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1) How technology being used in a bank (Traditional Banking)
2) Technology enhancement phases in a Banking sector.
2.1 How Banking Sector evolved in previous years.
1980 to 1989
1990 to 1999
2000 to 2010
Fintech Era (2010 to 2015)
2.2 Fintech (Digital Currency)
3- Technology transformation in a bank (Fintech)Ã Crypto Currency.
The traditional banking has been changed dramatically over the years due to emergence of many new technologies. In comparison with the other fields, the changes in the banking sector are more prominent. Traditionally the banking activities were carried out in the branches through one-to-one interface (Martins et al. 2014). However, in the recent years, the banks have introduced a number of new channels as well as the touch points to meet the need of modern customers. The current assignment deals with analysis of the evolution of banking due to emergence of modern technology over the years. The emergence of digital currency and its effect on the banking sector is also discussed in the assignment.
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The traditional banks have physical presence and offer their services through a number of brick and mortar branches. In case of traditional banking, the customers have to visit the branches for accessing the services (Baptista and Oliveira, 2015). Even for the minor services such as collecting information on the balance and transferring the money from one account to the other, the customers need to visit the branches and undertake a number of processes. It is evident that the traditional banking services are time-consuming. The traditional banking services are available only during the working hours. Therefore, availability of the services for a limited period also restrict the customers from accessing them whenever required. In addition, the traditional banking offers less control and visibility to the customers on their accounts. For instance, a user of traditional banking services is not able to control the account when traveling abroad. The conventional banking is considered as more costly because of the operational and fixed costs associated with these services. The opportunity to provide customer service is limited in case of the traditional banks. The staffs of the banks are able to attend only few number of customers during the working hours and it also limits the accessibility of traditional banking services.
The traditional brick and mortar banks have been embracing a number of disruptive technologies for the last few decades. Due to use of the latest technologies, the traditional banking services are going through some major changes.
Evolution of banking in previous years: The major changes in the banking sector have been observed since 1980. The notable transformations in this sector from 1980 are discussed in several phases.
1980 to 1989: ATM (Automated Teller Machine) was introduced in the 1960s and by 1980 , the customers became habituated to use it. From the 1980s, the banks started to focus on electronic trading and provided the customers with home-based banking products. Apart from the ATMs, the banks also introduced new delivery channels through PC and telephones. In 1980s, the 2g internet was introduced and it was being used for banking. However, in 1980s, the banking customers were reluctant to change themselves (Safeena et al.2018). So, the advanced technological products failed to attract them.
1990 to 1999: During the period 1990 to 1999, the banking sector introduced internet banking to the customers (Boateng, 2015; Prasetyo et al.2015). The period from 1990 to 1999 is also important as the online banking also improved a lot in these years. Since 1990, the banks started adopting a number of online strategies including the use of web, informing customers about funds and balance after transaction. The banks also started posing themselves as one-stop financial solutions such as portfolio calculation, corporate research and stock trading. In 1990s, the banking transactions were easily handled though mail, phone and other electronic ways. However, the early online banking infrastructure was unable to accept deposits. ATMs were required to do the task. For instance, the Amazon.com and ebay launched online market place in 1995 (Ifeonu and Ward, 2015).The WWW was developed in the early 1990s whereas the browsers like Netscape Navigator was introduced in the mid-90s (Fathima and Muthumani, 2015). Availability of these disruptive technologies promoted the electronic trading faster. In addition, PayPal, one of the most prominent online payment systems, also launched in 1998 (Boateng, 2015). It is evident that such developments changed the traditional banking and financial activities to a great extent.
2000 to 2010: The phase 2000-2010 can be considered as the era of e-commerce. In these years, the banking services facilitated major developments of e-commerce. The online storefronts emerged in this time. In addition, the services like online ordering, electronic payments and online marketplace are some other notable developments of this time. Apart from prominent e-commerce organizations, many brick and mortar stores like Walmart introduced the online stores. Due to increasing availability of smart phones, the new e-commerce services became more accessible to the customers.
Fintech Era (2010 to 2015): The phase 2010 to 2015 can be considered as the age of Fintech. The financial technology is an emerging sector that facilitates the development of latest banking services in the 21st century. Initially, the term financial technology referred to the back-end processes used by financial institutions. Later the term, Fintech indicated all the technological innovations applied to the retail banking financial literacy and the investment banking.
