Task 1 – Questions
Question 1.
a. What do you understand by verbal and non-verbal communication?
b. List at least 5 points that could be done to improve communication within a healthcare sector.
Question 2.
What is effective listening and how it can be used to communicate better with people from a health services background?
Question 3.
Explain the areas in which you would take care of the confidentiality procedures while dealing with people from health or community services backgrounds.
Question 4.
List the main strategies to collaborate with colleagues at the workplace.
Question 5.
a. What are the barriers in effective communication?
b. Explain the strategies to address constraints to communication in the workplace.
Question 6.
List all the legal and ethical requirements and guidelines that you need to work in compliance within your current role of work.
Question 7.
Explain the process of raising an issue with the supervisor related to any breach to standard procedures, laws or any issues impacting on achievement of employee, employer and/or client rights and responsibilities.
Question 8.
Explain the process of resolving a conflict in the workplace. Prove an example of how you have witnessed or managed a conflict situation at your workplace.
Question 9.
a. Name at least five workplace documents that you have used at your current or previous workplace. Have you completed those documents manually or electronically?
b. Explain what you understand by digital media communication and why do organisations need to have a policy or guidelines in place for staff in using this kind of communication method.
Question 10.
a. List the core areas within a health care industry that you would look for identifying and voicing improvements in work practices.
b. For your self-development, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on areas for skill and knowledge development?
Answer1 (a)
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Face to face communication or conversation with the people is called verbal communication. Verbal communication includes speaking, words and sounds. To effectively communicate the tone of voice, pitch verbally, and volume are used (Cooren, 2016).
On the other hand, non-verbal communication does not include sounds, speaking, and words. It includes facial expression, movement of the body, gesture, touch, and any other action without speaking (Lemonnier, 2016). Therefore, the main difference between the both is sound. Verbal communication includes sounds while non-verbal does not include sound.
Answer1 (b)
The following points can be made to improve communication within a healthcare sector (Pugel et al., 2015);
1) In the compulsory training program of the organization effective communication also should be included
2) Communication should be a part of the culture of the organization
3) Patient satisfaction survey should be conducted
4) Regular meeting with the employees should be scheduled
5) Appropriate and effective communication channel should be used in the organization
Effective listening is a way to actively participate in the conversation and actively absorbing or getting the information that is being delivered by the speaker. Effective listing is a skill which shows that an individual is interested in in the lecture and actively getting the information provided by the speaker as well as providing feedback to the lecturer (Fedesco, 2015).
Communicating with the people from health service background is important because the information provided by such people is critical because all the information provided by such people is related to the health. Therefore it is necessary to effectively listen to the people from health service. Effectively listening to such people without interrupting in the conversation and paying full attention is necessary and it is important to communicate better (Fedesco, 2015).
There are various procedures which should be kept confidential. The medical record of the patient should be kept confidential. The conversation or the information provided by the patients should also be kept confidential. The medical staff should also not reveal about the disease of the patients to others (Riaz et al., 2017). The medical professionals who are not authorized to know the information of the patients should not access the information system of the get the information of the patient.
The following are the strategies to collaborate with the colleagues (Lopaciuk-Gonczaryk, 2016);
• The goals should be common for all or all the colleagues should work for a common goal
• Set expectations
• Effective and appropriate technology should be used to communicate
• All the colleagues should be opened about everything
• There should be an effective team meeting
Answer5 (a)
The following are the barriers to effective communication (Thomson et al., 2015);
• Semantic barriers such as badly expressed message, faulty translation, un-clarified assumption, jargon, etc.
• Emotional barriers or psychological barriers such as lack of attention, premature evaluation, poor retention, distrust, etc.
• Organizational barriers such as rules and regulation of the organization, policies of the organization, complex organizational structure, etc.
• Personal barriers such as lack of confidence in assistants, unwillingness to communicate, lack of incentive, etc.
Answer5 (b)
In order to address constraints of effective communication one should listen properly. If the audiences are listening properly to the speaker, they will be involved in the communication actively, and hence there would not be any problem in effective communication. The speaker should avoid jargon. It will make the audiences understand the message delivered by the speaker and audiences will pay attention to the communication (Silverman et al., 2016). The speaker should also be aware of the cultural differences. It will also increase the effectiveness of the communication because no one will complain about anything like sentiment hurt. Effective communication channel should be used by the speaker to deliver the message. All these measures will help in addressing the constraints of the effective communication.
