San Diego State University Operations And Supply Chain Management Assignment Help - analysis
Question - © Swiss Management Center AG 1
Assignment Descriptions
Unit 1-1 DQ #1: Analyze a research topic that you may have been exposed to (from academic journals only within the field of
business – social research). Compare the process from the readings to what you have seen. What’s missing and how
would they improve on that research? Focus your response on the research process.
DQ #2: Why do research problems have to be specific? Provide examples of poor research problem definitions and solid
research problems.
Unit 2-1 DQ #1: Discuss the difference between sampling strategies (for example: random and stratified). When is it most
appropriate to use stratified random sampling tec
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DQ #2: Assess a research instrument (from the web, your HR, other sources). Select a few of the questions in the
instrument and critique its validity and reliability. Make recommendations to make it more objective and scholarly.
Unit 3 DQ #1: Correlational research is one of the most popular methods. What’s the difference between a positive and
negative correlation?
DQ #2: Provide an explaination of a peer-reviewed process for an academic journal of your choice. With the full
understanding, how would you go about designing a research study and its successful submission for publication.
Unit 3-1 Research topic – Problem definition: Determine a common business challenge of interest. This could be a potential
dissertation topic, although it is still too early to define. Describe the problem from a research perspective along with its
significance in society. This is a simple paper that guides the rest of your research design projects later in the course.
The paper will cover the following:
ï‚· Definition of the problem
ï‚· Significance of the problem
ï‚· Research questions to be answered (with corresponding hypotheses)
This assignment averages 300 to 500 words for most, please keep it short and simple. This will set you up for your
Quantitative Research Design and Qualitative Research Design projects.
Unit 4-1 DQ #1: Data collection is one of the most challenging steps that prevent learners from completing their master thesis.
What challenges do you foresee in collecting your data? What are some strategies you’ll deploy to overcome these
challenges? Focus on quantitative designs.
Unit 5-1 DQ #1: What is your detailed plan for conducting a research study? How would you make a clear connection between
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business needs and the research?
Unit 5-2 Quantitative Research Design: Create a plan for a quantitative research design based on your topic. Your plan will
include the following:
ï‚· Research problem
ï‚· Purpose of research
ï‚· Significance of research
ï‚· Quantitative Research questions and hypotheses
ï‚· Research design and rationale for its selection
ï‚· Research methodology and rationale for its selection
ï‚· Be sure to include basic data collection considerations including sampling, population description, data collection
procedures and feasibility of data collection
ï‚· Instrument description and validation
ï‚· Statistical analysis methods
This assignment averages 1,000 to 1,200 words for most, please keep it short and simple. You’re not here to summarize
the theory or give definitions. Please apply the concepts directly to your topic of interest
Unit Discussion Questions:
Class participation will be valued at 300 points (30% of the final grade). The course has 5 units of study and research. At the beginning
of the course, the learner and faculty member will determine a schedule that best fits the learner’s life pressures (usually within a 10-
week duration). Based on this agreed upon schedule, the faculty will hold the learner accountable to the agreed upon schedule of unit
completions, keep in mind you have 3 months at most to complete this course.
Please keep the responses to approximately 300-500 words per discussion (DO NOT exceed 500 words per unit DQ). Use examples
to illustrate your understanding. Also, be sure to cite properly with every response, since this is a very basic skill and something that
makes your writing look like a scholar.
Note: When you have completed all assignments in a Unit, upload it onto the Blackboard learning system. The system will
automatically notify your professor; feedback from your professor will occur within 7 business days. ...Read Less
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