Need Help with MIS6323 Object Oriented Java Assignment
Question -
MIS 6323
Object Oriented Systems
Fall 2011
Homework Four
Q1: Student Application
Create a base class Student that has the following attributes:
Student ID (int),
Student’s name (String),
Student’s address (String), and
letterGrade (char).
Now create classes UnderGradStudent, GradStudent and NonDegreeStudent that inherit from Student. The child classes have the following additional properties
UnderGradStudent - major (String), year (freshman, sophomore, etc), exam1Score (double), exam2Score (double), and exam3Score (double).
GradStudent - department (String), advisor (Person), thesisGrade (char) and examScore (double)
NonDegreeStudent - creditHours (int), assignScore (double) and examScore (double).
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constructor, accessor, mutator methods for all these classes. In addition, create all methods required to complete the application as described below.
Letter Grade for each student type is to be computed as follows:
UnderGradStudent: gpa is computed based on the following information
Graded activity Maximum Score Weight
Exam1Score 50 25%
Exam2Score 100 45%
Exam3Score 250 30%
TotalScoreLetterGrade>=85 A
>=70 B
>=60 C
< 60 F
ThesisGradeExamScoreLetterGradeA Does not matter A
B >= 90 A
B >= 80 B
B < 80 C
C >=80 C
C < 80 F
Graded activity Maximum Score Weight
AssgnScore250 25%
ExamScore100 75%
TotalScoreLetterGrade>=80 A
>=70 B
>=55 C
< 55 F
Now write a driver program to do the following:
Accept input for new Students
Accept student id for a student and then list the names of all the students who have the same advisor as the student. Clearly if the student is not a graduate student, there is no advisor and you should print an appropriate message. You will use the method in the Person class for this functionality.
List the name of the Students along with their letter grade.
Display student information for all the students that are there in the system.
Exit the system after writing all information to a file.
The Person class is as described below:
It contains four instance variables: one each for the name, area, title, and yearsOfEmployment. It should have appropriate constructors and accessor and mutator methods. In addition, it should have a method to check if two persons are the same. This method will accept another person object as a parameter and check if the calling object and the parameter object both have the same name, area, title and yearsOfEmployment. If so, the method should return true, else it returns false. The GradStudent class definition should include a Person type as an instance variable.
See sample .jar (and .dat) program provided. Your submission should have the same functionality as demonstrated by the sample application. To execute a jar file, put it in the same folder as the .dat file. Using the command-line interface, navigate to the folder containing the jar file together with the .dat file and enter the following command:
java –jar StudentApplication.jar
Submit a zipped folder containing ONLY the files described below:
The .java files for this assignment.
The data file with the records containing all data for the pets given in the testdata file. You must therefore execute your program and enter data for all the students listed in the testdata file. The resultant studentdata.dat will therefore contain all the data I have provided as testdata. This will enable the TA to more easily grade your homework.
The zip file should be named using your name and the chars “hw4â€. You will be penalized 15% of the grade if your submission does not follow these requirements. Your submission should have a total of six java files.
You will get zero points if your program does not compile.
An example similar to this homework is enclosed with this document. Studying that example will give you some idea about how best to deal with this assignment.
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