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You are to evaluate a catalogue/discovery layer in an information organization e.g. archive, information service, library, museum, historical society etc., with regard to the user tasks given above. You are in the position of being the user. This is an evaluation of what the information system (catalogue) does for the user. Your evaluation should include consideration of the information in the bibliographic records and the ability to use the information, but not the physical appearance of the catalogue interface (although you may like to include some comment on the interface with regard to user needs e.g. clarity of layout). Do not consider access to databases.
1. For each of the functions given above i.e. find, identify, select, obtain, explore, devise a set of criteria to evaluate Your criteria should be designed to consider:
a. How the catalogue/discovery layer helps the user Find (i.e. search for) information resources? eg. by author, title, subject etc. etc.?
b. Does the catalogue/discovery layer Identify resources that match the search?
c. Is there enough information in the record to help you Select a resource appropriate to your search/needs from those identified? e.g. format, abstract, review etc.
d. How the resources can be Obtained for use?
e. If it is easy to Explore the catalogue? i.e. Can you move around the catalogue, back and forth, or beyond it, easily
2. Choose a catalogue to evaluate and use the criteria you have developed to analyse and evaluate its functions and ability to assist users in information seeking. The web addresses below give access to a variety of library catalogues to choose from but you can also choose a catalogue for an archive, museum etc.
3. Write a summary of the effectiveness, or not, of the catalogue being considered – as considered against the IFLA statement of user tasks.
4. Include recommendations for improvement if applicable.
The Functional Requirement of the assigned task to showcase a catalogue of a website. We are considering http://www.wml.vic.gov.au/page/HomePage.aspx website URL as our source. The website is about Events for the Kids and activities for the kids are posted. This site is only designed for the viewing of the events under the kid's category and library.
This model covers the entire content of data for the kids and it is understood by the contributors because the writers need to know what the content the kids are going to learn from it. The final report consists of the entity analysis technique which is used to find, identify, select, obtain and explore. This model helps to study the general principles and logical design of the content information and about how the data is stored in the system and how it is viewed as the user perspective in the web application. This model considers the information on all types of resources which is related to the library. The definitions and terms are created to know the relevant entities and relate search.
The model is used by various end users like students, staff, researcher’s vendors, publishers, etc. So the understanding level of each user varies with their education level. Each Information systems are structured set of data that is analyzed, evaluated and distributed through reports and statistical procedures, simulations on an ongoing basis. The data are transformed into an organized flow of information that allows the marketing manager to make better decisions for improving their marketing planning, implementation, budgeting and control.
An information system consists of the following classification of information:
Viewable Information: The information is stored in the database is pulled to view the content. The user can’t edit the content of what he sees because this is sensitive information so no one ever changes the information. This information may be valued by the user or may not depend on the Freshness of the post or the views of the post. The value of the information depends on the people interaction with the information. People might use the information and make it an advantage only if the information is valuable to the user. If the information is good and if it stratifies the User, the value of the information rise and this make the market share to go high such as Market Share, sales, inventory levels, sales call reports, receivables, and payables which are available frequently. Information on customer attentiveness of the company’s brands, marketing movements and similar data on adjacent competitors can also be delivered.
User Interactable Information: Only if the information tends to be rich in content than the user move towards the data and seek the information Like, the Screen that is popped up in front of the User and the User interaction with Screen to gain much knowledge from the user gives the way of leading the information from the rest of the data.
Problem related or customized information: Only the information that is presented to the user will lead to the solution of the problem that is what the user seeks. So if any problem occurs user tend to search for the information. If the information what he seeks is in front of him with the minimum amount of search, this gives the User experience to the customer. In order to bring the customer to the favor side and make him addicted to the website there are center information that are kept in the form of website that may attract the customer to the extent that he spends more time on the website or the website will make the same person come back to the same website after a certain period of time. Catalogue layer or discovery layer is used for providing the interface for searching the information which is in the library. It acts as a platform for interacting with metadata index and provides the search results. The model aims to provide the information what the end user is needed. The responsibility of library staff and other people based on the maintenance of the data is considered. The authorization of the data is management by the administration. These three findings are developed in the model to enhance the user needs. The information is divided and accessed by five different tasks. They are finding, identity, select, obtain and explore.
