Key Topics
This assessment (1000 words) requires you to identify pertinent legislation and ethical issues using the attached case study. You are required to integrate theory, demonstrate analysis using evidence and include other pertinent literature to support your answers.
1. Identify the two most relevant and significant Acts or Laws relevant to the case study. Ensure you focus on the current time frame and situation and that
identified legislation is current and valid in Western Australia.
2. Choose one of the Acts or Laws you have identified above and explain why it applies to Mr. Hibble’s current care and situation. Ensure the Act/Law itself is used to discuss and analyze why it is relevant and significant.
3. Identify one ethical issue that you, as a student registered nurse, face when caring for Mr. Hibble during the morning shift. Outline and discuss one (1) effective strategy that you may use to deal with the ethical issue you have identified. You can choose either type of communication strategy or a conflict resolution technique.
Assessment 1
The law pertaining to duty of care encompassing the performing of the nursing intervention with respect to the standards that are recognized. The responsibility is being clarified well basis the aspects pertaining to care along with the members associated with the health team. The duty of care as regarded by the national competency standards with respect to the registered nurse (Ward-Griffin, C. et al., 2015; Moss, C. et al., 2015; Nash, T. J., 2017; Preshaw, D. H. et al., 2016). The law is crucial and the failure of duty of care can lead to serious consequences in health management. The duty of care has to be well synchronized with the standards that are associated to the national competency. The registered nurse while required to provision quality care is significant. The recognition of the responsibility in the prevention of harm along with the performance of nursing intervention with the comprehensive and the accurate assessments. The law pertaining to the ethical nursing framework with the practices in the arena of nursing and the effective ethics and codes forming part of the framework is significant (Kelly, D. M. et al., 2014; Holland, K., 2017; DePasquale, N. et al. 2015; Ward-Griffin, C. et al., 2015; Moss, C. et al., 2015; Nash, T. J., 2017; Preshaw, D. H. et al., 2016). The conduct of the assessment has to be done in accordance along with the rights well recognized for others. The moral conduct in the assistance and identification of the attempts in order to overcome the various factors that are associated with the ethical decisions is significant.
The act pertaining to duty of care is relevant and significant in case of Mr. Hibble’s care. While the patient John Hibble is being handed over by the registered nurse, the pain management along with the analgesia being ordered for the patient requires diligent care for John. Considering the condition of John and the needed attention for the conditions of shortening of breath requires the act pertaining to the duty of care to be well executed. The significance is linked to the pain management and taking care for the patient. The clarification of the responsibility in order to prevent any harm and assisting with the needed intervention.
The ethical issue that can be identified is linked to the quality of care that is being provisioned to John Hibble. While even taking the observations for the patient and coordinating for the various activities associated with respect to the blood transfusion needs to be handled. The effective strategy linked to dealing with the ethical issue is to ascertain that care is provisioned in the best possible manner and that there is education given to John Hibble about the manner in which the pain management has to be handled. The responsibility as the registered nurse in trying to deploy the quality while taking care of the patient is significant. It is crucial that the ethics in nursing are well kept into consideration while taking care of patient (Kelly, D. M. et al., 2014; Holland, K., 2017; DePasquale, N. et al. 2015; Ward-Griffin, C. et al., 2015; Moss, C. et al., 2015; Nash, T. J., 2017; Preshaw, D. H. et al., 2016). Stating it to be a nursing obligation and the principals involved as part of the medical ethics is significant. Provisioning and coordinating care tends to be essential. The organization and provisioning of effective planning and diligence in the care delivered is important. While delivering the quality care, the quality healthcare services are to be delivered while effectively communicating with the patient along with his family members. The nurse patient communication stands to be essential considering the pragmatic levels. The primary domains with the treatment are to be well adhered and the positive patient experience tends to be necessitate. While being with the patient in the room, there is a need to effectively communicate and listen to the patient. This aids in exhibiting the communication to be two way. While creating the positive experience and demonstrating the patient engagement in the best possible manner, the target communication with the effectiveness of strategy deployed in the best possible manner is crucial. It is imperative that the goals as the nurse are being well adhered. By creating an engagement with the patient in a manner that stands to be meaningful, the patient education delivery also stands to play a significant role. The communication strategy deployed with respect to the making of personal connections and trying to introduce the strong interpersonal skills in the nursing environment is significant. The relationships with the patient in turn effectively result in positive health outcomes and the clinical job is all the more meaningful with such a delivery. The brief discussions with the patients as part of the communication strategy enables in effectiveness with respect to the satisfaction levels amongst patients. The physical along with the emotional distress that the patients experience can be minimized to greater levels with the needed intervention in place. The communication is an effective strategy around with the enhancement of the same done with greater initiative is crucial. Basis the AHRQ too, the identification of the crucial part of communication cannot be negated. The same is essential to well understand the conditions pertaining to the patient. The framework provisions greater benefits with the deployment of strategy.
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DePasquale, N., Bangerter, L. R., Williams, J., & Almeida, D. M. (2015). Certified nursing assistants balancing family caregiving roles: Health care utilization among double-and triple-duty caregivers. The Gerontologist, 56(6), 1114-1123.
Holland, K. (2017). Cultural awareness in nursing and health care: an introductory text. CRC Press.
Kelly, D. M., Kutney-Lee, A., McHugh, M. D., Sloane, D. M., & Aiken, L. H. (2014). Impact of critical care nursing on 30-day mortality of mechanically ventilated older adults. Critical care medicine, 42(5), 1089.
Moss, C., Nelson, K., Connor, M., Wensley, C., McKinlay, E., & Boulton, A. (2015). Patient experience in the emergency department: inconsistencies in the ethic and duty of care. Journal of clinical nursing, 24(1-2), 275-288.
Nash, T. J. (2017). Development, testing, and psychometric qualities of the Nash Duty to Care Scale for disaster response. Journal of nursing measurement, 25(2), 314-331.
Preshaw, D. H., Brazil, K., McLaughlin, D., & Frolic, A. (2016). Ethical issues experienced by healthcare workers in nursing homes: Literature review. Nursing ethics, 23(5), 490-506.
Ward-Griffin, C., Brown, J. B., St-Amant, O., Sutherland, N., Martin-Matthews, A., Keefe, J., & Kerr, M. (2015). Nurses Negotiating Professional–Familial Care Boundaries: Striving for Balance Within Double Duty Caregiving. Journal of family nursing, 21(1), 57-85.