National University Operations And Supply Chain Management Assignment Help - Assignment
Question - The following are the names of the proposed tables, their attributes and the suggested types. There is
also a new treatment table to handle recorded announcements. The comments show what the fields
are about and their type. Foreign Keys are shown as "references" comments.
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The following are the names of the proposed tables, their attributes and the suggested types. There is
also a new treatment table to handle recorded announcements. The comments show what the fields
are about and their type. Foreign Keys are shown as "references" comments. TABLE:
FACILITIES //represents things like lines or trunks that can be connected to //during a call PORTID
integer address integer //unique TABLE: LINES //represents lines
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connecting subscribers //to the
switch including their directory number PORTID integer references portid in
facilities AREACODE integer OFFICECODE integer STATIONCODE integer CHANNEL integer
//always 0 (lines only have one channel) STATE string //"busy" or "idle" LCA string //e.g. "Ottawa1",
"Ottawa2", "Orleans3" TABLE: TRUNKS //trunks that connect to other (foreign)
switches PORTID integer references portid in faclities FOREIGN_SWITCH string //name of other
switch TABLE: SERVICES SCODE string //e.g. "CFD", "CFB", "3WC" SERVICE string //e.g. "Call
Forward", "Call Waiting", ... TABLE: SERVICE_SUBSCRIBERS //matches lines to the services they
use LINEID integer references portid in lines, or facilities SERVICECODE string references scode in
services TABLE: CALL_FORWARD_NUMBERS //Describes where to forward calls for subscribers
with //The call forward service PORTID integer //id of subscriber line references portid in lines, (or
facilities) AREACODE integer //area of number to forward call to OFFICECODE integer //office of
number to forward call to STATIONCODE integer //station of number to forward call to TABLE:
TREATMENTS //Desribes announcement devices that can be connected to for providing
announcements like "Sorry the number you have called is not in service". A call can be connected to a
treatment device instead of a line or trunk. TCODE string //e.g. "BSY", "NVS",
"INV" PORTID integer references portid in facilities CHANNEL integer //0..23 just like at T1
trunk TREATMENT_NAME... ...Read Less
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