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Make My Operations Management Assignment and choose SouthWest as airline

Question -
Diploma in Accounting (DACCF) – Full Time (Batch 3)
Operations Management & Value Chain (OMVC)Continuous Assessment 2
(Group Assignment) – 10%
Form into teams of 3-5 students per group.
Select an airline (eg. SIA, Qantas, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Air-Asia, Tiger Airway etc) and study into the following four (4) areas:
Area Question Mark allocation
1 Which competitive strategy is adopted by the airline? Justify your answer.
2 marks
2 Discuss any three (3) determinants of service quality that your team considers them to be important for the airline.
3 marks
3 Discuss the internal layout design of the aircraft with the help of pictures or sketches.
2 marks
4. Give three (3) tactics on how the ai ...Read More

Solution Preview - ategy by Southwest Airlines PAGEREF _Toc375871649 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc375871650 \h 2Strategies PAGEREF _Toc375871651 \h 2Service Qualities of Southwest Airlines PAGEREF _Toc375871652 \h 3Internal Layout Design of Southwest Airlines PAGEREF _Toc375871653 \h 4Operating Cost PAGEREF _Toc375871654 \h 6Strategies PAGEREF _Toc375871655 \h 7Refer

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