.A. eds., 2014. Twelve good men and true: the criminal trial jury in England, 1200-1800. Princeton University Press.
Allen-Bell, A.A., 2015. How The Narrative About Louisiana's Non-Unanimous Criminal Jury System Became a Person of Interest in the Case Against Justice in the Deep South. Mercer L. Rev., 67, p.585.
Fukurai, H. and Wang, Z., 2014. Proposal to Establish the Federal Civil Grand Jury System in America: Effective Civic Oversight of Federal Agencies and Government Personnel. Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences, 3, pp.1-6.
Yu, F.A.N., 2014. The People's Jury System and the Public Judicial Participation. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 1, p.010.
Seaman, J., 2015. Black Boxes: fMRI Detection and the Role of the Jury.Akron Law Review, 42(3), p.9.