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This coursework requires you to write a 1,250 word extended argument essay on a topic connected to your intended degree course. For example: Oil and Gas Management; Business Management; Accounting and Finance; HR Management; Events Management; Computer Science; Law etc.
You are responsible for choosing the topic and title for your essay which must be submitted to your lecturer along with a plan for your essay during week 5. You must make sure your essay title has been approved before proceeding, and you will be given support with this during class.
In order to write your essay you will need to do reading and research. You should familiarise yourself with the online library system and GSM’s online library early on in the course, and start reading articles and researching into common themes within your degree subject. This will help you to find a title you are interested in, and you can begin to collect sources (e.g. journal articles) to integrate into your writing. You will need your ‘MyAthens’ password to access material online which the library has emailed to you. Contact the library if you have problems with this.
This assignment is an argumentative essay based on the topic ‘Do companies need an HR Department’. It looks into the need of any organisation to have a fully functional HR department. The essay provides many counter-arguments and the subsequent rebuttals to validate the point. The topic of whether an organization requires a Human Resources (HR) office is not as easy as it seems to be. Individuals in the business arena such as CEOs, managers and HR experts have answered in their own distinct ways. The size of the concerned department is a major issue to consider. However, other things to deliberate upon are things as the extent of HR administrations required, whether necessities are restricted to value-based administrations, the need for vital administrations and whether or not the division of work will be an expense or a benefit to the organisation(Sheehan, 2013).
A HR division is a basic part of worker prosperity in any business, regardless of how small the size of the department is. HR obligations incorporate finance, advantages, staff hiring, terminating, and staying up with the latest of state and government laws regarding taxes. Considering the significant activities that fall upon the HR department, it can be easily proved that it is quite indispensable for any organisation. For small scale organizations and huge combinations alike, the HR or work force capacity can be useful in a great capacity for tasks that go beyond preparing finance or taking care of the open enlistment season once per year. HR assumes a fundamental part in building up an organization's system and also taking care of the worker focused exercises of an association.HR guarantees that the workforce grasps the organization's reasoning and business standards. From the point of view of a business of a small scale, making a durable workplace is a basic need. The principal opportunity HR needs to fulfil this is through savvy employing choices that recognize attractive expert characteristics, and also orientation and training programs(Sheehan, 2013). There are sure difficulties connected with human resource which further progress with time. These incorporate both worldwide and focal difficulties that are to be tended to with a specific end goal to accomplish the ideal system.
The first problem as stated against the HR department is that HR offices are attempting to serve two bosses – which, much of the time, is not exceptionally effective. From one perspective, they are there to give backing to the representatives and, then again, they are there for the organization and the senior administration to oversee (and screen, discipline, assess, and so forth.) workers. This irreconcilable circumstance can bring about erosion and in numerous occurrences HR offices swing to the 'backing the organization' side, instead of the 'backing the representatives' side(Trinet, 2009).
However, this can be refuted as it has been seen in most organisations that although initially the HR favours the organisation over the employees, but when it comes to the work security and contentment of the employees, HR departments of most organisations side with their employees. One such case of representative strengthening can be seen in McDonalds where the staff individuals have the power to take back a request and give revisions according to prerequisites made by the client. This stride has been one of the real reasons why the organization has garnered such enormous incomes and lavish businesses in different divisions of the world where it works(Trinet, 2009).
The second contention is that many HR Departments fail to yield value. Of late there have been various organizations that closed their HR divisions down totally; outsourced the capacity or lessened it to a base. The reason they have done it, and not endured any huge toss back, is on account of the fact that the HR wasn't conveying any genuine quality. A large portion of their time was brought up with bureaucratic and managerial undertakings or lawful issues. On the off chance that HR doesn't convey some kind of advantages then outsourcing it bodes well. However, it should also be taken into account that the success or failure of an HR departments depends upon its execution. If proficient managers are hired to function the department, an HR office can yield many a benefits to the concerned organisation. It leads to an undoubted improvement in performance, decrease in costs and also builds up a reliable corporate image of the company. Popular online retail company Tubor Value recently had to undergo a tumultuous period due to ineffectual HR department. However, when revamped and again re-substantiated, the very same department led to a soaring increase in profits for the organisation(Mayhew, 2016).
Thirdly, numerous individuals feel that the primary task of Human Resources is to source and utilize new ability. Nonetheless, truly most HR exercises rotate around holding existing talent. Workers tend to switch occupations as financial difficulties make it troublesome for organizations to keep up with the abnormal amounts of pay after some time.A counter-argument rises that most HR departments are not able to do so effectively. However, it should be acknowledged that of the process is done prudently, then any HR department can hold, retain and nurture exceptional talent for the benefit of the organisation.The assessment by any HR department regarding productivity, talent and output is very important. HR creates execution administration frameworks. Without a HR staff individual to develop an arrangement that measures execution, representatives can end up in occupations that aren't suitable for their aptitudes and skill. Moreover, workers whose execution falls beneath the business' desires can proceed on the finance, subsequently squandering cash on low-performing representatives.Talent administration is the term used to portray the HR procedure of procuring and holding top representatives. Human asset experts themselves suspect that holding the best representatives will be the most substantial HR challenge in 2022, as indicated by a 2012 survey by the Human Resource Administration Society(Weber, 2013).
The fourth counter argument is that a significant test confronting the Human Resources' area of expertise is enrolment of talented employees. Many contend that discovering staff with the right mix of aptitudes, identity and inspiration is troublesome and not well executed by most HR departments and hence the role of an HR office can be done away with in most organisations. However, it is also true that a company cannot do without the umpteen benefits that can be reaped off an HR department due to the hindrance of one challenge that can be adequately addressed. The departments utilize a software program for HR which considers stockpiling of uses, CVs and contact subtle elements for simple examination and correlation. Contingent upon organization information maintenance policies, applications can be put away for a considerable length of time or years in expectation of new parts getting to be accessible in that period. Hence, it addresses the problem of employing dexterous staff(HR FAQ, 2012).
A local textile shop Putainz had recently been facing the problem of enrolling proficient workers. However, when it adopted the software program, the onerous task was simplified manifold and the human resource management was done very efficiently(HR FAQ, 2012). All in all, the act of HRM should be incorporated with the general technique to guarantee viable utilization of individuals and give performances in terms of efficiency and outputs to the associations regarding ROI (Return on Investment) for each rupee or dollar spent on them. Unless the HRM practice is composed along these lines, the organizations stand to lose from not using individuals completely. A successful and well framed HR department is hence very indispensable for any organisation(Trinet, 2009).
1. HR FAQ. (2012, march). DOES A COMPANY REALLY NEED A HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT? Retrieved from www.hr-faq.com: http://www.hr-faq.com/2012/03/does-company-really-need-human.html
2. Mayhew, R. (2016). Ten Reasons Why the Human Resources Department Is Important. Retrieved from www.smallbusinee.chron.com: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/ten-reasons-human-resources-department-important-25554.html
3. Sheehan, J. (2013, May). Top 10 Issues For HR Teams & How To Fix Them. Retrieved from www.hrzone.com: http://www.hrzone.com/community-voice/blogs/jamessheehan/top-10-issues-for-hr-teams-how-to-fix-them
4. Trinet. (2009). Why is a Human Resources Department Important? That Is the Question. Retrieved from www.trinet.com: http://www.trinet.com/resources/industry_articles/doweneedanhrdepartment.htm
5. Weber, L. (2013, April). Companies Say No to Having an HR Department. Retrieved from www.wsj.com: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304819004579489603299910562