Do My Supply Chain Management Assignment
Question - Assessment Instructions
Assessment 1: Group Assignment, 20% of Module Weighting
Ten minutes presentation (followed by ten minutes o f questions and answers) on the following
area. The aim of this assessment is to promote lear ning, individual development and
collaborative working ethics amongst student’s grou p members.
Presentation Topic:
Choose a company that you know well. Explain how th at company has developed a distinctive
advantage over its competitors in selling its produ ct or services. In your presentation you have to:
Describe the company of your choice
Identify the distinct advantage that this company has over its competitors. For example, is
the distinct advantage
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from service or price, etc.?
Explain as to how this distinct advantage is deliv ered by the company, from a supply chain
point of view.
The students should share real life experiences, wh erever possible. Students are also
encouraged to use their knowledge gained from the c ourse to make assessment of their current
work place, and propose how current practices can b e improved using alternative approaches.
However, students with no working experience or not in this field could cite a real world case and
provide in-depth analysis to the case.
B. Explain the benefits provided by the supply chai n management to the stakeholders and
the organization
E. Analyse the organization’s supply chain integrat ion strategies to ensure effectiveness and
F. Be able to undertake an analysis of the organiza tion’s supply chain operations
The ability to conduct research.
The ability to analyse data and information.
The ability to think and read critically.
The ability to make an oral presentation.
To assist students in developing professional atti tudes, values, skills, and strategies
that will foster success in their careers and in li fe.
To prepare students to meet the ever changing need s of their communities now and
in the future.
Assessment 2: Individual Assignment, 30% of Module Weighting
i) Assignment Submission: All assignment copies are to be handed in to lectur ers on the
specific due date agreed upon.
ii) Assignment Brief: Working individually
Describe the purchasing, operations, distribution and logistics functions in that
company that you have selected for your group prese ntation.
Evaluate the practices of these functions to deliv er the value or the distinct advantage
that the company, or its supply chain, is offering to its customers?
Suggest tools and models that can be used to impro ve or enhance this value in the
operations of the business, or its supply chain man agement practices.
You are required to consult and fully reference a M INIMUM of 5 references from 3 different
sources (e.g., book; www; journal article from the full-text databases; current affairs magazine;
newspaper etc.). The use of WIKIPEDIA online encycl opedia is NOT allowed. The word range of
this essay is about 1,500 words.
The article must fulfill the following requirements :
More marks will be awarded for reports which provi de more detailed discussion and in-
depth analysis with adequate referencing to supply chain theories, conc epts and
models .
iii) Assignment Format:
The essay should be presented as follows:
Introduction - Outline
the purpose of this essay (about 100 words) and pr ovide key
information about the selected organization (about 100 words).
Body - Describe
the value that the company is offering to its cust omers, and the probable
issues faced by the organization, which may adverse ly affect those functions in delivering
that value (about 500 words). Analyse
the possible impact on the company from these
probable issues (about 500 words).
Conclusion - Reinstates point you introduced and gives improveme nt recommendation, if
necessary (about 100 words)
Recommendations – Propose solutions to the issues that have been raised. (20 0 words)
Referencing - All sources referred to in your essay, including an y diagrams, must be
referenced to in-text and be included in a full ref erence list at the end of the assignment,
according to the APA system of referencing. Use the following Kaplan resource to assist
you to do this accurately and consistently:
iv) Assignment Style
The reference above will also supply you with the A ssignment Style rules followed in Kaplan. In
short, the main things to apply are as follows: 1. Write your name clearly on the cover page using the Lecturer’s Comment Form
2. Your assignment should be type-written.
3. Spacing 1.5 with font size 12 using Arial font s tyle.
4. Include page no.
5. Include a Reference Page at the end of your assi gnment.
v) Policies
(For detailed policy information, please consult y our Study Guide)
The penalties for plagiarism and collusion per Kap lan Singapore Academic Policy (found
in your Student Handbook) will apply for any breach es.
Late submission of assignment copies handed in to program managers will have marks
deducted in accordance to the Kaplan Singapore late submission policy.
Assignments must be submitted in Soft copy via Turnitin and in Hard Copy* to the
lecturer on the due date. The hard copy must include the printout of the Turn itin Receipt
which shows the ‘similarity’ percentage breakdown.
*When submitting toTurnitin do not include the assi gnment cover sheet or reference
list. However, these must be submitted in the hard copy submission
C. Describe the core aspects of purchasing, operati ons and logistics in supply chain
D. Be able to evaluate the best practices for an or ganization to integrate the core aspects of
supply chain management to deliver improvements in efficiency and effectiveness
G. Evaluate and apply supply chain management tools and models to ensure that the
supply chain is optimally structured
The ability to conduct research.
The ability to analyse data and information.
The ability to think and read critically.
The ability to enhance intellectual curiosity and awareness of culture and diversity.
To assist students in developing professional atti tudes, values, skills, and strategies
that will foster success in their careers and in li fe.
To prepare students to meet the ever changing need s of their communities now and
in the future.
All KAPLAN Higher Education Diploma and Diploma Bridgin g modules use the APA
referencing and
citation format. Please make yourself familiar wit h this style at the
beginning of your studies so you are able to use it to keep track of source material
during research.
KAPLAN Academic Works and APA Guide
: Follow this link to download and save-
http://kaplan- Works_and_APA_Guide
_2013_v2.pdf ...Read Less
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