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Cognitive Ergonomics refers to the mental procedures that are concerned with the humans and the way they perceive different elements and accepts these into the memory. Reasons and responses are also considered in the ergonomics of cognition. These factors impact the way individuals perceive things when they are in interaction with particular systems. Human-computer interaction finds great utility concerning the cognitive ergonomics.
The task that has been considered for the assessment is booking an online bus ticket through easybook.com which is an online ticket booking system for South East Asia. The online booking system for bus comprises of four sub-tasks, namely, visiting the portal, selecting the Bus Ticket booking tab, filling the online form for booking, and then searching for the available buses.
The first step taken was to visit the easybook.com portal as the intention was to book a bus ticket within Singapore and Malaysia. Figure 1 in the Annexure 1 shows the landing page of the site which was the first thing one will interact with while visiting the page directly. The name of portal can be easily remembered. The tabs present on the landing allow the user to have the option to choose from without any fuzz. All the five services are divided into five tabs with their specific forms. These form open seamlessly. However, the drop-down menus of the forms are comparatively slow and users need to wait for a while. Overall the landing page provides all the necessary tabs and menus that are required to by a user while looking for online booking.
The load time of the site loading is appropriate without major wait time for the users. The color and background of the template is plain and simple with the presence of information. The black text on the white background provides easy readability to the users.
Apart from that, the site provides ‘Modify Search’ tab for the users if they are unable to see their specific bus on the list. The ‘Modify Search’ tab has been placed just above the search list and opens seamlessly. The users’ one click slides the whole list down and the new search forms reflect in the background. This protects the users from waiting the whole site to load for the new search. The access to the site is easy and can be effectively fulfill the goals of the individuals accessing the site.
The simple format of the site and the simple advertisement on the right side of the search form does not intrude the use of the form. Moreover, the advertisement seems relevant to the website. The site speed was fast and user friendly.
The interaction between the users and the site is expected to be appreciable. One of the issues in this site is that it is not responsive, that is its layout will not be able to mold itself as per the various screen sizes. Therefore, it will be challenging for the users with small screen sizes to effectively access the site.
The major change that can be suggested to this site is the consideration of responsive theme which will improve the user accessibility. Apart from that, the drop-down menu for location and time should be faster as it unnecessarily increases the wait time. Though there is an option for Mobile version portal which users can visit by manually clicking but it is not effective as it unnecessary squeezes the interface. The snapshot of the same can be seen in Figure 5 in Annexure 1.
The anthropometric dimensions of the three members of the team has been shown in the table above which will be used to design a seated workstation comprising a table/work surface, an office chair, a monitor, and a keyboard. The workstation design will be able to accommodate all the individuals in a comfortable situation.
The workstation will not have individual table for all the members. The table will be integrated to the wall. The members will have individual chair as per the dimensions provided. The height of the table from the ground will be one and a half times of the average of the popliteal height (assumption). The three popliteal heights are 432 mm, 445 mm, and 483 mm. The table height will be:
Table Height=1.5 ((432+445+483)/3)mm = 680 mm
The image below shows the side view of the sitting plan.