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Identify two relevant crisis or disasters and critically analyze the crisis management of each. Applying any of the relevant methodologies, e.g BS11200:2014, identify how the incidents were managed well AND how they could have been better managed; what could or should have been done differently? You should also identify changes to be made for future governance and resilience.
Refer to your experience and / or those in the literature.
Your assignment should demonstrate the learning outcomes of the unit:
Critically understand the importance of effective governance and crisis planning
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of what constitutes a crisis and how crisis management differs from risk management
Critically evaluate the relationship between business continuity and crisis management
Critically review and assess training and exercise preparedness for crises.
Crisis management can be defined as the pre-established activities as well as the guidelines of the organizations that can help to prepare for and also respond to the significant incidents or catastrophic events like fires, workplace violence, kidnapping, the act of terrorism and storms, in a safe and efficient manner. A successful crisis management plan encompasses various organizational programs like disaster recovery, emergency response, communications, risk management and the business continuity. Additionally, the crisis management is basically about the development of the capability in the organization for acting flexibly so as to make necessary and prompt decisions in the case of any crisis. In case the organization is prepared even for the worst-case scenario then the organization can efficiently handle all other situations as well. (Society for Human Resource Management, 2005)
With the help of crisis management planning, the organizations can be prepared in an efficient manner for handling all the unforeseen events that might be responsible for causing irreparable or serious damage. In the nutshell, the crisis is defined as the period of breakdown and is considered as a turning point or a time of economic crisis. (Borodzicz, E.P, 2005)
Therefore, the crisis is associated with the enduring of the disruption of the regular objective-orientated activities that upsets the whole functional balance ad can even cause a threat to the one's existence. The main characters of any crisis involve surprise element, the pressure of time, control loss, late response, and increased tension, danger to the important functions and the information deficit.
In contrast, any crisis occurs without any warning and therefore it is important to put all the plans in a proper place so as to execute them swiftly and them either to
Put all the actions in place for remedying the situation;
Decrease the full impact of caused by the crisis so as to restore the normality of the situation. On the contrary, risk management is an ongoing process where the potential threats are specially highlighted, and then the solutions are placed for avoiding these risks. Risk management is thought to be more proactive rather than crisis management which is reactive.
There is always a high requirement of a proper crisis management plan in any organization no matter how effective and good their risk management methods are.
Emergency circumstances are characterized by the accompanying elements: – risk of the misfortunes incurrence as well as the survival of the association being in peril,
Loss of control over the continuous occasions,
Genuine, negative effect on the assets of the organization,
Insufficient time so as to take necessary actions,
The absence of a credible data i.e. the event of instability
Length and severity of a crisis are restrictive of the accompanying variables:
Connection between the number and intensity of specific occasions,
Number as well as the constraint of external and the internal factors that can influence the components affecting an association,
Force of the effect of specific elements on the chain of occasions,
Significance of every element to the association's operation (Curtin, T. Hayman, D. and Husein, 2005)
The classification of the threats in the case of crisis management usually involves the assignment of all the threats to various specific groups, which can help to characterize the certain threat. With the point of view of crisis management, the same cannot be done for all the groups and threats. The first step in crisis management involves conducting a thorough analysis and then to locate the real threat by recognizing its source and then the level of destructiveness and finally the spatial extent. (Gottschalk, 2002)
Identifying the crisis: Once the risk event is identified then, the risk profile is then assembled and by prioritizing all the events, the crisis management actions can be put into direct action. Each and every risk must be responded to within the management in theory but in practice, organizations tend to keep a low-level risk either by likelihood or consequence methodology rating so as to receive no direct treatment but only to be monitored during the whole process of project delivery. This method diminished the potential effects of all the high-consequences risks. And when the assessed risk is considered to be of very low probability of occurrence then these are drawn away from the focus of the whole risk management process.
Reacting to a Potential Crisis: The consequence critical events can do any project into a crisis. When a greater focus is paid to the risk mitigation only in any project risk management, it takes place at the expense of response planning. The nature of the risks is very probability and have the ability to occur again regardless of their likelihood. It is wrong to consider that the improbable event is not going to occur only on the basis of the actions that have reduced their likelihood.
Step 1 – Determination of all the possible "Crises."
A sensible evaluation of risk is required as a base for any crisis administration. While a subjective risk investigation would suffice, it must be of adequate rigor to exhaustively decide the all the possible event, causes, and impacts of the risks. The identification of the risk through conceptualizing/workshop sessions would regularly get the scope of the credible possibilities of the risk. Once the risk review is completed, the risk plan would be able to identify the risks which are of critical consequences. These risks are the one that has the highest classification of the consequences.
