Help me with my ITECH5401 Professional Communication for Intercultural Communication Assignment
Question - ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !16Individual Assignment (Essay) Worth 15% Type A Final essay due date: Week 7 (Refer course description for specific due date and time) Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to evaluate professional communication aspects within an industry in relation to the various elements covered, and to demonstrate the ability to communicate the key issues through a written essay. Intercultural Communication The world is becoming more and more a global village. Many countries are becoming more and more multicultural. I
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ntercultural communication is, thus, becoming one of the most significant means to share ideas, views, technological innovations and resources locally and around the globe. Discuss the following aspects in your essay: •The importance of Intercultural Communication in the global view of the world. •The role of social media such as, Facebook in Intercultural Communication. •The impact of Intercultural communication on the Communication competence. •The effect of Intercultural Communication on social, political and cultural values. •The effect of various types of communication (verbal, non-verbal, written and visual) on Intercultural Communication.
ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !26 Students will prepare a 2500 word essay (not including references). The assignment is to be completed individually. This is NOT a group assignment. Please refer marking criteria for more detailed breakdown of marks. * Hurdle Requirement- A requirement that MUST be completed so as to be eligible for obtaining marks in the subsequent tasks (Tasks 2-5). That is, Task 1 does not bear any marks but failing to complete the Task 1 will result in Tasks 2-5 NOT assessed and as such, NO marks can be obtained. It is expected that the essay will provide a balanced view of the issues discussed. Presentation of your Essay •Essays are to be presented according to the information contained in the University Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work (see •In the essay, you are expected to write in paragraph style with an introduction and a conclusion. The use of bulleted/numbered lists should be avoided and headings (if any) kept to a minimum (no more than 5). DueWeight1)Draw up a timetable that identifies the various stages of development in the writing of your essay and allows sufficient time for each stage. This timetable should include activities in each week.Week 4 during tutorialHurdle requirement*2)Produce an Annotated Bibliography for a total of 9 sources as below- Research the topic using books, journals and reputable websites. As a minimum, your research should include at least three (3) books (may be online books), at least three (3) journal articles (may be online journal articles) and at least three (3) internet sites (general websites except Wikipedia), total of 9 sources, all of which are used to provide you with the background for your essay. Week 4 during tutorial2.5%3)Produce a detailed concept map showing as much as you can find out about the topic. (Archee, Gurney & Mohan, 2013, p.371) Week 5 during tutorial2%4)Draft essay using strategies 4Ps, 5Ws and 1H (Archee et. al., 2013, p. 300) along with a detailed essay outline (Archee et. al., 2013, p.372). Week 6 during tutorial2.5%5)Final Essay Week 7 (Refer the Course Description)8%
ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !36•Essay should be presented in the following order and format (Archee et. al., 2013, pp. 374-375): a)Cover page; b)Abstract; c)Table of contents (Auto-generated); d)Introduction; e)Sections; f)Conclusion. •Essays with unsupported personal opinions will be marked down, as will those that make excessive use of direct quotes (no more than 8 lines in total). •Incorrect APA referencing will also be penalised. Your essay should include both a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of the wider reading you have done to familiarise yourself with the topic. •Any direct quotation from one of your sources (i.e. anything that you have not written yourself) must be referenced (cited) in-text (as well as included in the reference list); if the quotation is more than three lines in length it should be formatted in its own paragraph indented 0.75 cm, single-spaced, with font size 10; if it is three lines or less it should be surrounded by quotation marks (double inverted commas). This is normal practice, which you should always follow. •The vast majority of your essay should consist of your own writing whether paraphrasing a specific section of a source or synthesizing ideas from a number of sources. Paraphrasing should also be accompanied by in-text citation (as for a direct quotation). •If you use a source either with a direct quotation or by paraphrasing and do not cite it, you are guilty of plagiarism (refer to the course description). Plagiarism It is important to learn from the work of others and you are encouraged to explore the library, World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other students. However, work for the assessment must be entirely your own work. *Important* Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if you can demonstrate the work is your own and you took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.
ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !46Plagiarism is a serious offence. As set out in the University Regulation 6.1.1. students who are caught plagiarising will, for a first offence, be given a zero mark for that task. A second offence will result in a failing grade for the course involved and any subsequent offence will be referred to the Student Discipline Committee. information they use in assignments. A copy of the University’s citation guides can be found on the university’s web site. It is imperative that students cite all sources of information. Archee, R., Gurney,M. & Mohan,T. (2013). Communicating as Professionals (3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning.
ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !56Marking Guide name:________________________________ Ta s kNo marks- HURDLE RequirementTimetable that identifies the various stages of development in the writing of an essay.Included minimum of 60 hours of work.hoursMarks AllocatedList of three books (with full references)/3List of three websites (with full references)/3List of three journals (with full references)/3Relevance of resources/6Evaluation of resources/10Total (Weight 2.5%)/25Ta s kMarks AllocatedConcept Map Structure/5
ITECH5401 Professional Communication School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering!CRICOS Provider Number: VIC 00103D, NSW 01266K, SA 02235JPage ! of !66 Concept Map Relationships/5Concept Map Exploratory/5Evaluation of communication/5Total (Weight 2%)/20Ta s kMarks AllocatedDraft writing with 4Ps Strategy/7Draft writing with 5Ws Strategy/8Ideas from concept map, 4Ps and 5Ws/5Relating ideas with the theme/5Total (Weight 2.5%)/25Ta s k sMarksEssay •Introduction •Development of discussion (structure) •Conclusion •Grammar, spelling, punctuation •Writing style •Paraphrasing •Understanding of reading •Evidence of Research/30Presentation of essay/5Referencing/5To t a l (Weight 8%)/40 ...Read Less
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In today’s globalized world modern organizations face a number of challenges when they expand their business in foreign countries. A company will be able to succeed only when it finds an opportunity in the cultural diversity of the foreign countries to develop the company’s intercultural communication compe