We can see that the website is imported with the slider. The slider is the key information of a user experience. It is the creamy experience of the website because only the information that is most attractive and interactive will be at the front because of the user interaction of the website. It will be made before a catalogue research is done through the website because the way how the people are using the website and what information they seeking from the website is necessary. If this information is sorted and given spotlight there will be more people moving towards the information.
All the information popping is viewed and it should be guaranteed with the right information because even though it may be right information in the future, people do not require that information. for an example, let us consider the train is going to London to Paris the next day this information is not useful because this information has no value now likewise, the information that is presented to the user may be good at present time but there will be always more information that might be quite accurate than the other information. In order to find the information, we are using the following.
Indexing in the website is the key role of giving the information to the user needs. If the user requires more information, it is provided in the form of Tags. These tags are interlinked to each other. Example if we search for fruit, it may interlink with apple orange and grapes these things fall into a single category.
The archive is the information that is stored and it is not accessed for a longer period of time because of the type of users that are present in the database active user and passive user. The active user uses the data frequently and passive data is used rarely by the people. We can’t have a passive data in the front of the website because the interaction between the information will be very poor but if the Active data is mentioned on the website at the front, people make use of the website more often then the sales of the website started to come in.
The find task is used for searching under any criteria to provide the results. The user has to find the information by using any entities to bring the result. The user can search using an attribute or relationships to bring out the result.
The knowledge which is gathered from the information is responsible for making the user interact more with the system. The information should be relevant to the user and the system should take care of the fetching the information. When the user finds a information, the system should provide the quality information. All the time the system cannot provide the good quality information. The quality of the information may vary. It may be good or bad. If the user searches the content for the first time, the quality of content may be good. If the user searches the content for the second time, the same quality content cannot be provided. Information gathering depends on the user as well the system. For example: In a library, if the user searches for the book using the textbook catalogue for the first day, the user may not find the book for the next day the catalogue for the book varies. So the system should not provide the wrong information. The information should be updated frequently for providing the correct information to the user.
Criteria considered for find task:
The criteria’s considered for finding the information are
Search by Title
Search by author
Search by genre
The information can be accessed by using the Title of the book, Author name of the book and genre. If the user wants to retrieve the information it will not be retrieved with the single search. The entire textbook will not be retrieved by author name and title. Each title will be written with the various editions. So it is retrieved by giving title, author and genre of the textbook.
Yes, the discovery layer Identify resources that match the search based on the number of hits and the miss. Probability will be calculated for identifying the resource. The output or the resource identifier may or may not match the information sought by the user. For example: if the user tries to identify the information using the keyword, the results are provided by the frequent search of the keyword by the other user. So this particular information may or may not be relevant to the user. So the information should be relevant to the user search. It should be checked.
Criteria considered for identify task:
The criteria’s considered for finding the information are
Map the data.
Identify the responsibilities and obligations.
Assess the information
Prioritize the information
The information needed by the user can be identified by mapping the data. It can also be identified by the responsibilities and obligations. After identifying the information it is accessed and prioritized for the future task.
Yes, there is enough information in the record to select a resource appropriate to the user search or needs.
If the user wants to get the information in the required format, abstract or review then the information should be provided based on their needs. But a single document will not be available in various formats. It may vary according to a search of the user. The format of information should be standard. The abstract should be core content and the review criteria are based on good or bad.
Criteria considered for the select task:
The criteria’s considered for finding the information are
The information can also be retrieved by using some criteria like location, date, time and hierarchy. If the book is not available with the author name or title name then it can be retrieved by using the date, location, time and hierarchy of the information. The information can be varied based on the users location and search keywords.
The information obtained by the user should be in a general way for evaluating them. The information system is something which operates on and with the information. The quality of the information should be considered. The quality should be good and achievable. In order to transform the information into records, the information should have some properties like authenticity and reliability. Based on the quality of the information the resources are used and maintained as records.
