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Need help with my Hardware Software assignment to develop Automatic control system

Question - Course Title : Hardware Software Co-deignTa s k 1 Write the specification of LOAD MOVER(detailed of the whole design and precise for automatic control section). Requirement : 1.It should be able to move 35 kgs. 2.It can be operated wirelessly, manually and automatically. 3.It can detect hindrances and take decision to avoid them. 4.It can store a map of 2 x 3 points to move on automatically.(A, B, C, D, E, F) 5.Map can be updated by serial port. 6.It can take snap of each load and store it in SD card. 7.It can climb a slope of 4 feet. 8.The weight panel should be around 1.5 x 3 feet. 9.It can talk to the customer and respond to fixed five questions. 10.It should run on battery (battery charger). 11.Decide the Processor/ASIC/ ...Read More

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