The following are the legal and ethical requirements and guidelines that are needed to work in compliance with the current role of work (White et al., 2016);
• Medical professionals should follow the principle of confidentiality
• The medical professional should build a harmonious relationship with colleagues and patients
• The healthcare professionals should avoid malpractices
• The healthcare professionals should take consent of the patient before involving any kind of practices
• The healthcare professionals should take care of their duties and responsibilities towards patients
Many times any of the medical professional breaches the code of conduct or standard procedure which impacts the employees in several ways. Such type of issues can be raised in the organization formally or informally. Depending on the nature of issue we can use formal approach or informal approach to raise the issue. But if a supervisor breaches to the standard procedures it will impact the employees or subordinates significantly, therefore, it should be raised through formal approach. First of all the medical professional should identify the main issues and document the issue. After that, he/she should consult with the colleagues on the matters and take their consent. After taking consent of the colleagues, the written document should be forwarded to the management of the organization (Mikkelsen and Clegg, 2017).
In order to resolve the conflict in the workplace first of all the matter of disagreement should be clarified. After identifying or clarifying the matter of concern, the management should identify the involved parties in the conflict, and it should set a common goal for both the parties involved in the conflict. Then the management should conduct a meeting with both the parties to discuss ways to achieve the common goal. The management then should determine the barrier to achieving the common goal. After that, the management should identify the best way among all the ways discussed in the meeting to resolve the conflict. After resolving the solution, the management should clearly define the responsibility of each party on the agreed solution of the conflict (Mikkelsen and Clegg, 2017).
Once there was a conflict between the supervisor and the team member in the process of accomplishing a set target. The supervisor was stressing on his process while team members were not ready to work on that process. They raised the issue to the management to resolve the conflict. The management conducted a meeting with both the parties and discussed the benefits and disadvantages of the processes stated by both the parties. After discussion, the management decided to follow the process of the team members based on the benefits of the process and both the parties followed the same.
Answer9 (a)
Name of five workplace documents;
1) Memorandum
2) Emails
3) Letters
4) The medical report of the patients
5) Bill of payments
Some of the documents have been completed manually while some of the documents have been completed electronically.
Answer9 (b)
Digital media communication simply can be defined as communicating or exchanging ideas and thoughts with the help of digital technology. When an individual uses digital technology to share his or her ideas and thought called as digital media communication. Digital media can also be used to expose personal information of the people. There are several limitations of the digital media communication (Chen and Reese, 2015). Therefore, to avoid the misuse of digital media communication, there is a need for policy and guidelines in place for staff in using this kind of communication methods
Answer10 (a)
The core areas of the healthcare industry which can be improved are the following (Ginter, 2018);
• The area of communication should be improved
• The policies and procedures of the industry should improve
• Confidential information should be confidential
• Patients centered care should be provided
• Identification of errors and hazards within the industry
• There should be up to date information technology in the organization
Answer10 (b)
For self-development, I would like to seek feedback from my patients, colleagues, supervisor, and the management. Feedback from all these will help me to improve my knowledge and service. It will provide my area of improvement and work in the area of improvement I can increase my competencies (Harris et al., 2015). Therefore I would seek feedback from all the concerned parties mentioned above.
Cooren, F. (2016). 20 Verbal communication in organizational settings. Verbal Communication, 3, 395.
Lemonnier, P. (2016). Mundane objects: Materiality and non-verbal communication. Routledge.
Pugel, A. E., Simianu, V. V., Flum, D. R., & Dellinger, E. P. (2015). Use of the surgical safety checklist to improve communication and reduce complications. Journal of infection and public health, 8(3), 219-225.
Fedesco, H. N. (2015). The impact of (in) effective listening on interpersonal interactions. International Journal of Listening, 29(2), 103-106.
Lopaciuk-Gonczaryk, B. (2016). Collaboration strategies for publishing articles in international journals–A study of Polish scientists in economics. Social Networks, 44, 50-63.
Thomson, K., Outram, S., Gilligan, C., & Levett-Jones, T. (2015). Interprofessional experiences of recent healthcare graduates: A social psychology perspective on the barriers to effective communication, teamwork, and patient-centered care. Journal of interprofessional care, 29(6), 634-640.
Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., & Draper, J. (2016). Skills for communicating with patients. CRC Press.
White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S., & Terhaar, M. F. (Eds.). (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care. Springer Publishing Company.
Mikkelsen, E. N., & Clegg, S. (2017). Conceptions of Conflict in Organizational Conflict Research: Toward Critical Reflexivity. Journal of Management Inquiry, 1056492617716774.
Chen, W., & Reese, S. D. (Eds.). (2015). Networked China: Global dynamics of digital media and civic engagement: New agendas in communication. Routledge.
Ginter, P. M. (2018). The strategic management of healthcare organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
Harris, L. R., Brown, G. T., & Harnett, J. A. (2015). Analysis of New Zealand primary and secondary student peer-and self-assessment comments: Applying Hattie and Timperley’s feedback model. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 22(2), 265-281.