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Critically analyze the information contained in the articles and explain how it differs from or supports the course materials using citations to support your points.
Two papers have been selected related to measuring employee performance. One is from Boachie-Mensah et al. (2012) on “Employees’ Perception of Performance Appraisal System: A Case Study” and another from Rosen et al. (2008) on “Measuring Team Performance in Simulation-Based Training: Adopting Best Practices for Healthcare”.
The former paper tried to understand the perceptions of the employees as per the performance appraisal in an organization is concerned and views performance appraisal as the essential element within an organization to effectively evaluate and manage the staff. The later paper has tried to refer various literatures on the aforementioned topic and provided some of the best methods that can be applied to design and implement performance management systems for the team.
The next chapter critically analyses both the paper separately and tries to observe any significance of these studies with the current course and its level of support to the same.
The performance of the employees is one of the responsible factors for the success of the organization. However, if the employees in the organization lack positive orientation towards the performance appraisal system, then it is possible that instead of supporting the organization, it might degrade the overall performance. The study conducted by Francis et al (2012), states that the organizations can compete successfully with the rival organizations only through innovation and its level of innovativeness can increase if the human resource of the organization is being managed effectively.
Moreover, if the practice of managing the human resource can become more effective if it is being guided by the accurate system of appraising the employees. As per the paper, the orientation of the employees can be positive towards the appraisal system if they connect the review of their performance to their personal development and instead of seeing it as an obstacle if they see it as an opportunity to grow.
The appraisal system within an organization can be effective if the employees have been brought on the board while deciding the targets or the outcomes on which they should be appraised. Moreover, the paper suggests raters to objectively rate the employees for their performance. Moreover, the organization cannot ignore the fact that the appraisal of the employees helps the organization and the employees increase their performance simultaneously.
The paper considered surveying the 140 employees of a polytechnic institution in Ghana. The method of analysis was descriptive statistics and the results stated that the employees of the institution consider that the appraisal system they are subjected to are influenced by the biasness and thus they see presence of major errors in the same.
However, the result of this paper cannot be universalised due to the lack of enough data. The research was conducted in a single institution only (due to lack of enough fund as stated by the researcher) and, therefore, considering as universal result will be lack of farsightedness.
The result is significant in the sense that it can be used to understand one of the many reasons for the poor perception of the employees towards the performance appraisal and it is suggested that the organizations should consider using objective and unbiased orientation towards the performance appraisal system.
This paper has substantial significance to the course work as it helps in understanding the possible factors that can influence the evaluation of the performance of the employees by the evaluators and thus works as a guide on the factors that should be kept in purview while appraising the employees.
The next paper by Michael et al. (2008) focuses on practices that are imperative to design and implement the team performance measurement systems. Training of the employees is considered as the most adaptive method to increase the performance of the employees and if the organizations input some good practice at the time of training then it will likely increase the performance of the employees.
The paper discusses ten best practices that can be considered while improving the performance of the employees. The first method of practice is Ground Measures in Theory where the researcher states that all the practices involving performance assessment should be scientific and not from mere perception. The second practice is designing the measures that can lead to certain predefined learning outcomes. The method to allow the employees to reach certain learning outcome is poised to help the employees and organization grow together.
The third method is through gauging the increase in competency level of the employee. The fourth method is measuring the various level of the performance of the employees and the next is about observing the behaviours of the employees while they are performing. Moreover, the organization can link the performance of the employees to various scenarios. The ninth method is to diagnose the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the employee performance to help them improve further and the last one is providing training to those who observe employees for performance appraisal.
Both the paper discussed above provides plenty of insight into the performance appraisal of employees and the team. Moreover, both the papers helps in understanding the factors those need to kept in consideration while appraising the employees and the factors those are important while focusing on increasing the employee performance. Both the paper is significant as per the course work is concerned as they give clear insight into the various areas of performance appraisal.
Boachie-Mensah, Francis, and Peter Awini Seidu. "Employees’ Perception Of Performance Appraisal System: A Case Study". IJBM 7.2 (2012): n. pag. Web.
Rosen, Michael A. et al. "Measuring Team Performance In Simulation-Based Training: Adopting Best Practices For Healthcare". Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare 3.1 (2008): 33-41. Web.