Question: Describe the computer human interacion
Answer: We will discuss the user inetrface
Universal Usability link:
Technology plays crucial role for connecting the world. However, the role of technology is especially important in spreading education among the kids who do not have access to other resources (Negroponte, 2018). The current synopsis deals with analysis on how the advanced technological gadgets such as laptops are effective to educate the kids in the remote areas such as villages in Afghanistan.
Analyzing the case study:
The advanced technological gadgets such as laptops are often considered as luxury (Norman, 2018). However, in reality, use of technology in education can give in terms of the quality. To understand the n impact of using technology in spreading education, the instance of a remote village in Afghanistan can be considered. In this village, the students had not access to any other communication technology. However, providing the students with laptops helped them to learn better and remove the barriers like lack of adequate books and properly trained teachers. Even after equipping the students with laptops encouraged them to teach others also.
Role of Human Computer interface in education:
Discussion on the case study indicates that use of technology not only improves the quality of education but also spreads the education to more number of people (Norman, 2018). Booth (2014) also stated that the use of information and communication technology helps the students to teach the complex subject using different sources which makes the complex things easy to understand for the students. It can be stated that human computer interface in education not only makes the learning more enjoyable but it also help them to access huge amount of resources. The human computer interface is also effective for spreading the education to those areas where the adequate infrastructure is not present. Discussion on the case study of using laptops for educating children in villages and the impact of using technology in education indicates that the presence of human computer interface not only improves effectiveness of the learning programs but it also makes education more accessible to the students.
Guidelines, Principles, and Theories:
The design of system is crucial for influencing the perception of the users. Providing the users with a system which is easy to use, makes them satisfied. However, to understand the impact of designing on the individual’s perception, the designers need to be aware of the psychological processes that are associated with satisfaction of gadget users. Impact of design on satisfaction level of users: The first stage of processing that impact the satisfaction level of individual, takes place in visceral level (Helander, 2014). At this level, the personal preferences of the users influence their perception on the design and so, impact the satisfaction level. The color or type of font used in a design can impact the satisfaction level of users at this stage. The middle stage processing occurs at the behavioral level or at the subconscious level. The perception of users at this stage can be influenced by improving usability of the design. The third stage of perception occurs at reflective level. At this stage, users show preference to those systems which have a more positive image. However, to achieve the maximum effectiveness in designing, the designers have to understand the decision making process of human beings such as at visceral level, behavioral level and reflective level. It helps the designers to consider both conscious and sub-conscious psychological elements to make the design easy to understand for the users.
Communication between the advanced gadgets and the users is an important aspect of the human computer interface. Every day the gadget users are provided with new gadgets. However, using those gadgets often becomes difficult for the users due to complexity of the devices. The current synopsis deals with analysis on the importance of emotional designing for the human computer interface.
Emotional designing of gadgets:
The advanced gadgets have much functionality, but often these gadgets are very complex in nature also which makes them difficult to use (Shneiderman et al.2016). However, ease of use is important for providing a user with maximum benefits of using a device. If a user fails to understand how to use a device, getting benefits from the all functionalities may not be possible for the user. Therefore, it is necessary to consider adding a psychological dimension to the conventional way of designing the human computer interface.
Consideration of the psychological factors of the user while designing advanced devices makes it easy to understand. As stated by Pogue (2018), the ease of understanding is an important parameter for assessing the effectiveness of a design. Considering the cognitive aspects of users, help the designers to create a system that is not only logical but easy to understand and using also. Hence, it can be stated that introducing a cognitive side to the designing process or switching to emotional designing improves effectiveness of the devices.
The above discussion indicates that conventional designing processes may be effective to create complex human computer interface but they often make the systems too complex. However, the concept of emotional designing is effective to make the complex devices easy to understand for the users.
Evaluation and the User Experience:
Experience of the users is one of the most important parameters for evaluating the devices. The modern devices usually come with lots of features and functionalities. However, many times using those devices becomes difficult for the users due to the complexities in the functionalities. The current synopsis deals with analysis on the importance of designing the devices in a simple way.
Importance of making human computer interfaces simple:
Often the organizations prefer adding new features to their offerings for making the systems attractive to the users (Pogue, 2018). However, addition of excessive number of features in a system may make it too complex and hence can cause several problems for the users. Therefore, it is necessary for the designers to keep the human computer interfaces of their designed system as simple as possible. Every time the users do not want to many additional features, instead they show their preference over the simple and easy to use systems that operates without any error. The problems caused by complexity of the system design become more intense for the first-time users.
Understanding the nature of the users is important for designing an interface effectively (Shneiderman et al.2016). If the designers have idea on the abilities and preferences of the users, providing them with the most suitable device becomes easier. Keeping the primary goal of developing an interface in mind is another important step for keeping a system simple. If the designers create an interface keeping its primary goal in the mind only, the chances of adding extra features get eliminated. It, in turn, reduces the chances of adding extra complexity to the system
The above discussion indicates that keeping an interface n simple is more important than adding extra features to it, although the designers often ignore the need of simple designs. Designing the interface after considering the need of users and purpose of the system makes the designs simpler.
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Booth, P. (2014). An Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (Psychology Revivals). Psychology Press.
Helander, M. G. (Ed.). (2014). Handbook of human-computer interaction. Elsevier.
Negroponte, N. (2018). Taking OLPC to Colombia. Ted.com. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://www.ted.com/talks/nicholas_negroponte_takes_olpc_to_colombia
Norman, D. (2018). 3 ways good design makes you happy. Ted.com. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://www.ted.com/talks/don_norman_on_design_and_emotion
Norman, D. (2018). User Centered Design Don Norman. YouTube. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl2LkzIkacM
Pogue, D. (2018). Simplicity sells. Ted.com. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://www.ted.com/talks/david_pogue_says_simplicity_sells
Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Cohen, M., Jacobs, S., Elmqvist, N., & Diakopoulos, N. (2016). Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Pearson.