This section consists of 12 multiple choice questions. All questions must be answered.
This section consists of short answer questions. All questions must be answered.
13. Identify one area of practice that you think research may be required to improve
practice in that area. (For example, acute care nurses require more education on the
care of patients with dementia)
14. Establish a research objective for the chosen issue. (For example, “Develop and
implement an educational intervention for acute care nurses on the care of the patient
with dementia”)
15. Using a nursing database (for example, CINAHL) find one research article related to
the issue identified. Ensure that you compare articles to ensure that the one you select
is relevant, reliable and current. Provide a reference (APA format) for the article below.
16. From the article you have chosen, identify one way in which the research could be
used to change practice. (For example, Dementia Care workshops for acute care
nurses result in higher levels of patient satisfaction and so Dementia Care workshops
will be introduced for all acute care nurses)
17. For your chosen issue and research objective, select an appropriate research
approach and data collection method. Then provide a rationale for your chosen
approach and data collection method. (For example, Qualitative approach/ Survey)
18. Imagine you have completed a research study on your chosen issue. Identify two ways
in which you could use the findings of your research to change practice.
Part A
1. a. A published report on a research study
2. c. Collect data, Analyze data, Disseminate the research
3. d. The research design is systematic and objective
4. b. Conducting your own research, Using critical reading skills, Explaining your own personal opinions
5. a. “The hypothesis of this study is…?”
6. b. A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation
7. c. Performing literature reviews for all aspects of clinical care
8. b. The use of data about systems, processes and outcomes to assist health care teams to develop and implement plans for improving the quality of care
9. a. The implementation of research in the practice setting
10. a. The researcher
11. a. All research studies
12. b. Evidence based
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Part B
Question 13
Strategies working to reframe employees understanding of behaviors where include training in dementia the exercise of biographical apparatus, completed in organization with relaxed career appraisals of cognition, tenderness as well as psychological needs in addition to access to specialists in dementia care. Frequent to these interferences was so as to they supported employees to consider possible reasons of behaviors as well as provided strategies to address the unmet need, such as the development of individualized care plans and modified strategies intended for tumbling distress. Preparation of recognize behaviors because of the appearance of an unmet requirement as well as acquaintance of a patient gained throughout permanence in their concern helped employees become conscious that exacting care practices were inappropriate as well as to adapt their employment in a technique that benefited the entity.
Question 14
To methodically identify, explanation and analyze examine studies so as to assess interventions for sympathetic nursing care; review the images of the interference for sympathetic care, including design as well as delivery of the interference and academic framework; and to assess confirmation for the efficiency of interventions
Question 15
The Cumulative Index to Nursing with Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is usually thought to be a good foundation to investigate while conducting an appraisal of qualitative substantiation. Case lessons contain suggested that utilizing CINAHL might be necessary for assessment of qualitative lessons covering themes in the nursing field, other than it is uncertain whether this be able to be comprehensive extra generally to assessments of qualitative studies in supplementary topic parts. We accepted a retrospective psychoanalysis of an illustration of systematic assessment of qualitative lessons to examine CINAHL’s potential part to identifying the substantiation.
Fink, A. (2013). Conducting research literature reviews: from the Internet to paper. Sage Publications.
Question 16
To recognize functions of programmers as well as approaches to create healthcare liberation in secondary healthcare situations more for dementia-friendly, offering a circumstance-relevant perceptive of how interferences achieve outcomes for populace living through dementia. With the assist of those advances of the research could be utilized to change perform.
Question 17
The main dissimilarity among data collection for patient care as well as investigate reasons is so as to data collection for investigate purposes have to be free as of the researchers’ individual biases, attitude, values, otherwise attitudes as well as collected in a consistent, reliable, or standard technique as of every subject through everyone who is concerned in the data collection procedures.
Question 18
The few numbers of theories as well as frameworks obtainable to inform and improve accomplishment research emphasize the active nature of this procedure, which is typically characterized in a number of stages. At this point are the two stages of accomplishment: Exploration, Implementation. The greater part of the learning we integrated focused on the implementation stage either in conditions of strategies utilizes for change or connected barriers as well as facilitators. There was small concentration to the Exploration stage, where potential implementers investigate the literature intended for evidence-based perform to ensemble their needs as well as assessed readiness for revolutionize.
Guralnik, J. M., Simonsick, E. M., Ferrucci, L., Glynn, R. J., Berkman, L. F., Blazer, D. G., ... & Wallace, R. B. (1994). A short physical performance battery assessing lower extremity function: association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission. Journal of gerontology, 49(2), M85-M94.
Cho, K. S. (1999). The effect of a hand massage program on anxiety and immune function in clients with cataract surgery under local anesthesia. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 29(1), 97-106.
Sung, K. W. (2007). The effect of a health maintenance program on physical function and mental health of the elderly in nursing homes. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 37(4), 478-489.