Step 2 - Establishing Sponsorship for Crisis Management
When implementing a suitable strategy for countering the threats to the projects there is a need for investment, and it is the responsibility of the Project Manager to establish with the project sponsor, a proper responsibility to the action. Similarly as with every single money related responsibility on a venture, the return is always expected on the investment. Once more, stable judgment is required, and amongst the Project Manager and Project Sponsor, a suitable level of budgetary investment must be concurred. This suggests a weighing up of variables, for example, likelihood, nature of the effect, accessibility of assets, and so forth. The financial commitment to the crisis administration ought to likewise be arranged over time, and an organized way to the administration exercise is legitimate and prescribed. As the time passes, the potential exposure to all the probable risk events will change, and there is expected to be the milestone dates where all the further administration decisions can be made.
Step 3 - Create a Crisis Management Team
At a point in the venture lifecycle, it will get to be obvious that a proper action will be important for planning and managing the potential crisis. From multiple points of view, project management under the situation of any crisis ought to be seen as an identifiable project in its own particular right, separate to the essential project. In light of this, a group ought to be appointed the obligation regarding management of the undertaking under the crisis. The Crisis Management Team might be the same as the essential task group, but it is recommended that the group ought to be separate from and very different from the essential project group. This can help to guarantee that the crisis group does not have its motivation and purpose weakened inside the essential project, and also free them to see impacts of the project more objectively especially concerning the crisis. There is likewise the advantage that the essential task group won't be occupied from its goals, which incorporates project delivery without the event of the crisis occasion.
Step 4 - Reset up Project Objectives for the Crisis Scenario
It is expected that at task beginning, or if nothing else amid the planning stage of the project, the objectives of the projects have been unmistakably characterized. This is very basic level essential part of the first stage of the project. However, it is sensible to scrutinize the legitimacy of those goals and objectives in the light of the different risk situations beforehand decided as a potential crisis. Every risk situation will have an outcome of the project whereby the main objectives compromised to a lesser or more noteworthy degree. It is not sensible to expect that all the objectives can stay achievable in a case of crisis. The project group appointed to a specific crisis ought to along with the project sponsor, consider and concur modified target results of the project. Targets, for example, schedule, out-turn cost, quality, and so on would all be able to be liable to change all together that the undertaking completely does not stay unrealized.
Step 5 - Creating a Crisis Management Project Plan
A Project Management Plan will set up and characterize the general system and technique for the project delivery. The project administration group ought to approach the project in crisis just as it is a project in itself, entirely different and separate from the first project. It is reasonable to consider the crisis as a small project regarding the overall project. In that capacity, it ought to be liable to classic project administration discipline. The administration technique or strategy for the crisis will be equipped for imparting its own particular unique arrangement of risks to the project, and this must be perceived (Royer 2000). While there will be less required in building up the Crisis Management Project Plan, the same essentials as characterized in the first Project Management Plan should be re-evaluated for the emergency extend, and modified where important.
Step 6 – Implementation of the Plan
Finally, there should be a trigger set for invoking the plan (Royer 2000). We are fully aware that the event of risk bringing about the crisis is not sure, it is not sure until the crisis occasion emerges, that the Crisis Management Project Plan will be followed up on either. It is the goal, all things considered, utilizing this technique, to have the perfect plan set up, before the occurrence of the risk event. Amid planning, a positive trigger event must be settled upon that will be unmistakable to all members of the project representing the initiation of the new "small-project" or crisis. In a few circumstances, the circumstances that trigger the action will act naturally apparent. In others, it may not be so self-evident.
The Crisis Management Project Plan must characterize this point in unequivocally subsequently empowering brief reaction. On occurring of the trigger event, it is just as the main task being attempted is the "crisis" stricken undertaking, and all future activities on the venture are coordinated by the Crisis Management Project Plan. (Floricel S 2001).
This project involves the construction of a considerable industrial facility for handling and storage of a bulk raw commodity.
The project group conquered a few difficulties amid the advancement period of the project. A scope of outline developments was acknowledged to meet the specialized difficulties of the project that included poor ground conditions, urban configuration challenges and the viability of customary fire protection system. However, the critical risk in the project once the implementation stage had initiated, was the need to finish the construction and commission mechanical plant in stipulated time so as to give storage to the approaching item. Once the decision had been made for focusing on construction, the objective end date was locked into all advertising and marketing programs and in this way inability to deliver against this stipulated date calendar couldn't be mulled over.
As the construction of the infrastructure continued, it got to be obvious that the stipulated time for the project was in danger. The Project Delivery Team kept up the close diagram of the task plan, with general status of the project's progress and projections of fulfillment dates. When the first discussion of the late completion took place, the construction time initially given was around 12 months was five months through.
Thus lies the principal achievement factor in how the project group drew nearer the crisis. The group firstly recognized the issue. They did as such through the whole implementation stage of the strategic systems inside the association doing the project. The strategic frameworks incited "governability" into the project team hence permitting firstly the affirmation of the issue, and after that a reaction.
