Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology


Write a critique of a technical contribution, including references to other papers.
Will Robots take our Job
Marking criteria for all three types A, B, C (50% weight): - familiarity and appreciation of the technical concepts and knowledge areas which are part of the Topic; - explain the main ideas being presented clearly in the text with a good standard of written communication; - provide a clear and professional oral presentation based on the submission, including appropriate visual materials and response to questions. Marking criteria for type A only (50% weight): - demonstrate ability to present and critique technical aspects of a scholarly paper, and relevance to the material covered in the Topic



In the modern era, robots are considered as the biggest threat to the job market of the world, and it is expected that in future robots will be performing the majority of the tasks and work which is done by human beings. The introduction of Artificial intelligence and robotic technology is considered as a serious threat to many jobs. However, it can be argued that the jobs will not be completely disappeared and most of the jobs will be refined. The present study includes critical analysis of the topic which is “will robots take our jobs”. 


The concept of robots at work
As per the view of Srnicek & Williams, (2016) robots are defined as the machines which are developed by human beings and which can perform the tasks and activities which are done by humans. In the present scenario, the use of the robots at work is increasing but at a meagre rate or speed. One of the biggest reasons why companies are now looking forward to using robots at work is that as compared to human being robots are economical. It can be stated that during the initial stage businesses are required to invest massive financial resources in developing or buying a robot but in the long-run robots are very economical and cost-effective. 
On the other side of this, Hughes, (2017) has critically argued that the use of robots in the workplace is increasing because robots can perform some jobs better than human beings. Same activities or repetitive tasks can be done efficiently by robots without getting bored. The degree of accuracy within robots is also considered as far better in comparison with the human accuracy.  As per the view of Berg, Buffie & Zanna, (2016) the benefit of using robotics is that they can easily work around the clock without getting tired. Like a human, robots do not require breaks, vacations and sick leaves and this characteristic makes them more productive and efficient. However, Innes & Morrison, (2017) has argued that robots are still not very popular in the workplace because they are not capable of thinking or making decisions which are highly critical at the workplace.

Jobs which can be replaced by robots 

In the future, it is expected that majority of the human jobs will be replaced by robots and it is required by individuals to prepare them for the future. In the next 10-20 years, the entire job market will be redefined and the human beings will have only two options which are either to acquire new skills or to be out of the work. According to Mahdawi, (2017) it is expected that 30% of the tasks in 60% of the industries can be computerized to replace human efforts and inputs. It can be expressed that jobs such as telemarketer, loan officer, cashier, taxi driver, legal assistance and fast food cook are considered as the least safe jobs in the market. In the next few decades majority of the jobs with either vanish or they will be redefined (Lee, Choi & Kwak, 2015). Job such as telemarketing is at the biggest threat of getting replaced by robots as even today the robocalls in telemarketing has increased to a great extent. Nowadays, robots are also used for tax preparation as they have the capacity to carry out systematic processing of large data and information. 
Artificial intelligence platforms such as Watson are now used by many tax preparation companies to support their clients in preparing for their taxes. However, Poola, (2017) has critically argued that jobs which require basic creativity are out from the danger zone because today’s robots are not capable enough to perform such jobs. Business development, scientists and artists are few jobs which today are in safe zone. In addition to this, activities which consists of developing and maintaining human relationship cannot be performed by robots and therefore jobs such as nurses and relationship manager are also perceived as safe (Ford, 2015). 
On the other hand, it can be expressed that the jobs in the legal sector are in great threat because it is expected that more than 100000 jobs in the sector has the chances of getting automated in the next two decades. Apart from this, jobs such as Bus and taxi drivers also has the chances of automation as brands such as Delphi and Google are investing massive amount of resources in testing driverless cars on roads (West, 2015). It is believed that most of the time roads accidents are caused due to human errors and automation of this job will results in reducing the chances of accidents. The chances of automation in jobs such as cashier are also very high because concepts such as self-checkouts are becoming very popular in stores.

