Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity


Read the Case Study "Bank Solutions Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: A Case Study for CSIA 485". Determine the information technology/security gaps and develop a security strategy that includes issues relating to confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), and that includes the key elements relative to People, Process, and
Step 1: Describe the key issues/challenges/risks from this case study.
Step 2: Based on the information provided in the case study, describe and document the recommended security strategy to mitigate the issues/challenges identified.
Step 3: Describe the proposed security solutions and relationship to the case study.
Step 4: Document a detailed, proposed timeline for addressing each element of the strategy that you identify. Provide estimates for implementing recommended strategies, with rationale. Include what resources are necessary for completing each task in the timeline.
Step 5: Provide a high-level recommendation regarding the next steps to take in mitigating risks identified.


Step 1

Describe the key issues/challenges/risks from this case study.

When the disaster recovery or the business continuity is started, there are various problems that are faced in its implementation and the people have to make several plans for helping the companies and for executing the processes successfully.
The key issues/challenges/risks from this case study are:
Within the strategy of the disaster recovery, there has to be a recovery strategy that has to be considered for alternate processing.  The Hot-Site plan discussed in the plan and the alternatives are also discussed in case the primary location is not available for providing the services related to the recovery of the disasters for various system environments. Also, one more issue needs to be addressed within the strategy of disaster recovery for ensuring that the company is taking all the required and reasonable measures for identifying and mitigating the potential risks that are there within the processing environment (Sadgrove, 2016). Avoiding risk is an essential and important element in the process of disaster recovery.
The BCP’s include elements of life safety, technology recoverability, and risk, etc. that are both internal to the firm and it is external to the clients. These plans are made so that the consumers can access their funds in a prompt manner during business disruptions.  The company can face problems like the isolated technology problem, regional issues like the hurricane, etc.

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Step 2

Based on the information provided in the case study, describe and document the recommended security strategy to mitigate the issues/challenges identified.

For an effective plan, many steps need to be followed, and if they are not laid down properly, many risks can be faced by the companies and create problems in the future.
The steps include:

  • Development of the BCP on the enterprise-wide level and giving the objectives of the business and the critical operations a priority that is very essential for the recovery.

  • The plan of BCP has o include resumption, recovery, and maintenance of the various aspects of the business (Furfaro, 2016).  It should not just limit itself to the recovery of the components of technology.

  • The role of the institution in the financial markets needs to be integrated.

  • The BCP must be updated regularly as per the changes in the processes of business, the recommendations of the audit and the lessons that are learned from the testing.

  • A cyclical and process oriented approach will be adopted that will contain the business impact analysis, assessment of the risk, management, mentoring and the testing too.

  • All the factors have to be considered, and then the ‘crisis' needs to be decided. 

The activities of BCP have to be overseen by the Board of Bank and the senior management here is responsible for the plan. They will see the way in which the critical business functions have been prioritized, the reviewing for the adequacy of the business recovery annually (Council, 2012), the way in which risks are managed and controlled, allocation of the appropriate personnel, etc.

Step 3

Describe the proposed security solutions and relationship to the case study.

The solutions that will be made have to design with high-availability; there should not be even a single point of failure. Also, the performance of the architecture for the technology solution needs to be quantified. The company should be able to measure it whenever required, and the parameters should be quantifiable.  
The processes that are required involve- the architecture for the data center solution, the architecture for the DR solution, the architecture for the near site, the architecture for the enterprise network and security, the architecture for the branch or delivery channel.  
These processes cannot be handled without the support of the bank that needs to take up the audit for the performance and the availability of the solutions deployed for the architecture so that it is ensured that there is no point of failure in this.  The architecture that has been deployed needs to get an audit done by the bank for the mission critical applications and the services so that the concerns can be resolved in the timely manner (Snedaker, 2013). The bank needs to investigate the outages that the plan may face from time to time and this needs to be dome periodically. Finally, the bank also has to ensure the availability of the appropriate technology solutions for measuring and monitoring the functioning of the products.

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Step 4

Document a detailed, proposed timeline for addressing each element of the strategy that you identify. Provide estimates for implementing recommended strategies, with rationale. Include what resources are necessary for completing each task in the timeline.

Activity    Time
Development of the BCP    1 month
The design and implementation of the BCP    2 months
Application of the BCP  across organizations    1 month
Testing the BCP plan    1 day in every quarter
Following up check for the plan check of BCP    1 day in every quarter

  1. For developing the plan, the objectives needs to be set, and the roles have to be allocated to the people so that the processes can start and the activities can be carried out.

  2. The design and implementation require the capital, financial, human and the technical resources so that the software and other required things can be purchased and installed. 

  3. The application of the BCP requires things to carry out, processes to start and it requires monitoring too.

  4. For testing, the experts are needed who can see the working and feasibility of the plan.

  5. For following up, a manager or a senior person is required who can take care of the BCP and ensure that it is being utilized properly. 

Step 5

Provide a high-level recommendation regarding the next steps to take in mitigating risks identified. 

For the step further, the company can proceed with the help of the below mentioned objectives:

  • There can be many points of entry and geographically diverse cables

  • The relay circuits are framed in which the network interconnections are not required as they cause the delay in the concentration points between the frame relay providers.

  • The separate power sources are required to be installed for the equipment with the generator along with the uninterrupted supply of the power (Kumar, 2013).

  • The separate connections to the backup locations.

  • To deploy the alternative media like the secure wireless systems.

  • The local services need to be put to more than one carrier of the telecommunications or the diverse physical paths to the independent offices that are central.

  • Then, the suppliers are needed separately for the infrastructure needs of the hardware and the software.

  • Regular use of multiple facilities in which traffic is continually split between the connections (Kumar, 2013). 


  • Council, A. (2012). Business continuity planning.

  • Furfaro, A., Gallo, T. and Saccà, D., 2016, August. Modeling Cyber Systemic Risk for the Business Continuity Plan of a Bank. In International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (pp. 158-174). Springer International Publishing.

  • Kumar, D., Rai, A. K., Mishra, H., & Srivastava, P. (2013). Business continuity planning: a new road to nurture business growth. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 5(1), 151.

  • Sadgrove, K. (2016). The complete guide to business risks management. Routledge.

  • Snedaker, S. (2013). Business continuity and disaster recovery planning for IT professionals. Newnes.

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