By using the four-stage framework by Fink (1996), this problem can be solved. This takes place before the full-blown crisis and is always laced with a warning that the crisis might be imminent. In this stage, it is conceivable for preventing the crisis if the notice signs are paid attention to. The acute crisis stage takes after next and is prove by the sudden onset of the occasion. This stage is the stage where the crisis is most discernible by outsiders to the association. Then the chronic crisis stage is comparatively less dramatic, yet is still critical since the association is endeavoring to wipe up the waiting risks from the scene. The last stage is the determination stage, where the association is coming back to its pre-emergency presence.
The team did not explicitly address the other functions of project management (cost, risk, quality, integration, and human resources) however follow up activities brought about consideration of these issues. In the organization, a Crisis Management Plan was not set up as a formal report, meeting minutes remained as action arrangements, and all the milestones concurred amid consultations were embraced as the premise for a crisis reaction program. All the actions concurred included an appraisal of legally binding effects and procedures (procurement management) along with an improvement of various communication projects, particularly with outside gatherings (correspondences management), review of all the undertaking degree compromises and their effects (scope management), etc. The group did not expressly address alternate elements of management of the project including the quality, cost, human resources, risk, integration, etc.
The production of a formal Project Plan (PP) including the crisis would have been a more thorough approach to characterize and permit control of the crisis management. In any case, in times of crisis, the discipline is effectively relinquished. While this is not denounced, it is not excused either, as a PP would be a valuable document for instilling order into a conceivably turbulent occasion or time. Nonetheless, the general way to deal with the potential emergency was to develop and offered adequate structure to the risk administration procedure for maximizing the chances of achievement so as to achieve damage to the task, and minimizing the likelihood of a basic effect.
This case involves the development of a facility that included building work along with a significant technology component. This project was located in remote area. This case study was solved by using Myers framework of crisis management. (Myers, 1993)
The project was financed from various sources. Duties had been obtained from three substances for supporting the project and also the planning initiated on the basis that the conferred assets would be accessible from every element. In the example of this project, the basic danger was political – that somehow, the association between financing accomplices would come up short. The Project Manager distinguished this as a potential danger amid the underlying risk administration process, as did some different gatherings required in the project group. The risk situation pondered was that through the disappointment of the connections or any other cause, the funds would not be accessible as expected. There was the concern on one of the element specifically, which was giving around 33% of the venture reserves. This spoke to a sizeable danger to the venture.
Amid the assessment of the risk, the risk that financing or political backing for this project, by and large, would fall flat, was distinguished and evaluated as a high outcome risk. The likelihood of such an occasion happening, given the actualities at the time, was viewed as low. This shows the flaw in the process of risk assessment. During the risk assessment, connections between the different entities were at that point strained. Working near every one of the three in checking on potential risks, the objectivity was seen to be lost, and a lot of dependence put on the numerous announcements of affirmation that assets were not in danger. Under these circumstances, getting ready for the task was permitted to continue
When connections in the long run fizzled and the offer of project funds was pulled back by one of the gatherings, the project was completely composed, and acquirement halfway initiated. Enough time had passed to guarantee there was no way of recuperation to delivery as per the first program. The degree had no adaptability to permit conformity of unimportant things. The whole marketable strategy, which had been produced to mirror the project to the first degree, was of no further significance. The effect of the risk occasion happening was high. The task targets were seriously compromised along with those included in the delivery procedure endured a huge fall in confidence. It was hard to recoup. In any case, the project group did recuperate, and the project was delivered. In any case, the lesson learned is that with some thought and arranging, the critical effect of the danger occasion could have been generously diminished. This is not to say that a drop in spending plan of 33% would not have affected venture conveyance. Be that as it may, the generous effect on time, quality, HR, and so forth could have been minimized with the appropriation of the techniques sketched out in this paper. For sure, it is even conceivable that the occasion could have been stayed away from on the off chance that it had shown up on the crisis administration radar at the time.
Every so often, the management is confronted against with the possibility of risk occasions that undermine all the tasks and projects. These might be of any probability. The projects and undertakings will stay exposed if there is no organized way to deal with the administration of these uncommon risks and crisis, to make note of their possibly incredible effect. The event of risks (without their mitigation) realizes the crisis in the undertakings and projects. This paper applied an organized methodology to the treatment of (specifically) far-fetched however basic effect risks.
Borodzicz, E.P. (2005) Risk, Crisis and Security Management, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons
Curtin, T. Hayman, D. and Husein, N. (2005) Managing a Crisis: A Practical Guide, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Fink, S. (1996). Crisis management: Planning for the inevitable. New York: American Management Association
Floricel S, Roger Miller. 2001. Strategising for anticipated risks and turbulence in large scale engineering projects. International journal of Project Management 19 (8):445-55.
Gottschalk, J. (2002) Crisis Management, Oxford: Capstone Publishing
Myers, K. (1993). Total contingency planning for disasters: Managing risk ... minimizing loss ... ensuring business continuity. New York: John Wiley
Royer, PS. 2000. Risk management - the undiscovered dimension of Project Management. Project Management Journal 31 (1).
Society for Human Resource Management. (2005). Glossary of human resource terms. Retrieved from www.shrm.org/hrresources/hrglossary_published.