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Guidelines for TASK 1 ( 2500 words)
2.1 - For your chosen department write one corporate aim and one objective within the limitations of the department
2.2 – Provide details on plans to achieve the objective highlighting the possible risks and contingency plans. Tip: Alternative solution or plans (Plan B)
2.3 – Provide details on which systems can be implemented to achieve the objectives on time and to budget
2.4 - Provide details on how the activities will be carried out by providing a work based structure, Gantt chart.
3.1 – Explain TQM and how quality systems will assist in achieving your set objective.
3.2 – Provide information on how your chosen department can monitor and evaluate the quality systems.
3.3 - Recommend a change within your department keeping in mind the organizational objectives. Explain how this change can be implemented.
3.4 - How will the change undertaken in 3.3 impact the stakeholders (shareholders, members, employees, customers, suppliers, and environment)?
4.1- Based on the legislation, the regulations and the organizational requirements of your workplace, describe the aspects that might impose a potential risk in your work place.
4.2 -You are required to write a report to your facility management officer informing him/her that health and safety regulations have been applied. Write a paragraph to illustrate what you would include in that report.
4.3 As a health and safety consultant, you are required to audit the existing health and safety policies within your department. Write the review and recommend 2 changes to the existing policies. Discuss why you think your recommendations are effective and compliant with the existing policies.
4.4 -You are running an induction program for your new staff on the health and safety policies and procedures at your department. Write a memo about the topics that you would discuss with them and how you would encourage them to apply those policies and procedures
I have been appointed as a consultant with the Emirates Group. This report aims to help the group further to build on its competitive advantage. The task here is to choose a department of the company and do some tasks for it which is described in the following report.
Chosen Department: HR department
The human resource department has a huge impact on the business of Emirates Group. The people support the overall goals of the business but, the HR practices needs an improvement so that the HR experts and the employees can become successful partners of their fellow managers. Therefore, this department has been chosen to help the Emirates Group in building their competitive advantage.
The corporate aim is to align the HR practices of the company with the overall strategy of the company. HR is no longer a separate department where all the activities happen separately and in isolation from the other processes of the business. All the activities that happen in this department have to be in line with the overall strategy that the company makes. For example, if the Emirates Group has a strategy to achieve the competitive advantage, then the HR practices must aim to develop the employees, improve their skills so that they become valuable resources for the company and contribute to the competitive advantage by innovating, giving ideas, becoming accountable for their work, perform as per the deadlines, etc.
The corporate objective is to design and implement an effective performance management system. An effective performance management system will not only help in the development of the people of Emirates Group, but it will also help in managing the underperforming employees of the company. This will help in boosting the morale of the employees and improve their performance. Thus the employees will become a successful source of competitive advantage for the company.
To achieve these objectives of designing and implementing and effective performance management system so that Emirates Group can achieve competitive advantage, the following plan will be undertaken:
The HR managers will design the performance incentives for the people of the company. These will be designed by consulting and involving the employees so that they know that what are the criteria of performance judgment and how the incentives are justified.
The HR scorecard will be used for measuring the performance of the people, and the effectiveness of the personnel practices will be quantified so that the HR department gets to know that how much they are effective in making the employees exhibit the desired behaviors.
The HR managers will make sure that the employees of the company are aware of the expectations of the company from them and they are clear about the role that they have to perform on the job.
The risk associated with this plan is that since the human behavior needs to be quantified, so there may be errors of judgment by the managers’ or the person who evaluates the performance of the people (Podgórski, 2015). For example, an error of recency may arise, biases, etc. To avoid this, the contingency plan involves judging the performance of employees on the basis of the critical incidents methods. This will avoid the errors of recency and for avoiding the biases, the HR managers can use the 360-degree feedback method that will involve many people (Pollitt, 2013) and all of them will not be biased for a particular person.
For achieving the objectives, the following systems need to be implemented:
The performance appraisal system: This system will help in reviewing, evaluating and measuring the performance of the employees of the people. This system should contain the methods that will measure the performance of the critical incidents methods, 360-degree feedback method, etc. The implementation period should be set like in which month this process will be conducted.
The performance management system: This system needs to be implemented for making sure that once the performance is measured and the gaps are identified, then the efforts are put towards improving the performance and filling the gaps.
The HR Scorecard: This system will have to be implemented continuously, and it will make sure that all the things and the practices in the department are happening in the given deadlines and within the given budget. HR scorecard is a type of metrics that contains all the activities and the processes that the HR department is undertaking, their ROI, costs, budget, etc. and helps in taking the useful decisions for the HR.
Total quality management is an approach to business that aims to provide quality products to the customers so that they achieve the highest level of satisfaction. For providing the good quality products and for satisfying the customers of the company, the employees will have to make an effort to develop the right products by identifying the needs of the people in a right manner. The TQM concept can be applied to the process of performance appraisal as the performance appraisal can be seen as an instrument that facilitates the achievement of the goals of the organization (Jiménez-Jiménez, 2015). When the initiative of TQM is applied to the appraisal process in particular, then the effectiveness of the work teams of the company can be enhanced and thus, the improvement in the individual performances can improve the performance of the organization as a whole.
The quality systems can be monitored by matching the current systems of the Emirates Group with the best practices in the industry. This will help in identifying that what areas need improvement and what needs to be focused upon. Also, the best practices will help in identifying the thing that the company can use for improving the performance of its employees (Wang, 2012). For evaluating the quality systems, the HR managers have to calculate the ROI on the training, counseling, etc. that they give to the employees who underperform. If the employees have changed their behavior in terms of increased performance, meeting the deadlines, satisfying the consumers, decreased rate of attrition, etc., then it can be concluded that the systems are working well.
