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Write three annotated Bibliography ont the topic "the benefit of studying abroad over studying in Hong Kong among University Students"
Yang, M., Webster, B., & Prosser, M. (2018). Travelling a thousand miles: Hong Kong Chinese students’ study abroad experience. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147176710001045
The research report demonstrate about the academic goal, experience and learning outcome while take part as international student and study abroad. The study present that there were 20 countries associate with Hong Kong for overseas studies, there are various source which can use as platform to study at abroad. The motive to study at abroad is to explore data, experience the intercultural learning season and proposed academic career. The motivation will engage student to enhance their career, development of international culture, accept diverse life-style, social responsibility, host country experience and academic as well as personal development outcome. Special motivation is to experience about different methodology for academic and economic advantage after graduation or study completed. Similarly, host country also gain advantage like quality person hire, national development, social and international different value at the international map. The finding implement that optimal student benefit through abroad study that will raise through encouragement in order to set academic goal.
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Li, M., & Bray, M. (2018). Cross-border flows of students for higher education: Push–pull factors and motivations of mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong and Macau. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10734-005-5423-3
The article discuss about the education variation faced by student at two different place such as Macau and Hong Kong. The article demonstrate about different factor affect to study in abroad. Due to international studies student will pull out from comfort zone and place themselves at different position which provide good opportunities for development along with studies. The campus placement and job opportunities at different university helps student to achieve great height. The motivation in pursuit of academic and professional career raise professional development, growth, economic advantages, and individual internationalisation and improve social status. Further demonstrate about the fill gap between east meets west culture. Improvement in community connection. Vast area of choice of subject for studies and build career, explore knowledge apart from studies and academic growth, social and personal development. International academic studies and working experience. The different experience at except comfort zone learn lot which cannot learn while academic studies.
Waters, J. L. (2006). Geographies of cultural capital: education, international migration and family strategies between Hong Kong and Canada. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31(2), 179-192. Retrieved 14 February 2018, from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2006.00202.x/full
The article present about the education qualification important and social reproduction. That also provide link between student choice, parents selection and spatial mobility. The article discuss about the geographic different between abroad country and Hong-Kong. The culture variation from existing country and abroad country. The article present about the consequences faced by student while study and education. The student obtain opportunity to develop knowledge through international education platform. Due to convenience of abroad studies, student will get more opportunity to develop career as they want and as per they choice. Job opportunity also great advantage through abroad studies. That also provide opportunity to studies which affordable. The benefits for middle class family and accumulate a more value from cultural difference and manage according to life style. The international education and close source provide opportunity to explore at student life and develop career apart from Hong Kong. The international relation will developed through migration of students.