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Prepare a report on Management Information System within the organisation.
Management Information System within the organization requires security, and also the support from the management. Most of the studies have realised that managements at the top must contribute into the security of the information system. However, few of the studies went ahead to understand how the external factors impact the change in the orientation of the management towards the security of the Management Information System. This paper tried to understand the same. Any specific conclusions have not been reached through the study but it has helped in coming up with models that will pave path for the future studies. The three hypotheses taken in the initial stage of the study helped justify certain notions. The first element that came out is that support of top management is imperative. Second, it tried to understand how the factors can contribute in bringing management close to the security of the MIS. The third element gives suggestions on how the management can bring more support.
The support of the top rung of the management is imperative for the successful security of the management information system within an organization (Boss et at, 2009). If the management is supportive of the security of the management information system then it should not be construed as effectiveness of the same. However, it is important for the proper implementation of the security on the information system. It provides total control and development opportunity for the information system department and the management. It has been realised that the managers at the senior position lack dedication and conviction towards the security of the information system. Even if few are supportive, they lack proper knowledge to provide enough support. Few of the researchers (Hsu, 2009; Hu et al, 2007; Smith et al, 2010) have found that there are not such internal factors that can influence these top management from orienting themselves towards the security. However, there are ample external factors that can support such changes.
This paper tries to understand the reason behind the impact of the external factors on the decision of management to embrace the role to support security of the management information system. This research has been conducted based on the past studies that the dedication or conviction of the senior management is imperative for the successful implementation of the security within the information system. There are ample studies that are supporting the understanding that if the management is committed towards the development of the information system that it leads to effective results. However, the factors that are important to motivate the top management have rarely been discussed among the academicians. It has been realised that if the information security is within the controls of information department and the senior management, then it leads to successful automation and integration of the whole system within the organization. Moreover, it leads to better achievements in terms of organizational performances.
This paper will be a glimpse into the factors contributing to the motivation of the senior management towards the security of the information system. The paper begins with literature review of the past research papers developed on the similar subject and then move ahead with preparation of hypotheses which will guide the whole paper. The gap has been addressed through the implemented research methods and then results have been presented in an eloquent manner. The final chapter discusses the whole paper in nutshell and brings some recommendations based on the conclusions from the paper.
This section tries to look into the past studies conducted on the similar subject. The purpose is to find what have been studied in the past as per the security of the information system and the involvement of the senior management is concerned and how the latter impacts the former in its success (Ahmad et al, 2012). The paper also tries to understand various areas one after another. The section starts with understanding the support to information system by the senior management. The next part looks into the studies on management information system security. The rest of the areas are focused on commitment and awareness of the management and employee towards the information security (Baggett, 2003).
The inception of the information system saw the conduction of series of studies on the impact of the orientation of the senior management towards the information system. The researches in the early 1990 saw suggestions to the management to participate and involve in the decisions related to the information system. The participating steps of the management have been stated as mixture of multiple variables. For instance, it include preparing a proper plan, implementing the plan, monitoring the same during the implementation phase, and having a continuous procedures to keep track of the security systems.
Few of the researches have collected the way the senior management look at the information system and its securities. However, these researches did not try to look into the factors that brought such thinking and motivation within the management. The studies have also suggested that the managers who handle the management of information system scan the environment before moving ahead. The process of scanning the environment includes taking into consideration both the internal and external factors while coming up to any certain decisions. However, the information system managers involve in scanning the external and internal environment to reach the decision that is imperative for the successful security of the information system, but if the same is not communicated with the senior management with complete clarity, then all the effort brings no significant results. Therefore, the researchers also suggest effective communication between the senior and middle managers.
The researchers, Dutta and McCrohan (2002) consider the security of the information system as the problem of the management. They do not take it as the issue related with technical background and argue that technological factor is not everything within the information system. There are various other factors also that influence the security implementation. The researchers asserts on having a balance between both the elements, the management and technological. The same researchers consider two more element, they are the whole organization and the infrastructure. These two factors have also been identified as the critical for the security of the information system security. They state that organization is the blend of various elements such as culture within the organization, policies, and processes. The researchers have suggested that having an information security that can help in governing all these elements can be assumed as successfully implemented information system. Such diverse utility of the information system requires proper management of its security.
