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Solve my Project management Assignment using Excel and word

Question - AP/ADMS 3353 A and B Project Management Fall 2013 ASSIGNMENT # 2 Due date : November 19, 2013 till 9:00pm Assignment Instructions (please read carefully) 1. While I encourage study groups and brainstorming, assignments are to be done on an individual basis. They are NOT group work. Please review the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty at the following URL: http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=69 2. Penalties for infractions such as cheating and/or plagiarism are severe and will be enforced. 3. Your name and student number must be on every page of your assignment. 4. Assignments should be organized by question. That means every piece of information for that question is found in the same section of the report. ...Read More

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