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Question: Communicate the Value
Integrated marketing communications refers to the use of continuous messaging in both traditional and modern marketing mediums and using varied promotional methods as reinforcement to each other (Kim, et al, 2016).
Delivering message through the channels of integrated marketing communications increases the popularity and consistency of the brand, this therefore makes the brand more competitive as most consumers prefer buying their commodities from the famous companies whenever they want to purchase the items.
Integrated marketing communications have become more famous in the current era of advent technology and digital advertisement media which are cost effective and efficient in the transmission of the messages throughout the world (Kim, et al, 2016). The use of digital devices is also reliable sources of storing the messages and hence can be used over and over.
Because of the diverse nature of this marketing strategy, it enhances the transfer of message over wide distance within a very short time to a large number of people.
Through integrated marketing communication the message can be manipulated to suit a given demographic characteristics of people.
The integrated marketing communication reduces the interdepartmental conflicts, reduces the transaction cost and it also maximizes the marketing efforts.
The most important marketing initiatives are to increase the awareness of the consumers in regard to the presence of various commodities in the market from various companies through the use of digital media (Kim, et al, 2016). Through the use of integrated marketing communication, there is an intended plan to maximize the intensity of the marketing while minimizing the cost of the same. These initiatives are important to the marketers because it will initiate the increased sale of products at minimal cost leading to a wide profit margin to the manufacturers.
Advertisements are used as a marketing strategy by many companies or individuals seeking to create awareness and concern with the goods that they are selling or the kind of the services that they offer in the market. The effectiveness of any given advertisement mainly depends on the medium in which it is advertised and the kind of features that is used to design the advertisement. The two advertisements chosen in this case are newspaper advertisements obtained from the given internet link; http://relevancesells.com/zLoaderBypass/t1.jpg and http://www.72advertising.com/newspaper-ads.htm. Both of the advertisement took the entire page of the magazine.
The first advertisement is from the Nissan Company showing a picture of New Nissan models and the cost benefits on the purchase of Nissan models. On the top of the ad, is the text “0% APR & REBATES” highlighted to seek extra attention from the customers. Later the same technique has been used for the text “$5000 Cash Back’. On the bottom of the text, the low cost of various models have been highlighted. The purpose of the advertisement is to createawareness to the people who can afford to buy vehicles on their new car models in the market. The advertisement is aimed towards the people who want to buy various models of Nissan at low price. The thesis of the advertisement: When you’re happy, we’re happy indicating that the company is willing to please their customers by putting their best efforts for the customers.
The communication objective in the advertisement is creating a notion of the vehicles being cheap for the buyers and this is explained by the price tag that is put on the value of each car (Butler, 2016). The communication also aims at describing the quality of the vehicles as a way of attracting the customers. The advertisement aims to call out for middle section of the society by putting emphasis on cheap prices.
The visual and verbal communication strategies have been used in the advertisement, the picture of the Nissan cars is used to give a captivating impression to the buyers on the quality of the cars. The positioning statement in this advertisement goes as "0% APR & REBATES ON MOST NISSAN! ALMOST UPTO $5000 CASH BACK! AND MAKE NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS." This statement aims at attracting the customers bearing on the cheap cost of the vehicles and the amount discounted on them. The communication tactics applied in the advertisement is attractive as they give numerous impressions on the cars. Whereas the Communication mix in this advertisement is the sales/promotional event the company is putting forth as they are promoting their product. This is done by depicting the elite models of various models of Nissan.
There is a lot of creativity in this advert; this is because the designer has used a lot of features ranging from visual to the types of statements used that are attractive to the targeted group. A range of different car models is displayed in the advertisement trying to give a hint to the buyers of how the cars appear. This advert is therefore very effective in communicating its point that is to sell and to inform the people about the cars (Butler, 2016). Very impressive different car models are displayed on the advert and it can act as an attraction to the buyers. The advertisement also gives enough information about the cars that it could convince the customers regarding the car.
