Question 1
Evidence-based HRM, a specific application of the broader term, evidence-based management, is a cornerstone in this subject. Using at least two information sources from academic journals, explain what is meant by this term. Why is this important in HR practice?
The evidence-based HRM practice is generally regarded as the empirical scholarship in the Human Resources arena and it generally aims to provide a forum that is international in nature. The evidence-practice in HRM is a common phenomenon that everyone will come across in the recent times. The evidence-based HRM practice is a process that is identifying and employing the necessary HR approaches as well as the interventions that have generally the strongest basis of the empirical support for attaining the outcomes that are desirable for the individuals. On the other hand, the evidence-based HRM practice is also regarded as the process in which the human resource professionals woks critically by using the best expertise, evidence, and values for making decisions that matter to the firm and its employees. The evidence-based HRM practice is also using the existing evidence that is available inside the segment of the human resource management in order to inform the human resource decision making, policy, strategy and ultimately the interventions. Furthermore, the evidence-based HRM practice also makes sure that the human resource practitioners have some amount of idea about what works based on current and historical evidence (Emerald Publishing, 2016).
The evidence-based HRM practice is also regarded as one of the most vital tools in maintaining and establishing the credibility of the function that is related to the human resource at the strategic level within a company. Some of the benefits of the evidence-based HRM practice are as follows: They are more effective and informed in the decision-making process, and the HR practice and policy can be completely based upon what exactly works rather than what is thought to be working.
Question 2
Find any two internet written sources that you believe would be useful to Israel Tobin in persuading Mark French of the strategic value of the HR function in CERA. (The sources do not need to be used by Israel in full – they are to inform his presentation.) Briefly, explain how each source might be used to support Israel’s pitch to Mark French and the CERA executive team.
In this particular segment knowing CERA well is the first task and it has been already told in the project that CERA mainly came into the existence in the year 2007 only one main aim that is to become one of the best consulting firms by providing their potential consumers high-quality services. However, the main focus of the company with regards to the innovation mainly revolves around the two elements: Developing an application of the smart structures and smart materials that are quite elegant, sustainable and efficient in nature. Another focus of the company is to move quite quickly by providing most creative and innovative consulting services to their clients. On the contrary, it is assumed that I am Israel Tobin, the HR manager for CERA currently. The following are the ways for persuading the Mark French who is the managing director of CERA and it has been witnessed that he has gathered a reasonable amount of experience in the structural design and also leading the structural designing teams in the industrial, commercial, residential and recreational sectors. I would like to recommend Mark French that the strategic value with regards to the HR functions holds an important value for CERA. The first source is: Mark French has to analyze in a critical manner that there is a recent shift in the segment of HR from the transactional towards a strategic role with regards to the valuable contribution in the entire business. The Human Resource management team in the company completely needs to overcome the conventional resistance and as one of the most important elements in the organizational strategy via aligning the HR strategy to the business strategy, adopting the planning of a workforce and managing as well as measuring the competencies of a company to a great extent (Naznin and Hussain, 2016).
The second source is: There are some of the main trends that shape the strategic agenda for the Human Resource professional in a company.
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Question 3
Using the CRAP test, evaluate the two sources that you used in point 3 aboved.
In this particular segment, the CRAP test will be used for evaluating the two sources that are pointed in section B of this particular assignment. Before performing a CRAP test it is quite essential to know that what exactly it is? In the following section, a small briefing about the CRAP test will be presented. The CRAP test is regarded as one of the most useful tools when an individual is trying to judge if a website is completely valid or credible or not. However, the test mainly looks into the four main areas: Purpose, currency, authority and also reliability. Throwing light on the above-mentioned statement the two sources will be tested in terms of the above-mentioned elements. Firstly, in terms of the purpose: It can be said that both of the sources are fact as well as the opinion. In case of the source two, it can be concluded that it is quite true that there are some of the main trends that tend to shape up the strategic agenda for the human resource management team in a company. It has been observed that in the changing demographic structure with regards to the workforce. The above-mentioned statement is both based on the fact as well as the opinion from a lot of people mainly the youngsters. However, the statement/ the opinion seems to be quite biased to some extent as the author tried to establish the fact that one the main challenges in the HR segment are catering various types of demographics. Arguably, it can be said that it is not only the main problem with which the HR in the recent time dealing with but there are other problems also in terms of not adopting the strategic values for the HR practices which the writer has forgotten to mention. However, the writer is not at all selling anything because the writer only posted his own opinion throughout the entire writing it's up to the reader like me whether to accept or to reject the fact that he has tried to establish.
In terms of authority- It can be said that the author is one of the well-known writers in the recent times and stated the views with regards to the strategic HR quite clearly. The information about the author's background can be found in the Linkedin. The publisher is also quite well-known namely the HR review of the U.K. In terms of reliability also it can be said that the source is 100% reliable both of the sources that is the reason it has been included in the study (Leeming, 2015).
Question 4
Draw conclusions regarding the nature of information that should be used to inform practice.
After the entire study, it can be concluded that the sources are completely used for the understanding purpose and also to make understand the Mark French and the entire team of CERA that strategic value in the HR function plays an important role. It can be also said that the company must use the strategic value in their HR function because they deal with the diversified clients and diversified workers. It has been also observed that the strategy plays and important part in the CERA. The HR management team of the company must recruit the individuals who have got necessary competencies for coping up with the cutting edge technology.
Emerald Publishing., (2016). Evidence-based HRM. Retrieved from: < Informationhttp://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=ebhrm> (Accessed on: March, 15, 2018).
Leeming, R., (2015). How can HR professionals demonstrate the strategic value they provide to a company? A Q&A with Annabel Jones – HR Director at ADP UK. Retrieved from: < http://www.hrreview.co.uk/analysis/analysis-hr-news/can-hr-demonstrate-strategic-value-provide-company-qa-annabel-jones-hr-director-adp-uk/60211> (Accessed on: March, 15, 2018).
Naznin, H., and Hussain., M. (2016). Strategic Value Contribution Role of HR. Retrieved from: < http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0972262916637274?journalCode=visa> (Accessed on: March, 15, 2018).