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Assessment Criteria 2.3: Evaluate the suitability of information systems for different functional areas of an organisation
Most information systems are designed for their respective specific functional areas. Their focus is to support the operational and/or management requirement of these functional areas. You are required to evaluate the suitability of information systems to support these areas.
For each functional area that you identified in task 1, explain:
1. What information systems are needed? Describe with suitable diagrams.
2. Why are these systems needed?
Evidence format: Word-processed report in paragraph form with appropriate illustrations and graphics to support your work.
Assessment Criteria 2.2: Investigate the current trends in using information systems applications to solve business problems.
The changes in information systems technologies and telecommunication technologies are causing a significant change in the way business solve problems. The trends toward Internet technologies, wireless technologies, corporate Intranet/extranet etc. dramatically increases the number of “business competitive” and “technology-oriented” information system applications.
You are required to:
1. Explain the background or historical development of a trend (of your choice)
2. Explain how this trend can help business organizations in general. Use diagrams.
Evidence format: Word-processed report in paragraph form with appropriate illustrations and graphics to support your work (Bullet points are accepted provided all explanations are complete).
Merit (1): Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
Most organisations today are using cross-functional enterprise systems (ERP) that cross the boundaries of traditional business functions in order to improve vital business processes all across the enterprise.
Describe how organizations apply these strategies to share information resources and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes. Use suitable diagrams.
Mobile computing is considered as the latest technology which is widely used for transfer data, through a computer, without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. Mobile computing idea has been generated during the 1990s. Since then, mobile computing has generated various instruments to support communication like it introduced two-way radios that utilize antennas through which most of the people can easily send their message from one person to another. During 1990, it also introduced a personal computer that can perform every activity which a regular computer perform (Dinh, 2013). Two-way radios utilized by the police departments also considered a part of mobile technology but now, people able to connect without wires to the private network , the internet and anywhere in the world. Now most of the people are going to connect to the internet; it means that they are participating in mobile technology. All this can be done through a laptop or personal computer, PDA, or personal digital assistant. These days mobile computing decide to come up with an idea of portable devices which makes the mobile computing more demanding. This will enhance the living standard and lifestyle of people. Pocket PCs are specially designed by mobile computing technology which facilitates easy access the internet on the earth devices (Wolf, 2014)s. This tool proved very powerful for both the personal use and businesses. Mobile computing offers the opportunity to bring people together, and share their experience and knowledge with each other.
The most important benefit of mobile computing is that it eliminates paperwork. Due to mobile computing organization can easily collect, transfer and store required information electronically. Some field mobility solution such as barcode scanners, handheld PCs, and mobile printers reduce the burden of delivery receipts and writing invoices manually. Due to all these solutions possibility of mistake is reduced completely and also enhance the worker’s ability to access, collect, and evaluate critical business information accurately and quickly.
It offered faster and improved access to available information. This help the employees of the organization to collect required information about the organization. With the help of mobile computing technicians and field, executives can perform their jobs efficiently with increased individual productivity (Gikas, 2013). All this is increasing the overall productive outcome of the organization in less time.
Mobile computing also plays a vital role in reducing the cost engage in the production of goods. Growing productivity of individual can efficiently reduce intermediate staff which ultimately helps the organization in reducing the cost associated with labors. Apart from cost it also reducing extra travel, selling time, and field mobility solutions which help in gaining service profitability.
Mobile computing also improves the customer relations. Flexibility to access information enables employees to update customer information, resolve customer queries, and also reduce the time spent per customer.
Dinh, H. T., Lee, C., Niyato, D., & Wang, P. (2013). A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches. Wireless communications and mobile computing, 13(18), 1587-1611.
Gikas, J., & Grant, M. M. (2013). Mobile computing devices in higher education: Student perspectives on learning with cellphones, smartphones & social media. The Internet and Higher Education, 19, 18-26.
Wolf, M. (2014). High-performance embedded computing: applications in cyber-physical systems and mobile computing. Newnes.