I think the advertisement is effective for aiming towards the medium section of the society by placing emphasis on their low budget with high quality thinking.
The second advert is that of a particular law firm that is advertising to have specialization in handling cases arising from tax payments. The advertisement shows the images of three renowned lawyers of this law firm. The advertisement additionally places important and intriguing facts of the law firm. The target groups, in this case, are American citizens from various sectors of the economy who are maybe having issues with their tax compliances to the government of the United States of America. The advert has presented the faces of the renowned lawyers so to win the trust of the target groups. This image helps in instilling trust and faith in the people of the target group,
The communication objectives of this advertisement is to create an awareness of the existence of their firm and their competitiveness in handling such cases. The objective is to promote the law firm along with convincing the people regarding the best law practices.
The overall communication strategy in this advertisement is the use of clear conversation in trying achieve their goals of helping customers solve their tax problems. The firm has put more stress on the qualifications of their lawyers ranging from their experiences to their specializations in the cases handled. This was done to highlight the image of the law firm in an authentic and positive manner. (Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A., 2003).
The positioning statement in this advert is "TAX ISSUES" the key messages in these declarations are the recognition of the firm and the experience of the lawyers. The advert tries to establish a positioning in the market by stating some evident important facts regarding the law firm.
The communication tactic, in this case, is very simple and direct and it does not attract the target groups very easily. The communication mix in this advertisement is the direct marketing strategy as the company is more precise to regarding their services. The advert lacks creativity and hence making it appear plain The advert is not effective in attracting the clients to the firms as it is plain and it may not trigger the viewers to read more about their services. The advertisement lacks the elements of visual impression and creativity to captivate the reader's interest, and thus it might be ignored. The advert places a strong emotional appeal towards the target audience in terms of the security. Furthermore, the advert has a weak positional statement. (Boulding, W., Lee, E., & Staelin, R., 1994).
The perceived value of cars in the first advertisement for the targeted audience may be lower than the actual cost, and this is because the advert reflects more money discounted from the sale of cars which are depicted to be of high qualities on the pictorial presentations (Butler, 2016). The perceived value of the second advert of the law firm to the target audience may be too high; this is because the standards of the lawyers in the company seem to be too high and therefore many people might shy away from their services which can be perceived to be very expensive.
Lotusland Wines Company is staging to launch a new brand of wine known as Enigma 2016 to counter the rising number of customers in the market demanding for a different mix of wine flavor. The main marketing problem is the emergence of new brands from other companies like Sangiovese from Italy which offers a variety of tastes that offers satisfaction to a range of clients (Percy & Rosenbaum, 2016). The new brand will, therefore, include such additional properties and will exist in many forms so as to meet the taste and flavor requirements of all our customers. My business goal as the marketing director is therefore to create a new product line that will satisfy the rising demands of wine products by the consumers.
The next brand "Enigma 2016" assigned to my creative team is a rare type of wine that will be sale across the globe because it is an improvement of the Lotusland vineyard previous wines is made of more quality. The new wine is free from chemicals which make it healthier; the wine is also fresh owing to its method of preservation.
The targeted group for this new brand of Lotusland wine is for a group of people who are eighteen years old and above all over the world, who can afford the drink. One interesting characteristic of this audience I that it is evolving across all the ethnic borders and the popularity of the Lotusland wine products are far much more beyond the British Columbia.
Psychographically we have labeled this audience as TRUE LOVERS. They understand the effects of this wines that are caused by the low-level alcoholic content of the Lotusland wines but still prefers the wine because it refills their desires as a drink. The audience does not also bear any negative feelings or opinion about the relatively high cost of the drink.
The primary goal of this advertisement is to popularize Lotusland drinks and increase their sale through characterizing this new brand in the market. Advertising the Enigma 2016, will create awareness of the Lotusland wines and make people try out the new brand which offers more satisfactory qualities in tastes and flavor.
