Individual Reflective Report

Individual Reflective Report 

Summary of your group’s business idea

It started with a group of five young women in HK to start a fashion house with the modern contemplated venture that could bring the best trends & latest designs in young girls. It’s a one stop shop destination for all the modern & unique designed clothes, jewelry& fashion accessories. The market they are catering to is quite huge, has tremendous growth potential & is always in demand. The challenge lies in catalyzing prospective customers & making them part of the regular business. The business model is already integrating back end & front end models into the mainstream, hence there will be delays, lags or quality issues. The business model is well sculpted & looks in line with the current trend of focusing on women’s of age group 30-55 years old working or non-working. Looking at the business propositions its customer-centric, dynamic, serving B2B models as well as B2C through online & offline options. The cost integrations are well-tailored to get funded & channelized through the revenue stream. Looking at the experience of Management & staff handling key operations & strategy is quite experienced & can handle challenges easily.
The main strength of the fashion idea used is the latest trendy designed clothes with the best quality & low priced (Festival, 2013). The weakness one could foresee is keeping a name in the market will be tough as there are many small & big competitors competing within the same dimensions. They have to key highlight their business model uniqueness which is “high quality, low priced & trendy” through intelligent marketing &strong promotion campaigns. They can also spread its wings through word of mouth promotion & take customer surveys, feedbacks or suggestions more meticulously. They can differentiate themselves from their competitors by making their brand successful in terms of customer-oriented & improving their customer-related services or issues.

Process of idea initiation 

While researching we came across many unique concepts & ideas. There were some interesting topics such as food & beverage restaurants, confectionaries shops, and small scale auto companies which we read & gone through nitty-gritty of the fact findings. But none had an interesting conventional story to get inspired off. All of the team members bought different researched articles about the various inspiring entrepreneurs which we analyzed, met face to face to understand their perspective, potential capabilities but they somewhat fall in line similar to competitor model and didn’t have a unique strategy to visualize.
While reading & specifically going in-depth about the vision & mission of the U-Design company helped us in quickly familiarizing the issues. The main highlight of the U-Design that it was started with small funds by five young women with an enriched background devising a strategy to customize clothes as per the request of customers was a class apart with other ideas. The strong foundation of U-Design was a great reason to compete with big & small competitors. The idea of customizing designing as per customers was never nurtured even by high brands. This immediately helped us in getting connected with the brand, its image & the vision planned. 
Learning about the entire key design of the company helped us in broadening our horizons. The key learning followed in three steps, firstly the vision of the company, secondly integrating individual goals with the company goals & ultimately being customer-centric serving high quality customized tailored clothes at competitive prices. Another key learning was it was started by a group of women who had full faith & confidence that this model will be successful which can easily penetrate the market. 

Team work

Going in-depth into the main topic & making a business development plan running requires individual efforts, time & well researched work. For this, one should have a good team who could support, provide alternative plans & help in reorganizing findings in one direction. Creating a business model, learning key concepts before drafting propositions, researching over the management team, staff, analyzing the layout of operations, financial & marketing running within the module & finally drawing a conclusion requires time, energy & resources. To channelize individual efforts to present a report we need a good catalyst in the form of teamwork. Through good teamwork, we did a good synchronization of all the facts, findings, figures & organize it into a well-drafted research report. Our team was guided well by research methodology and each individual was given a proper direction to the manner it would assist the project & would connate business model research work accordingly. Out of the five-team member team, first & second team member was given the task to gather data, another was directed to collate & capture things, the fourth individual was given the task to present things in an orderly & mesmerizing manner, then fifth to be a good organizer & key assist in supporting each individual.
As a team, our best efforts were well garnered into developing a well-structured outlay of the business model. Each individual researched well, tailored the facts, findings in one strategized report. Specific key skills, each individual mindsets, basic knowledge & performance were well integrated into forming a business plan of the company. Without the caliber, responsibility, the cooperation of each individual the efforts would have gone waste & would have resulted in the failure to provide researched work within a stipulated timeframe. Working knowledge of the key assignment integrated with the best teamwork helped us in delivering our project within the requested timeframe.

Presentation Experience

Presenting facts & figures should create repercussion effects in the individual mindsets attending the sessions. A presenter should connect with the audience in a way that they could visualize, learn & flow in a manner (positively or negatively) as per the directions of the presenter. A better presentation skill boost confidence reduces stress levels & results in less miscommunication. A basic skill to present presentation is to have good communication skills, research well in knowing about your audience, dress well as per the occasion, organized facts, neatly drafted case & confidence to present things.
While presenting to the panel, we learned how to be efficient, effective communicators by organizing our facts well. We researched the topic, audience, practiced, understood key challenges while presenting things, developed a key strategy to generate curiosity & interest in the topic.
While presenting we learned how to make presentation flow precisely as per the facts & timings. Learned how to dress appropriately, maintaining eye contact, how to address issues or concerns as a presenter, using hand moments, expressions judiciously & not going overboard (Batra, 2016). Timely delivering presentation & not deviating from the mainstream topic. Bringing back audience attention by throwing random questions in between & generating interest by arousing curiosity in the topic. Good communication is the key to delivering the best presentation.
Comparing with other groups, I noticed that one needs to harness the art of good orator skills, present findings with apt preciseness & with confidence. Since panels do grade students as per the polished presentation skills set, well structured & confident in presenting findings. Even though sometimes the orator may choose a different path from the mainstream but one should have a persuasive approach in convincing the audience & can redirect the flow to the mainstream. It just goes with the flow with precise individual efforts.

Alternative Scenario

Though the concept is quite unique but mixing & competing in the same fashion market which has big & small competitions can be a bit tough. The growth plan devised is as per the current scenario. The business outlay is to first access the market, a strategy is already devised to make customized, well-tailored clothes targeting a specific age group of 30-55 women’s of working or nonworking groups. High quality delivered at the best prices. The second plan framed is to launch a similar pattern model for the men’s fashion once the women’s business model becomes successful (Okonkwo, 2016). The third strategy is to make live workshops wherein the customers could themselves guide & design their clothes. The optimism in the entire business plan is to firstly seed the funding, make it operational on a large scale & make a loyal list of customers. The growth strategy devised is quite on the track & looks great. The only effort that U-Design Company should do is to intensely promote & aggressively market it. The only k
ey challenge is competing with big or small competitors in the same market. Intense competition will result in aggressive advertising, discounts, promotional activities ultimately leading in compromising in qualities & losses in funds.
Alternative growth strategy which could be planned out is to simultaneously launch & diversify into different merchandises such as kids fashion house, home decoration stuff or maybe launching customized kitchen wares. This way, even if the women’s fashion house concept initially may require a push in funding & aggressive marketing but, through diversifying it can still reach the breakeven point. Another way to get a visible promotion is through celebrity endorsements, by which it will be able to catch more limelight & can easily penetrate into the competitive market. 


Batra, R. and Keller, K.L., 2016. Integrating Marketing Communications: New Findings, New Lessons, and New Ideas. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), pp.122-145.
Festival, M.F., 2013. 8 Creating wow in the fashion industry. Fashion, Design and Events, p.118.
Okonkwo, U., 2016. Luxury fashion branding: trends, tactics, techniques. Springer.

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