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Regis University Operations And Supply Chain Management Assignment Help - strong correlation

Question - In many fast food restaurants, there is a strong correlation between a menu item's fat content
(measured in grams) and its calorie content. We want to investigate this relationship. Using all of the
food menu items at a well-known fast food restaurant, the fat content and calorie contents were
measured. We decide to fit the least-squares regression line to the data, with fat content(x) as the
explanatory variable and calories (y)as the response variable. A scatterplot of the data (with
regression line included), and a summary of the data are provided. One of the menu items is a
hamburger with 107 grams of fat and 1410 calories.

r = 0.979 (correlation between x and y)
= 40.35 (mean of the values of x)
= 662.88 calories (mean of ...Read More

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