The two communication strategies that will be used in developing this advertisement are verbal communication strategy and visual communication strategy. Verbal communication will be applied through writings which will post in the advert to give more information about the new brand of Lotusland drink (Percy & Rosenbaum, 2016). The advert will include a graphical picture of the "Enigma 2016" brand showing all its labels and appearance of the bottle to make the audience familiarize with it.
The new wine label "Enigma 2016" is intended to position the products distinctively from Lotusland in the minds of the consumers through a wide range of qualities such as price, brand, and product. The price of Enigma 2016 is relatively lower than that of other wines from the company's competitors and thus making it affordable to many people and favorable. The brand is an improvement of the company's previous brands that reflects a wide range of qualitiesbeing desired by the customers (Percy & Rosenbaum, 2016). The wine is a product freshly harvested vinegar which is used in making the wines. The vineyard is maintained without the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides and thus making the vines purely organic and safe for human lives. The drink brings excitement and thus the message "with Lotusland every day is a celebration." (Abraham, M. M., & Lodish, L. M. 1989).
Putting up this advertisement will be through the use of media and over the internet. The advert will be anchored in various TV channels all over the world. An advertisement slide will also be posted on numerous websites so that the internet users can access the advert while using the internet.
There are three communication mix that will be used in marketing the wines, these are, advertisements, personal selling’s and discounts and promotions. An advert that will be developed indicating various qualities of the new brand of Lotus wine will be aired in the channels and websites on the internet. This will allow the message to many rich people across the world. Several salespeople and distributors will be hired to help in selling the new brand of wine so as to trigger more people to buy the wine. A 20% discount will be levied on the drink during the promotion period to influence more people to try the wine through buying. (Boulding, W., Lee, E., & Staelin, R., 1994).
Consumer insights – the advert will be aired on the favorite TV channels, programs, and favorite media personalities to attract the attention of the audience. Expert quotes such as "every day is a celebration" will be applied to give more insight about the drink. A real person's brand idea can also be applied; this can include a comedian or actor. (White, A., & Smith, B. L. ,2001).
5000$ - this will be used for developing and posting the advert in various websites, 50000$ will be used to air the advert in various TV stations, 30000$ used for hiring comedians and promotion agents, 10000$ will be the transportation cost during the promotion period, 5000$ will be used for facilitating the exercise.
The Lotusland new wine brand "Enigma 2016" value is perceived to be very high by the targeted audience; this is because wines are mostly preferred by the people in high social classes and thus most of them are very expensive for the common people to afford (Percy & Rosenbaum, 2016). The improved quality of the wine also attracts an increase in its price since price and quality are always relative in marketing.
Butler, K., Butler, K., Gordon, R., Gordon, R., Roggeveen, K., Roggeveen, K., ... & Cooper, P. (2016). Social marketing and value in behavior? Perceived value of using energy efficiently among low income older citizens. Journal of Social Marketing, 6(2), 144-168.
; http://relevancesells.com/zLoaderBypass/t1.jpg
Percy, L., & Rosenbaum-Elliott, R. (2016). Strategic advertising management. Oxford University Press.
Kim, J., Kim, J. E., & Marshall, R. (2016). Are two arguments always better than one? persuasion Knowledge moderating the effect of integrated marketing communications. European Journal of Marketing, 50(7/8).
Solomon, Marshall. Smith, Stuart. Shah, Charlebois. (2012). Marketing: Real People, Real
Choices, Fourth Canadian Edition. Pearson Education.
Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2003). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. The McGraw− Hill.
Boulding, W., Lee, E., & Staelin, R. (1994). Mastering the mix: Do advertising, promotion, and sales force activities lead to differentiation?.Journal of marketing research, 159-172.
Abraham, M. M., & Lodish, L. M. (1989). Getting the most out of advertising and promotion. Harvard Business Review, 68(3), 50-1.
White, A., & Smith, B. L. (2001). Assessing advertising creativity using the creative product semantic scale. Journal of Advertising Research, 41(6), 27-34.