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Do MGT521 University of Phoenix Week Four Knowledge Check

Question - Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to 
centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit 
employee participation? 
A.Cultural style 
B.Autocratic style 
C.Democratic style 
D.Laissez­faire style 
The ________ style of leadership describes a leader who tends to value employee 
participation, including in such areas as decision making and deciding on work methods 
and goals. 
Which of the ...Read More

Solution Preview - onceptsMasteryQuestions Early Leadership Theories100yb 123 Contingency Leadership Theories100yb 456 Contemporary Leadership Theories100yb 789 Five Sources of Leader Power67yb 101112 Goals of Organizational Behavior100yb 131415 The Big Five Model100yb 161718 Attribution Theory100yb 192021 Concept: Early Leadership Theories Mastery100ybQuestions123

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