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Applied Communications Worksheet Three
This worksheet contributes 5% to your final grade. Your answers should be concise and to the point.
You will need to use content from lectures, tutorials and the textbook.
1) IP Addressing
a) Classful network addressing is inefficient at allocating the IP address space. Briefly explain why this statement is true.
b) A computer has only one MAC address per ethernet interface, but may have multiple IP addresses, even per interface. Why is this so?
2) Subnetting
a) Using a /30 CIDR subnetting scheme results in a network with only two host addresses, a network address and a broadcast address. What use is a network with only two host
b) A network starting with IP address has 20 bits for the host portion. What is the network address, the broadcast address, the subnet mask and the last address in
the network?
Practice Exam Question
After connecting to the Internet with a new ISP, Widgets and Gadgets in Woolloomooloo has a new public IP Address. You decide to assign the computers the
subnet of What else do you need to do to allow these computers to access the Internet?
Reflection Exercise:
Reflection is the process of self-evaluation of your learning experience. It guides you in critically evaluating your personal progress in mastering a concept or technique.
a) Write two sentences that summarises what you have learnt from these exercises.
b) Briefly describe what concepts you don't yet fully understand
This worksheet contributes 5% to your final grade. Your answers should be concise and to the point.
You will need to use content from lectures, tutorials and the textbook.
1) IP Addressing
a) Classful network addressing is inefficient at allocating the IP address space. Briefly explain why this statement is true.
1. Disadvantage of Classful network addressing is there is limitation in the flexibility and numbers of address that has to be assigned to any device
2. Second is that the classful addressing don’t send the subnet instead of that it sends full network address and it is not good because the router is going to use its own subnet of local subnet which is configured
3. as soon as we have the similar subnet and network is continuous we can go for classful network address in comparison to Classless address ,we have different way to allocate and specify internet address used in interdomain routing with more flexibility than with the original system of IP classes.
b) A computer has only one MAC address per Ethernet interface, but may have multiple IP addresses, even per interface. Why is this so?
Yes we can have more than one network adapter in our computer
For ex- if we have both Wi-Fi and LAN adapter and both of are connected to network then we have two IP addresses assigned to our computer.
MAC addresses are also known as low level basics that makes our Ethernet based network work and network card in which each have its unique MAC address and that those Packets sent on Ethernet is usually always comes from MAC address and then sent back to MAC address
If in any case Network address receives packet it compares packets destination MAC address to the adapters MAC address itself and If the address match then in case the packet is processed otherwise it is going to discarded
a) Using a /30 CIDR subnetting scheme results in a network with only two host addresses, a network address and a broadcast address. What use is a network with only two host addresses?
Using this /30 CIDR subnet it's very special and it has two host address a network address and the broadcast address and mainly used when we have to create Point to Point Network and for that we will use this subnetwork because this Point to Point network over Ethernet is mainly require two Host address and this fulfills our requirement and additionally it doesn’t care if it is Ethernet or Serial Link
b) A network starting with IP address has 20 bits for the host portion. What is the network address, the broadcast address, the subnet mask and the last address in the network?
Network Address --> filling zero in host bit)
Broadcast Address -->
Subnet Mask-->
Last address of Network --> is the last IP address if only one bit selected as Subnet ID
After connecting to the Internet with a new ISP, Widgets and Gadgets in Woolloomooloo has a new public IP Address. You decide to assign the computers the subnet of What else do you need to do to allow these computers to access the Internet?
We need to set all other machines or computers on the same Subnet so that they they can have their default gateway as the Internet Service Provider router private Internet Protocol (IP) address
Reflection is the process of self-evaluation of your learning experience. It guides you in critically evaluating your personal progress in mastering a concept or technique.
a) Write two sentences that summarizes what you have learnt from these exercises.
1. I have learn the concept of subnet ting and it means the process of dividing a Network into smaller network sections is known as sub netting and this helps to isolate group of host and it resolves them very easily and the amount of address that each of these take-up is depending on the class for which the class belongs to
Ex-For Class C addresses first three Octets describe the network i.e. address, and the 192.169.0 portion is going to describe the network and the 15 describes the host and by default every network has only one Subnet
2. I have learnt how to calculate the Network address, broadcast address ,Sub netting ,Last broadcast address as well as I have learnt about MAC address as well as learnt about CIDR notations
b) Briefly describe what concepts you don't yet fully understand