Discussion About The Economic Impacts of Tourism


Discussion / Case Study work 


Section 1:

Answer 1. The main positive economic impacts of tourism include:

  • 1.    Contribution to the government revenues: The government revenues are categorized as the direct and indirect contributions. The direct ones are generated by the income taxes from employment because of tourism, and indirect derive from the duties and taxes on the goods and services that are supplied to the tourists.

  • 2.    Foreign exchange earnings: Tourism expenditures, the export, and import of related goods and services generate income to the host economy. Tourism is the main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38 % of all countries.

  • 3.    Employment generation: The expansion of the tourism sector has led to the creation of employment opportunities. Therefore tourism generates jobs in the sector of transportation, hotels, and restaurants and also through the goods supply related to the tourism-related businesses. 

  • 4.    Contribution to local economies: Environment being the vital component of the assets of the tourism industry, help to generate tourism revenues and for measuring the economic values if the protected areas. The tourism income comes from the informal employment like informal guides and street vendors. 

  • 5.    Direct financial contributions to nature protection: This directly contributes to the conversation of the habitats and sensitive areas. The revenues generated from the entry fee of the sources are used for paying towards the protection of the environmentally sensitive areas.

  • 6.    Competitive advantage: The tour operators usually prefer to work for acting in a sustainable manner, for example, respecting the local culture, saving of energy and water, etc.

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Answer 2. 
The influx of foreign tourists leads to environmental and socio-cultural impact. The environmental impact involves the adding up of pollution, water needs and the waste of the local population due to which enormous pressure is placed on the infrastructure and the habitats. Furthermore, the air, soil, water and noise pollution are intensified. 
Furthermore, regarding socio-cultural travelers the instances of petty crime increase and the criminal see the rich foreign travelers as an easy target due to reasons that: they carry valuables, likely to be relaxed on vacations and are less likely to testify against the suspects. 
Answer 3.
Ms. P must pass out some orders and laws for the foreigners to behave in a certain manner. Furthermore, the residential areas must be moved away from the beaches so as to make the residents comfortable. 

Section 2.

The level of the visitor use of the resources is seen to be greater than the ability of the environment to cope up with the use of the acceptable limits of change. Various natural resources of the world are exposed to a potential threat due to uncontrolled conventional tourism. Tourism puts pressure on an area of increased pollution, soil erosion, natural habitat loss, discharges to the seas, heightened vulnerability to the forest fires and increased pressure on the endangered species. Furthermore, it puts a strain on the water resources and forces the local population for completing the use of all the critical resources.
Freshwater, is a standout amongst the most important natural resources. The tourism business by and large abuses water assets for inns, swimming pools, hotels, golf courses and individual utilization of water by voyagers. This can bring about water deficiencies and corruption of water supplies, and additionally producing a more prominent volume of waste water.
Tourism can bring about the same types of contamination as some other industry: noise, air outflows, releases of sewage, strong waste, and littering, oil and chemicals, even compositional/visual contamination. Alluring scene locales, for example, riversides, sandy shorelines, lakes, and peaks and slants, are regularly transitional zones, portrayed by species-rich biological ecosystems. The physical effects incorporate the debasement of such biological ecosystems.  The environments most debilitated with debasement are biologically delicate ranges, for example, high locales, downpour timberlands, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs and ocean grass beds. The dangers to and weights on these biological systems are regularly serious in light of the fact that such places are extremely alluring to both visitors and designers.

Section 3.

Article 1: 
The article mentions the negotiation struggle for acceptance of a position in the 
Major League Baseball (MLB) and explains all his mistaking negotiations. He closed the first offer as his seventh pick in the MLB draft and declined the deal, and the series of the lose-lose pattern of his deals began. Although he used a variety of distributive negotiation styles by first refusing to the first offer and then asking for salaries above what he should be paid. He might have thought he was making a good decision, but he had a weak strategy and should have been more involved during all his negotiations and dictated to his agents instead of letting them think about it.
I would have adopted a different strategy. I would have first created a BATNA and evaluated all potential deals. This brainstorming would have forced Harrington to negotiate with the contract. And I further would have negotiated his contract without any output from the agent. 
Article 2:
In this case, the involvement of various parties complicated the process of negotiation. Every party had different needs and wants which conflicted with the solutions and other offers have appealed towards the respective party. A major role in keeping it alive was played by the external influences. Various influential individuals lobbied the schools for staying in the conference, and this would be in best interest of network executives, business executives, etc. these supports might also help the commissioner negotiate all the TV deals. These supports would convince Big 12 to stay. In this situation of near collapse of Big 12, I would probably follow all the tactics of the commissioner Dan Bebe. Bebe was responsible for luring schools with interesting deals so as not let the conference lose at stake and for not finding a new home. Commissioner was able to retain the school by offering them with best deals for TV for each school even during the situation of economic issues. The commissioner did a great job and handled the negotiation in the best way possible. 
Article 3.
A portion of the key components I took from the article were to deal with your agent and dissect the business sector. Dealing with your agent is something that is extremely vital considering their part in getting the result you seek. When one can make normal ground and comprehension between their agents, this will help in setting up a tone for representing the plan. In future negotiation, I would like to speak to myself as it appears a considerable measure more tried and true to depend on one's self while arranging something including myself.
Another key component in examining the business sector and what monetarily circumstance you are working in. In circumstances, for example, the one with the Big 12, practical circumstances can either help or hurt a transaction, which is the reason it is imperative to comprehend the present circumstance of the business sector while arranging. Later on while arranging, I anticipate scrutinizing the showcase and constructing my arrangement terms on what the present status in the business sector is ZOPA is pivotal in any arrangement. This defines limits for what can be in the range of the conceivable agreements could be in. By knowing the base and most extreme results of what can be easily negotiated, it is easier to decide whether the negotiation can occur or can be based on ZOPA. 
Every article gave extraordinary negotiation systems and strategies that will improve one's information of negotiation. Three key focuses I felt were most important in the articles were the manner by which to rouse group loyalty when arranging with numerous gatherings, dealing with your agent, and finally to not harp on past transactions. Hence, shortly negotiation on increase parties, I would attempt to move reliability between the gatherings, so there is a unified front between all. In a future arrangement, on the off chance that there was an agent included I would be more mindful of how to handle an agent- customer circumstance. What's more, in a future arrangement I would not give my past transactions a chance to impact my current one and tumble to the same destiny as Matt Harrington.

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Section 3.

1.    What should you do next? How can you negotiate a resolution to this problem?
I will try to convince Mr. Lee to make him believe that Bill Kim is a changed man and to make him see the capabilities of Bill Kim
2.    What factors should you consider? What style of negotiations do you use?
I will consider the fact that Bill Kim have had a bad reputation, and the therefore situation needs to be handled using the compromising style of negotiation by making a value fair and equal deal for preferring the compromising style.
3. What is your strategy? Do you have a BATNA?
I will use the strategy of compromising by offering the valuable deal to Mr. Lee.
4. What can you offer to both the venue director and Bill Kim to rectify this situation? 
I will use the strategy of compromising and I will ensure Mr. Lee that all the ESPN’s water related sports will be held in WSC only and let him allow Bill Kim to participate in this season.
5. Explain what lessons can be learned and applied to negotiations from these examples?
These examples help the person to use their internal criteria and help the parties to brainstorm and further to evaluate the acceptability and fairness of the deal and then all the criteria must be used for compromising the parties.

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