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Help me with BL 5051 Consumer Protection Law Assignment Allergic Contact Dermatitis Reaction - Piz Buin Sun Cream

Question - Assessment 2: BL 5051: CONSUMMER PROTECTION LAW

Module Leader: H. Ndi

Case Study Coursework

Submission Date 21st January 2014 By 3pm
Weighting 70% weighting
Word Count: 2,500 words
Font: Work must be typed: Arial or Tahoma format
Font size: 12
Line Spacing: 1.5
Presentation: Coursework must be accompanied by a coursework cover
Referencing: You must reference Sources used in the body of your
answer. You MUST use Harvard method
Bibliography: Full Bibliography at the end of your written work
Cases cited: In the body of the written work in bold with the full citation.
E.g. Smith v Jones (2001) 2AER 19
Statutes cited: Use capitals for the name of the statute or legislation e.g.
The General Product safety Regulat ...Read More

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