Emergence of digital currency, virtual currency and cryptocurrency is one of the major developments in the banking sector during the period; from 2010 to 2015 is development and increasing use of digital currency. In 2012, the virtual money was considered to be used by the members of some specific virtual community (Sathye and Sathye, 2017; Martins et al.2014). However, in 2015, the European Central Bank announced that the virtual money or digital currency has a value and in some situations, the money can be used as an alternative for the traditional money (Safeena et al.2018). It is evident; the increasing usage of digital money transformed the banking sector significantly. In contrast to the virtual money, digital currency is considered as an asset which is represented in the digital form and also possesses a number of monetary characteristics. The digital currency helped the banks significantly to create a ‘cashless’ society.
The banking services have been changed a lot in the past few decades. Emergence of the digital currency is one of the most prominent examples of the transformation in banking sector. The digital currency has helped the banking and financial industry to utilize the other disruptive technologies in a more efficient way. For instance, the digital currency has made the international money transfer easier (Kimando and Kimeu, 2016). As the digital currency is accepted widely, the cross border money transfer has become easier for the customers. It can be stated that the emergence of digital currency has transformed the traditional way of money transfer by the banks.
The digital currency also made the money transfer process more secured and faster (Benrit. and Marimuthu, 2014). In traditional way of transferring money, the banks had to carry out a number of processes and it took several hours. On the contrary, use of advanced financial technology such as the digital currency, the money transfer takes less time and it, in turn, helps the customers to obtain more benefits.
As stated by Venkatesh et al. (2015), unlike the traditional money transfer, the digital currency help financial to set the real time money transfer process. The digital currency uses distributed ledger technology and it facilitates the financial institutions to make the money transfer faster. Therefore, the digital currency is increasingly becoming an alternative to the traditional money as it benefits the end-users in several ways.
Technology transformation in a bank Crypto Currency: Crypto currency is another technological innovation that is transforming the banking sector in the recent days. The crypto currencies are originally a form of digital currency but they are developed using the latest encryption technology . The crypto currencies can be transacted in an open source environment. Such currencies are controlled by code and uses peer-to-peer network for the transaction.
Similar to the digital currency, the crypto currency also employs the ledger technology. In addition, the crypto currency also uses the cryptographic techniques and the digital wallet (Sathye and Sathye, 2017). The crypto currency uses the ledger technology to store the transaction records accurately. The encryption technology is also used to keep the information regarding the owner in coded form. The transactions involving crypto currency are carried out after performing complex computational problems.
The discussion on crypto currency indicates that use of complex computation techniques keep the transactions of crypto currency more secured than the traditional money transfer. Use of encryption techniques also adds to the security and enhances confidentiality of the information regarding the owner. Lastly, use of the ledger technology also ensures higher accuracy of the stored information regarding transaction. It can be stated that the increased use of crypto currency and the other technologies associated with it is transforming the traditional banking services.
The current discussion indicates that the traditional banking has many shortcomings including the limited availability, less accessibility, lower control and higher cost. However, emergence and use of disruptive technologies have made the traditional banking more efficient over time. The latest applications of financial technologies such as digital currency and crypto currency are enabling banks to create a cashless financial environment.
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Benrit, P. and Marimuthu, M., 2014, May. The Important of Information Valence on Self Service Banking Technology Adoption: A Conceptual Framework. In Proceedings of International Academic Conferences (No. 0100082). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
Boateng, K., 2015. Leveraging the power of mobile technology as a banking strategy–a case for Ghanaian banking institutions.
Fathima, Y.A. and Muthumani, S., 2015. USER ACCEPTANCE OF BANKING TECHNOLOGY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INTERNET BANKING. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 73(1).
Ifeonu, R.O. and Ward, R., 2015. The Impact Of Technology Trust On The Acceptance Of Mobile Banking Technology Within Nigeria. IEEE African Journal of Computing & ICTs, 8(4).
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Sathye, S. and Sathye, M., 2017. Do ATMs Increase Technical Efficiency of Banks in a Developing Country? Evidence from Indian Banks. Australian Accounting Review, 27(1), pp.101-111.
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Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y. and Xu, X., 2016. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology: a synthesis and the road ahead.