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Write on Diversity and religion
The issue of religion in the country of France is very common, especially in relation to the headscarves which are worn by the Muslim women. The issue of the political ideals of the French and the freedom of expression of religion is continuously going on since 1989. Further, this assignment will help in analyzing the issue critically by using the article of Riva i.e. ‘French Secularism and Islam: France’s Headscarf Affair’ (2006). According to the authors of the article Riva Kastoryano, the issue has been analyzed from the perspective of individuals as a female American secularist and the female Muslim from Egypt. It is through this reflection and analysis that this paper aims to give clarity on the various lessons learned from the argumentative issue in France in a broader framework of inclusion and diversity. Being a Muslim Egyptian, I am completely against the banning of headscarves in France because of the value of our own religion, culture and the identity. The banning of headscarves raises the question on the integrity of Muslims and the various other immigrants (Kastoryano, R. 2006).
As there was a case in 1989 when the three female Muslim students were dangled from the school in the town of Creil, France as they refused to remove the headscarves. The problem again occurred in 1994 when the government appointed the education minister and he further issued the notice to the all public schools in order to forbid the ostentatious signs of the religion. After, that the affair of headscarf became very common. Further, this issue was highlighted in 2016 when the French government imposed the ban on the women as they are not supposed to wear burkini on the beaches. The frequent occurrence of these issues made difficult for us (Muslims) to analogize the values of the universe in order to integrate into the society of France. The associations were institutionalized and formulized the communities of de facto which further focused on defining the identity which was betrothed in order to be collective, and the new solidarities were created to ascertain the permanent difference with regards to Islam. As a result, we the Muslims were becoming more resigned to the reality of the society which contradicted the rhetoric of republic (Modood, T. 2016). Despite having the national and international law in order to protect the laïcité principle of the constitution and the freedom of conscience, the case occurred when the three Muslim students were expelled. The law was passed, and the teachers were given the authority of public schools in order to decide whether the headscarf should be managed or not. Further, this created a major problem for the Muslims as there were no rules and the teachers used to decide the management of headscarf casually. The Muslim families wanted an escape route for their children from the schools as they were losing their identity (Lazaridis, G. 2015). Further, laïcité was redefined in order to give a response to headscarves, but it didn't get any final interpretation until years. Therefore, we the Muslims are facing challenges in order to adjust and survive in France.
Being an individual, I believe that this topic is meaningful for me because I am able to understand and analyze the diversity issues after understanding the adverse impact of diversity on the Muslims. Before this course, I had some misunderstandings like that the people with different culture and values don't face many issues while adjusting in the other country because the government and society might help them. But, after this course, I have understood it is very difficult to adjust in other culture who doesn't even value your religion, and your identity might get lost under the political pressure. I have learned from this topic that every person has the right to live democratically, but they are not able to do that because of the society and the rules and regulations of the government. Therefore, the government plays the major role in order to handle the diversity and discrimination in a positive as well as negative way. The surprise which occurred in my chosen area is that I didn't know what was happening with the Muslims since the 1980s in France and they were losing their identity, values, culture, etc. as the government was imposing their laws on the Muslims. Further, the issue was not highlighted much in other countries in order to create awareness among people. The lessons which I would integrate into to my overall learning is that I will value the religion and culture of my colleagues and will not discriminate on any basis as their religion and identity are also valuable and important as mine.
Being Muslim women, I would like to conclude that there should not be a ban on the headscarves of the Muslim women. As this is our tradition and culture and we have an identity because of this. The government should understand the values of the Muslims and the other immigrants so that people can freely live where they want to and they should not be forced to lose their identity and the religion. Therefore, from the given case I have understood that this is an end to national society because the government is continuously making efforts in order to create a separation between the society and the culture in France.
Kastoryano, R. (2006). Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach. French Secularism and Islam: France’s Headscarf Affair. p 57-70. New York, New York: Routledge
Lazaridis, G. (2015). Migrant Women: Maids, Nannies and Nurses, and the Ban on the Headscarf. In International Migration into Europe (pp. 61-80). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Modood, T. (2016). 4 Ethno-religious assertiveness out of racial equality. Religion, Equalities, and Inequalities, 38.