Buy Red Star China Case Review
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Red Star China (A)
Discovering the Essence of GuanxiLate in September 2002, Howard Zhao stood at the window of the 21st floor office in Pudong where he worked as a senior vice-president (Brokerage) at Red Star Shipping Company. Though, it was early in the morning, Howard’s mind was agitated with thoughts about what, if anything, might have gone wrong in his attempt to build guanxi (connections) with Pan Weidong, director of Logistics at Nanjing ZP Chemical Company (NCC), a sino-German joint venture.
To be continued..
Solution Preview - ble of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Background: PAGEREF _Toc404251437 \h 1Issues: PAGEREF _Toc404251438 \h 1Long Term: PAGEREF _Toc404251439 \h 1Short Term: PAGEREF _Toc404251440 \h 1Analysis: PAGEREF _Toc404251441 \h 1Alternatives: PAGEREF _Toc404251442 \h 2Criteria: PAGEREF _Toc404251443 \h 2Decision: PAGEREF _Toc404251444 \h 2Programming the