The researchers, Harrison and White (2010), state that if the security measures are properly implemented within the organization then it significantly reduces the risk to minor issues. Moreover, the information system security requires thorough understanding of the system for its proper implementation. If the system is developed such that it focuses on complying with the users then it leads to increase in the effectiveness in automating the information system for the success of the organization. The conformity of the employees within the organization regarding the information system can be obtained by properly training them about the sytem and building a culture within the organization that supports the acceptance of the information system.
If the employees are provided with proper training in securities related to the information system then it can affirmatively impact the organization. The training can include understanding related to the measures that are imperative for proper protection of the network and data. If the organization focuses on rewards and campaigns then it may lead to better implemented security. The senior management should be committed towards the security. This provides important depth to the processes to the implementation of the same.
Training the people and focusing on making them aware about the information system security are poised to foster a culture within the organization helps in improving the effective information system. If the information system is controlled in a proper manner, then it leads to the reduction in the risks related to the same. Studies assert that the senior management will be benefitted more than anyone if they focus on the security. As the importance of the involvement of the senior management and the impact of external motivation in the security of the information can be concluded, therefore, moving ahead to understand those external factors is important to clearly understand the whole picture. Understanding these factors is likely to improve the information system within the organization.
This section details the methodologies that have been adopted to conduct the research. It includes the research method, model, design and limitations.
Research Method and Epistemology
The research has taken non-subjective orientation towards the study. The researcher has the notion that the favourable or unfavourable orientation of the management towards the security of the management information system is the result of the impact of some known and unknown external factors. Therefore, having clearer picture of such factors is imperative for better understanding and implementation of the security in the information system. The paper has tried to take into picture the theoretical aspects and form a logical coherence of the factors. The quantitative research method has been chosen for the research.
Research Model
The paper has formed a model over the studies conducted of the various research papers, and then based on the model, hypotheses have been developed. These hypotheses have been considered further in the study to understand the likeliness of each in relation to the research subject.
Hypothesis 1: Involvement of the top management in the security of information system impacts assimilating the same.
The researchers Liang et al (2007) realised the importance of belief of the top management as important force behind the success of the security implementation within the organization. The understanding of the management of the likely threats and beliefs impacts the way the security is being perceived.
Hypothesis 2: The belief of higher management in the necessity of security has positive impact.
Hypothesis 3: Pressure from external environment that can be perceived uncertain and unambiguous impacts the management’s decision towards security factors in a positive manner.
Research Design
The survey approach was selected for the study. This approach helps in building correlation in research related to information system (Bjorck, 2004). Surveys help in producing quantitative stats of the opinions that are imperative for understanding the justification of the hypotheses.
Convenience sampling techniques had been used for the collection of the data. The SMEs from the country had been selected for the purpose of surveying. The reason behind the selection of small enterprises is that they face unique situations in comparison to the larger corporations (Lee and Larsen, 2009) and, thus can better work as respondents. Online survey was followed to collect the data. The sample size was not determined beforehand, and it was increased further till the researcher realised enough responses has been collected.
The survey conducted through online received 53% response. The survey cannot be stated as complete due to the lack in expected responses. The data collected helped in getting clearer picture for the third hypothesis. The surveys that did not match the response with that of the top management can be used for understanding the first hypothesis. The survey questions were based on five-point Likert scale. The first two hypotheses were supported from the study and, however, the last hypothesis was not supported by the study. The study of the hypotheses helped in understanding that the governance is the important factor from the top management’s point of view. The study concludes that participation by the management increases gradually as per the secrutiy in the information system is concerned. The study realised that if the higher management believe in the security of the system, then it leads to better assimilation of the same in the firm. Moreover, the primary purpose of the study was to understand the factors that influence of the senior management’s orientation towards or away from the security element of the information system. However, the results shown partial support to the hypothesis – Hypothesis 3 – that the external environment can be perceived as having uncertain and unambiguous impact on the orientation of the management.
The study conducted did not explain the factors effectively and therefore, further research is required in the same. The study only gave the empirical evidence of the existence of the strong correlation between the belief of the management and impact on the security of the information system. The relation between the external factor and the impact on the management’s orientation found no significant correlation.
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