The change that is needed in the HR department is the change in the way performance is currently appraised. The performance appraisal happens using the forced distribution method. This method is not suitable because every aspect of the performance has to be marked irrespective of its importance, validity or use. Also, there are some incidents or situations that come up in the company that are critical to being handled and are important for the business of the company. For example, if there is the cancellation of any flight, then the customers gets very upset. So, at that time they need to be managed and handled so that they do not feel dissatisfied with the services of the group.
For implementing this change, the managers of the company have to communicate with the employees that the method of performance appraisal is getting changed and they should be consulted before changing the method. Then, for implementation, the objectives should be made that will involve that who will participate in the 360-degree feedback, what incidents will be considered as critical and what not.
The change that will be introduced in the method of performance appraisal will impact the employees most. The employees will be positively impacted by it because they will be appraised in a much better and valid way. They will feel satisfied that their performance is correctly measured, the biases are not happening, and thy will be rewarded appropriately by the management of the company (Hayes, 2014). The employees will also get to know the gaps in the expected and actual performance so they will get a chance to improve themselves, and they will work hard to achieve better results. Then, the morals, satisfaction and commitment of the employees will rise too.
Other than the employees, when the change is implemented, and the performance of the employees will improve, then the customers will be happier as they will get better service from the employees, they will be served in a better way, and they will buy more services of the Emirates Group. With this, the profitability of the company will rise. Thus the shareholders will also be happy as they will get more return on their investment. The environment will be more positive, and it will become sustainable.
The risks that the workplace may face are:
The change may not be accepted by the employees of the company who do not wish to improve their performance, and they want to hide their weak areas from the managers. So, the risk is that they may resist the change; they may not let the management introduce it in a smooth manner.
The second risk is that despite changing the method of appraisal, the people of the company do not improve their performance. They may still work as per the earlier ways, and they waste the time of the managers and the trainers.
When the change is communicated to the employees, there is a risk that the important information may get lost during the conversation with the employees.
The failure of the plan is another risk because the employees may improve their performance, they may take the training sessions, but in the end, they may leave the company by acquiring the valuable knowledge (Goetsch, 2014). This is a big risk in this case, and the company may face huge financial losses because the time and cost that they have put in the improvement of performance of people will be lost.
The health and safety regulations to be applied
In the report that will be sent to the facility management officer, the following things will be included:
The current rules and regulations that every company needs to apply in their organization for safeguarding the employees and maintaining their health.
The health and safety regulations that have been applied in the current organization including the safety of equipment, workplace, installation of machines, medical leaves, medical allowances, etc. This will include each and everything related to the safety and health that was there previously in the company and the things that have been applied in the latest changes.
The comparison and match of the rules and regulations with the current practices of the company and giving an analysis about how effectively the company has applied everything.
The cost that the company has incurred in doing this and the budget that was allocated to this activity.
How their regulations that have been applied help the company and the people in future and what pledge the company has taken to protect its employees in the future too.
In the HR department, there is adequate provision of protecting the health and safety of the people. All the rules and regulations have been followed, and the company is properly adhering to the set standards. Thus, the audit shows that the HR department is effective in formulating and implementing the health and safety policies (Martínez-Aires, 2015). The changes that are recommended to the existing policies are: the health of the employees should be seen from a contemporary perspective in which the employees should be allowed to work from home for 2-3 days in a month. This will give him an opportunity to work in a homely environment; he will be able to fulfill his family obligations too; he will be able to spend time with them, and the employee will be more relaxed. So, this will improve the mental health of the people of the company. But if the job is such that the employee cannot work from home, then he should be given a holiday or so for 2-3 days so that he can relax with his family and come back to work with a fresh mood. Secondly, it is recommended that the employees should be trained to use all the equipment no matter whether they have to work on them or not. This will ensure that if the employees have to protect other employees in case of an accident then should know how the machine is operated, how it will stop or work. Thus, they can protect the others from getting harmed.
To: The new joiners
From: The consultant
Subject: Induction program on health and safety policies
The induction program will include the topics related to the health and safety of the people at the workplace. They will be told about the ways in which they can maintain their health in the company and how they can handle the mental pressures on the job. Stress is the cause of all health problems. So, the people will be trained on the stress management aspect. Also, they will tell about the benefits of good health at the workplace. The induction program will also include various case studies and real life examples on the importance of maintaining the health at the workplace. The induction will involve the ways in which the company maintains the safety of the people and the ways in which the people can ensure their own safety. This will also include the various considerations related to the safety of people and the ways in which they can ensure their safety. The program will talk about the accidents that have happened in the past and how the make sure such events can be avoided by the people in the company.
As a consultant, the report has been made, and this report talks about the ways of improving the HR departmental of the company so that it can obtain the competitive advantage in the future. The human resource department will be able to support the overall goals of the business but, the HR practices will get improved so that the HR experts and the employees can become successful partners of their fellow managers.
Hayes, J., 2014. The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan.
Jiménez-Jiménez, D., Martinez-Costa, M., Martínez-Lorente, A.R. and Rabeh, H.A.D., 2015. Total quality management performance in multinational companies: A learning perspective. The TQM Journal, 27(3), pp.328-340.
Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson.
Martínez-Aires, M.D., Rubio Gámez, M.C. and Gibb, A., 2015. The impact of occupational health and safety regulations on prevention through design in construction projects: Perspectives from Spain and the United Kingdom.Work, 53(1), pp.181-191.
Podgórski, D., 2015. Measuring operational performance of OSH management system–A demonstration of AHP-based selection of leading key performance indicators. Safety science, 73, pp.146-166.
Pollitt, C., 2013. The logics of performance management. Evaluation, 19(4), pp.346-363.
Wang, C.H., Chen, K.Y. and Chen, S.C., 2012. Total quality management, market orientation and hotel performance: The moderating effects of external environmental factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(1), pp.119-129.