Yes, it is easy to explore the catalogue but when the information is moved around the change into the back and forth then it will confuse the user about the information. For example, if the user is accessing the information on the certain topic he will feel that information is accessible and comfortable. At the same time when the user searches for the other topic while accessing the same information then he may feel that the new information is good. So confusion will arise due to accessing much information at the same time.
Criteria considered to obtaining and explore task:
The information can be obtained by considering the index value of the search keyword. If the keywords are indexed then it will be easy for them to explore the data efficiently. Some data are stored without the access of the people so by this way the ifnoramtion can be accessed using the active and passive data. Finally other than these criteria visualization is used for obtaining and exploring the information.
Search by Title,
Search by author,
Search by genre.
The usability of the find is to search for the information through the Category of the order to sort out the information.
This Reduce Time if the User is specific in searching.
Map the data.
Identify the responsibilities and obligations.
Assess the information
Prioritize the information.
Data can be relevant or irrelevant to the information which we are searching. We only consider the information what we seek
Reduce the time, giving the information a boost so that more people can view the legit information.
Information may vary from place to place and the information may pass on to the next information in time.
This improves the Accuracy of the data.
Obtain and Explore:
There is some information that is unavailable to the user, information which we seek so proper organization of the information should be done
Improve the effectiveness of the searching of the website and provide the information, enhancing the user experience.
The objective of the tradition catalogue evaluation system is to collect the data on the usage of the tool and based on the needs of the user. An examination of the library catalogue is evaluated and described below. We can see in our chosen website that it is divided into two sections. The website has Kids Activity and E-library. The indexing is done for both the Category because the website only focuses on the learning and the entertainment of the kids. The following images are for Kids activity
The website contains libraries, guides, vendors, documents, news, jobs, procurement and home menu for the user access. If the user needs any information they can access based on their needs. If they need to search in advance or basic search it is based on their requirements. It also contains the user search based on their need by considering the location, branches, services, etc. The libraries are classified into academic libraries, special libraries, government libraries and institutes. So based on the need of the user the information can be accessed.
The user can access the information by selecting the discovery products. If a product is selected then the list of libraries are displayed. Based on the user need the library website is accessed. It provides an additional feature to select the library by the map search. The keyword is given for accessing the information and location type is given to search nearby libraries. So the best link for evaluating and analysing the information is shown below.
We can see from the image that it is divided according to the Age because the Activites of each kid belonging to different section will be different and also the timing is mentioned so that parents can note which activities have to complete under the particular time. This is viewable information in a descriptive manner.
This information is user-friendly to the adults and for the children improvement. The children could understand the timetable and activities that are to be completed for each week. Evaluation of the page is that people have to understand and read the information that is presented on the webpage.
The E-Library is the collection of Passive data but people only use this information, if they need. Indexing is more important because if the people are searching for the information and if they are finding it hard to find it, people may leave the site so indexing plays a major role here.
The information that is requested by the user is fetched in the least way possible and the best way because of the relevant information and the irrelevant information. Comparison of the information with the other information will lead to the effectiveness of the catalogue. Only if the customer or the user find the information from the website is more relevant and he is able to gain any information from the website. The catalogue is like prototyping and it changes from time to time depends on the user needs.
The gathered information is divided into five tasks to bring out the effectiveness of the catalogue. Find, identify, select, obtain and explore are used for evaluating the user task. The tasks are listed in the sequential order for the user convenience. Each task has a unique method for satisfying the user requirement. Find is used for giving the information based on the keyword search. Identify and select task is happens simultaneously to show the user effectiveness. The tasks are evaluated by the traditional approach like analysis to get the feedback from the user where the researchers use the feedback for fulfilling the requirements of the user. Every task has its separate function and management of information so it is considered effective against the improper information.
Several models are available for evaluating the information system. It is possible to make the general and efficient model for the catalogue evaluation. It is necessary to find the perfect criteria for the generic task to make the model more efficient. The user task should be evaluated by referring the criteria to check whether the task is efficient or not. It is recommended that advanced model will be more suitable for the catalogue evaluation. Prototyping will be the efficient way for developing and testing the individual features of the system. The model increases the number of the user task to make the evaluation more efficient.