Benefits of using robots at work

Over the past few decades, robots have evolved tremendously and at present they are being used in different sectors and industry. It can be stated that at present robots are used in areas such as disaster management, rescue operations and defence. In addition to this, the use of robots has become common even in industries ranging from healthcare to manufacturing. Robots are able to save time, money and this is considered as the main benefit associated with the use of robots at workplace (Senior, 2016). Robots are more productive in comparison with human beings and therefore, they have the potential to take the job of human beings in the future. The statement can be justified by the fact that in comparison with humans, robots are able to deliver high quality of work with more accuracy. Furthermore, the chances of making errors or mistakes are also less in robots as compared with human beings. 

The benefit of using robots at work is that they do not get tired from work and therefore they can deliver high productivity within a very short time frame (Osawa et al. 2017). No breaks, days off and holiday time is required by the robots and this features makes them more productive then human being. The scope of using robots in jobs which are not perceived as safe for employees is also very high. For instance, humans are restricted to work on areas with poor light, toxic chemicals but robots can easily work even in hazardous conditions. On the other side of this, Morikawa (2017) has argued that robots cannot replace human beings because they lack creating problem solving which is now mandatory within workplace. 
Over the past few years, the competition within industries has become so intense that creative ideas and solutions are required by businesses to sustain the marketplace. The robots are also considered as effective in lifting heavy loads and therefore, they have the potential to replace human beings or many jobs at workplace. In industries such as manufacturing or production, the use of robots is beneficial because they deliver greater magnitude of services and products (Innes & Morrison, 2017). Many employers are now looking for the manufacturing areas where they can replace humans with robots. Robots have very high level of accuracy and thus, they are able to save cost of the companies by reducing the amount of waste generated in production. Some other benefits associated with the use of robots at workplace include quick return on investment, fewer injuries at work and less use of raw materials.  


From the above carried out research, it can be concluded that robots have the potential to replace humans and take their jobs. The rationale behind this is that robots are accurate and are very effective in the context of carrying out repetitive tasks. It can be inferred that cashier, telemarketing, legal advisor, loan officer, cook etc. are some jobs which have high chances of getting automated in the future. However, jobs which require creativity and critical thinking are in the safe zone. Robots have the potential to take most of the human jobs and to deal with this issue; it will be required to humans to upgrade their skills and become more competent.   


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Berg, A., Buffie, E. F., & Zanna, L. F. (2016). Robots, growth, and inequality. Finance & Development, 53(3), 10-13.
Ford, M. (2015). The rise of the robots: Technology and the threat of mass unemployment. Oneworld Publications.
Hughes, J. J. (2017). What Is the Job Creation Potential of New Technologies?. In Surviving the Machine Age (pp. 131-145). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Innes, M., & Morrison, B. (2017). Projecting the future impact of advanced technologies: Will a robot take my job?. InPsych: The Bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society Ltd, 39(2), 34.
Lee, H., Choi, J., & Kwak, S. (2015). Can Human Jobs be Taken by Robots?: The Appropriate Match Between Robot Types and Task Types. Archives of Design Research, 28(3), 49-59.
Mahdawi, A. (2017). [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 12th April 2018].  
Morikawa, M. (2017). Who are afraid of losing their jobs to artificial intelligence and robots? Evidence from a survey (No. 71). GLO Discussion Paper.
Osawa, H., Ema, A., Hattori, H., Akiya, N., Kanzaki, N., Kubo, A., ... & Ichise, R. (2017, March). What is Real Risk and Benefit on Work with Robots?: From the Analysis of a Robot Hotel. In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 241-242). ACM
Poola, I. (2017). Artificial Intelligence (AI) meaning Killer Robots (Smarter Machines) or Intelligent Partners (Smarter People) combining with Trust & Respect to human life. Artificial Intelligence (AI), 4(10).
Senior, T. (2016). Being replaced by a robot. Br J Gen Pract, 66(649), 436-436.
Srnicek, N., & Williams, A. (2016). Will Robots Take Your Job?. ROAR Magazine, (2).
West, D. M. (2015). What happens if robots take the jobs? The impact of emerging technologies on employment and public policy. Centre for Technology Innovation at Brookings, Washington DC.

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