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Assessment Task 1
Answers to each question should be around 250-300 words. Please use the readings from the reading list and journal articles to support your answers (2 to 3 references per question including the readings provided)
Question 1: Bureaucracy was conceived by Weber as a blueprint for efficiency which would emphasise rules rather than people, and competence rather than favouritism. Based on your readings and other references, do you believe Weber’s assumptions hold true in today's contemporary organisations? (Please have a look at the relevant chapter from the reading list to support your answer)
Question 2: Under scientific management, dividing labour evenly between workers and managers is essentially said to promote a sense of cooperation between workers and management. Based on your readings and other references, do you agree with this statement?
1. Bureaucracy was conceived by Weber as a blueprint for efficiency which would emphasise rules rather than people, and competence rather than favouritism. Based on your readings and other references, do you believe Weber’s assumptions hold true in today's contemporary organisations?
In the opinion of Max Weber, the group of personnel working in public offices along with the required resources form a ‘Bureau’. Therefore, ‘Bureaucracy’ refers to the rules and regulations of the bureau. According to Weber, am organization is a collection of a large number of individuals arranged in a hierarchical order where the information and authorities flow mainly from the top to the bottom. The organization has established norms and protocols for each of the positions in the organization structure those need to be followed diligently by the employees. The emphasis of a bureaucratic approach is more on the rules of the management and the competence of the employees, rather than indulging in favouritism of the subordinates by the seniors in the organizational hierarchy. Hence, the focus is more on the collective actions of all the employees in order to achieve the common organizational objectives. An organization according to Weber must possess impersonal rules and the collective activities of the employees are rationalized so that the employees in different positions of the organizational hierarchy function according to the authorities and responsibilities entrusted on them to ensure that the firm achieves success in the long run. The observations of Weber are even applicable in today’s context but not every organization can follow it diligently that creates conflicts within the firms. The ideal scenario of bureaucracy is not often observed in many of the contemporary business establishments and hence it can be comprehended that even though the observations of Max Weber hold well for today’s large business houses with complex organizational structures, yet in practicality the principles of bureaucracy are seldom observed (LUTZKER, 1982).
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2. Under scientific management, dividing labour evenly between workers and managers is essentially said to promote a sense of cooperation between workers and management. Based on your readings and other references, do you agree with this statement?
Taylor has proposed in his scientific management theory that an organization is able to perform more effectively, if there is a clear delegation of work among the workers and managers based on their individual skills, competence and knowledge. Thus, an ideal scenario for an organization is to distribute the tasks effectively between the managers and their subordinates such that the organization is able to achieve its goals and objectives much effectively in the long run. Taylor has proposed that the delegation of job responsibility and work authority helps the employees understand their individual roles in the company and makes it easier for them to achieve the individual and the departmental objectives. Finally, such an approach in every department of the organization helps in achieving the total business objectives of the firm. Taylor has observed that there is much less ambiguity at the workplace if the job responsibilities are delegated in a way that the right person is employed in the right job. It helps in better coordinated teamwork also and helps in establishing a stronger relationship between the management and the employees. In the context of the modern organizations, it can be said that the observations of Taylor still hold true, however in reality this delegation of the tasks evenly between the managers and the workers is not often achieved successfully. Hence, the organizations often suffer from lack of productivity and the satisfaction of the workers is also compromised in such cases. Therefore, every organization is not equally benefitted from the principle of Taylor due to lack of application (Turan, 2015).
LUTZKER, M. A. (1982). Max Weber and the Analysis of Modern Bureaucratic Organization: Notes Toward a Theory of Appraisal. American Archivist/Vol. 45, No. 2, 119-130.
Turan, H. (2015). Taylor’s “Scientific Management Principles”: Contemporary Issues in Personnel Selection Period. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol. 3, No. 11, 1102-1105.